Redwan Alqasemi, Ph.D.
Research Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering (ME)
Lead Researcher, Center for Assistive, Rehabilitation and Robotics Technologies (CARRT)
College of Engineering (ENG)
University of South Florida (USF)
4202 East Fowler Avenue, ENG 030
Tampa, FL 33620-5350
Phone.: +1-813-974-2115
Fax: +1-813-974-3539
Office Location: ENG 007, USF Tampa Campus
Research Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering (ME)
Lead Researcher, Center for Assistive, Rehabilitation and Robotics Technologies (CARRT)
College of Engineering (ENG)
University of South Florida (USF)
4202 East Fowler Avenue, ENG 030
Tampa, FL 33620-5350
Phone.: +1-813-974-2115
Fax: +1-813-974-3539
Office Location: ENG 007, USF Tampa Campus
Dr. Redwan Alqasemi earned his BSc, MSc, and PhD degree in Mechanical Engineering in 1994, 2001, and 2007 consecutively. He is currently a research professor at the University of South Florida's Mechanical Engineering Department and a lead researcher at the Center for Assistive, Rehabilitation and Robotics Technologies (CARRT). Dr. Alqasemi is a senior member of IEEE society, a member of the National Academy of Inventors (NAI), and a board member of the Lifeboat Foundation Scientific Advisory Board. He served as a panelist for several NSF/NIH programs and the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Rehabilitation Research & Development Service (RRDS) program. Dr. Alqasemi has published more than 200 technical papers in national and international journals and conferences in the field of robotics and assistive/rehabilitation technologies, and he is an Associate Editor for the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), and for MDPI Sensors Journal. His research interests include: rehabilitation robotics and assistive technologies, human-robot interaction and controls, virtual reality simulation, haptic interfaces, and brain-computer interfaces. His Wheelchair-Mounted Robotic Arm project was recognized by IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine as one of the world's assistive robotic systems and compared it to 19 different systems worldwide. Two of the most visible projects he worked on are the Brain-Computer interface to control a robotic arm using EEG brain signal; and the Virtual Reality for Vocational Rehabilitation (VR4VR) to train persons with disabilities on job-related skills using immersive virtual reality environment with tangible objects. Dr. Alqasemi holds four full US patents, several provisional patents, and some of his work is ready for commercial use.
Dr. Alqasemi is currently teaching the following course(s):
Robotic Systems
Crosslisted for graduate section (EML 6801) and undergraduate section (EML 4930).
- The purpose of this course is to understand the science and engineering of mechanical manipulation from the prospective of Kinematics.
- This course requires basic knowledge in statics, dynamics, linear algebra, and higher-level programming. Students will use MATLAB, Python and/or Robotics Operating System (ROS) to work on homework and projects. Introductory controls course is desired but not necessary.
- The topics included in this course are: Introduction; Spatial Descriptions and Transformations; Manipulator Kinematics; Inverse Manipulator Kinematics; Jacobian: Velocities and Static Forces; Trajectory Generation; and Robot Programming and Simulation.
- You can see a sample syllabus of this course by clicking HERE.
- All class lectures related to this course can be reviewed through the course's YouTube channel:
These YouTube videos are meant for review only, and they are not a replacement for in-class lectures.
Dr. Alqasemi's reseach interests include: rehabilitation robotics, assistive technologies, human-robot interaction, robot controls, virtual/augmented reality simulation, graphical user interfaces, haptic interfaces, and brain-machine interfaces.
For more information and details about Dr. Alqasemi's research projects, please visit CARRT's research website at: CARRT Research - Projects
The following is a list of Dr. Alqasemi's recent projects: Robotic Teleoperation to Autonomy through Machine Learning.
Live Drone Control using the Brain-Machine Interface
Vision-Based Assistive Technologies for Persons with Visual Impairments
Wheelchair Mounted Robotic Arm (WMRA)
WMRA Robotic Gripper
Using Virtual Reality and Robotics Technologies for Vocational Evaluation, Training and Placement
Smart Power Prosthetic Control through Augmented Reality Goggles
Neural Network Speech Recognition
Laser Assisted Real-Time and Scaled Telerobotic Manipulator Control with Haptic Feedback for Activities of Daily Living
Adaptive Recreation
Adaptive Driving Simulation
Wearable Sensors

The following is a list of Dr. Alqasemi's recent projects:

Dr. Alqasemi has published more than 200 international journal and conference papers in the field of robotics, assistive technologies, and virtual reality simulation.
For a list of his publications, please visit CARRT's research website at:
For his most recent publications and citations, please visit his Google Scholars profile at:
For another source of his publication and citation, please visit his ResearchGate profile at:
Dr. Alqasemi has two labratories at USF's CARRT, and has access to a third CARRT laboratory. The following is a list of these laboratories and a breif description of each:
Assistive and Rehabilitation Robotics (ARR) Laboratory: (Located in ENG 19A lab)
This laboratory houses most of the robotics projects, with the following facilities: Workbenches for hand tool machining, prototyping, electronics and circuits design and assembly; A testing apparatus that includes a door, shelving system, kitchen environment and haptics; Several robotic systems designed for research in rehabilitation and assistance; Several desks and workstations for 6-7 graduate students.
