Jie Zhang
Former Ph.D. Student and Current Post-doctoral Researcher 

Ph.D. Dissertation: Numerical simulation of flow in ozonation process

Web site: http://jiez.weebly.com/

Academic Experience

Post-doctoral Researcher
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of South Florida (USF), Tampa, FL. 2014 - Present

Graduate Student Researcher
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, USF, Tampa, FL. 2010 - 2014

Graduate Student Researcher
National Laboratory for Computational Fluid Dynamics, Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Beijing, China. 2008 - 2010.


Ph.D. Civil Engineering
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of South Florida (USF), Tampa, FL. 2010 - 2014

M.Sc. Fluid Mechanics
National Laboratory for Computational Fluid Dynamics, Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Beijing, China. 2008 - 2010.

B.E. Aircraft Design and Engineering
School of Aeronautics Science and Engineering, Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Beijing, China. 2004 - 2008.

Research at USF

Applications of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) to water and wastewater treatment. Large-eddy simulation of turbulence on inner shelves.

  1. Zhang, J., A.E. Tejada-Martinez, D. Lei, and Q. Zhang (2016) "Indicators for technological, environmental and economic sustainability of ozone contactors", Water Research, 101, 606-616.
  2. Ouedraogo, F., P. Cornejo-Warner, J. Zhang, A.E. Tejada-Martinez, Q. Zhang and J. R. Mihelcic (2016) "Impact of sludge layer geometry on hydraulic performance of a waste stabilization pond in Bolivia", Water Research, 99, 253-262.
  3. Zhang, J., A. E. Tejada-Martinez, and Q. Zhang (2016) "Rapid analysis of disinfection efficiency through computational fluid dynamics", Journal AWWA, 108, E50-E59.
  4. Kinyua, M. N., J. Zhang, F. Camacho-Cespedes, A. E. Tejada-Martinez, S.J. Ergas (2015) "Fate and transport mechanisms and performance of small-scale tubular anaerobic digesters in the Monteverde Region of Costa Rica", Biochemical Engineering Journal, 107, 35-44.
  5. Zhang, J., A.E. Tejada-Martinez and Q. Zhang (2014) "Developments in computational fluid dynamics-based modeling for disinfection technologies over the last two decades: A review", Environmental Modelling & Software, 59, 71-85.
  6. Zhang, J., A.E. Tejada-Martinez and Q. Zhang (2014) "Evaluation of LES and RANS for determining hydraulic performance of water disinfection systems", ASME Journal of Fluids Engineering, 136, 121102 (9 pages).

  7. Zhang, J., A.E. Tejada-Martinez, Q. Zhang and H. Lei (2014) "Evaluating hydraulic and disinfection efficiencies of a full-scale ozone contactor using a RANS-based modeling framework", Water Research, 52, 155-167.

  8. Verbyla, M.E., S.M. Oakley, M. Iriarte, L.A. Lizima, J. Zhang, A.E. Tejada-Martinez and J.R. Mihelcic (2013) "Taenia eggs in a stabilization pond system with poor hydraulics: Concern for human cysticercosis", Water Science and Technology, 68, 2698-2703. University Press.

  9. Zhang, J., A.E. Tejada-Martinez and Q. Zhang (2013) "Energy losses in RANS simulation of flow in a multi-chambered ozone contactor", Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 139, 1150-1157.

  10. Zhang, J., A.E. Tejada-Martinez and Q. Zhang (2013) "RANS simulation of the flow and tracer transport in a multi-chambered ozone contactor", ASCE Journal of Environmental Engineering, 139, 450-454.