Prerequisite: EEL 4102 - Linear Systems
Catalog Description:
Dr. Ravi Sankar, Professor of Electrical Engineering
Office Phone: (813) 974-4769; Office Location: ENB 368
Course Homepages:
Homework Policy: Everyone is recommended to do the homework earnestly since it will be a good preparation for the exam.
Design Project (optional): A hardware design project can replace one of the software projects or can be considered for extra credit (max 10%); Students are encouraged to discuss this option by the second week of classes and must submit a short proposal (one page) describing the project goals for instructor's approval.
Exam Policy: All exams are closed books and notes. One page reference sheet for formulas and definitions is allowed but NO homework or any other worked out examples. There will be NO MAKE-UP for a missed exam without prior approval from the instructor (with sufficent advance notice given) except in the case of a documentable medical emergency.
Academic Dishonesty Policy: Students are reminded that University policies pertaining to academic dishonesty commonly found in both UG and G catalogs will be applied in this course (any form of cheating on exams or plagiarism on assigned homework and projects will result in an F grade and further suspension or expulsion from the University with NO warnings given). It is the student's responsibility to review and understand USF and EE Department policies and procedures on Acdemic Conduct, Dishonesty, and Disruption.
Attendance Policy: Students who anticipate the necessity of being absent from class due to the observation of a major religious observance must provide notice of the date(s) to the instructor, in writing, by the second class meeting.