Equipment in this facility include the following: Wheelchair Mounted Robotic Arms I and II (WMRA I&II); 562 PUMA 6DOF robotic arm; Research Robotics Corporation (RRC) 7-DOF workstation robotic arm; Baxter Robot with 2 arms, 7-DOF each; Three NAO humanoid robotics (Aldebaran Robotics); PowerBot Mobile platform; G.Tec 8-channel Brain-Computer Interface; Emotiv Epoc 14-channel and Emotiv Insight 5-channel Brain-Computer Interface; Magic Leap One Augmented Reality system; HTC VIVE Virtual Reality System; Phantom Omni haptic devices (6); BarrettHand gripper; Spaceball; Basic Stamp Works Kits; Mechatronics Kits; Digital Servo Workshop; Automotive Transducer Kit; LabVIEW Virtual Instruments with multi-channel digital data acquisition and systems control; Activities of Daily Living (ADL) testing apparatus (door, steering wheel, light switches, shelving, sink with faucet kitchen environment); AEVIT drive by wire hand controls from Electric Mobility Control; SSI driving simulator; Hands free wheelchairs; Omnidirectional mobile platform; HP Agilent 54520A Oscilloscope; Two instrument cards (NI PCI-6229); Bertec Split Belt Instrumented Treadmill; CNC Mill; Laser cutter; Rapid prototyping machine.
Rehabilitation Robotics & Prosthetics Testbed (RRT) Laboratory:
(Located in RRT lab)
This laboratory houses most of the virtual reality, augmented reality, and prosthetics projects, with the following facilities: Motion analysis area for data collection; Design and education area; A set up area, for measurements and preparations of the subjects prior to data collection; A testing apparatus that includes a door, shelving system, and steering wheel will be located here to test prosthetic motion during activities of daily living; Various ramps, a gait platform, and a gravel pit will be located in the motion analysis lab to allow for testing of lower limbs prostheses in different environments; The design and education area has a workbench for prototyping of prosthetic terminal devices; The education area also includes cubicles for 4-5 graduate students to analyze data and come up with new design concepts.
Equipment in this facility include the following: Virtual Reality equipment that includes 180o curved screen, two meshed projectors, head-mounted displays, various sensors, workstations and VR software; An infrared Vicon motion analysis system including; 8 MX-T20S cameras each with 2.0 mega pixel resolution, up to 690 frames/second; Software: Vicon Nexus, Tracker, Bodybuilder, Polygon, Analysis toolkit; Two Bonita 720c video cameras; Two AMTI OR6-7-1000 biomechanics force platforms with amplifiers; ATI 6 axis force transducer with amplifier; A testing apparatus that includes a door, shelving system, and steering wheel will be located here to test prosthetic motion during activities of daily living; Various ramps, a gait platform, and a gravel pit will be located in the motion analysis lab to allow for testing of lower limbs prostheses in different environments.
Simulation and Virtual Reality (SVR) Laboratory:
(Located in IDR 114 lab)
This laboratory houses the CAREN system and related projects, with the following facilities: CAREN Virtual Reality system; Design and education area; Machining area; A prepping area for subjects testing on CAREN system; Workbenches for hand tool machining, prototyping, electronics and circuits design and assembly; Several desks and workstations for 3-4 graduate students; Heavy machining area for manufacturing of designed parts.
Equipment in this facility include the following: As part of an NSF MRI (award # 1229561), the University of South Florida became the first non-Department of Defense institution in the United States to obtain the CAREN (Computer Assisted Rehabilitation ENvironment) Extended system. The CAREN is a versatile, multisensory system for clinical analysis, rehabilitation, and registration of the human balance system. Core components of the CAREN Extended system include the D-flow control software, the motion capture system, the 6-DoF motion platform including an instrumented split-belt treadmill with force measurement system, and a 180-degree cylindrical projection. The system installation and training finished in February 2014 and USF IRB approval for human experiments to be conducted on the CAREN was authorized in May 2014.
This laboratory houses most of the robotics projects, with the following facilities: Workbenches for hand tool machining, prototyping, electronics and circuits design and assembly; A testing apparatus that includes a door, shelving system, kitchen environment and haptics; Several robotic systems designed for research in rehabilitation and assistance; Several desks and workstations for 6-7 graduate students.
Equipment in this facility include the following: Wheelchair Mounted Robotic Arms I and II (WMRA I&II); 562 PUMA 6DOF robotic arm; Research Robotics Corporation (RRC) 7-DOF workstation robotic arm; Baxter Robot with 2 arms, 7-DOF each; Three NAO humanoid robotics (Aldebaran Robotics); PowerBot Mobile platform; G.Tec 8-channel Brain-Computer Interface; Emotiv Epoc 14-channel and Emotiv Insight 5-channel Brain-Computer Interface; Magic Leap One Augmented Reality system; HTC VIVE Virtual Reality System; Phantom Omni haptic devices (6); BarrettHand gripper; Spaceball; Basic Stamp Works Kits; Mechatronics Kits; Digital Servo Workshop; Automotive Transducer Kit; LabVIEW Virtual Instruments with multi-channel digital data acquisition and systems control; Activities of Daily Living (ADL) testing apparatus (door, steering wheel, light switches, shelving, sink with faucet kitchen environment); AEVIT drive by wire hand controls from Electric Mobility Control; SSI driving simulator; Hands free wheelchairs; Omnidirectional mobile platform; HP Agilent 54520A Oscilloscope; Two instrument cards (NI PCI-6229); Bertec Split Belt Instrumented Treadmill; CNC Mill; Laser cutter; Rapid prototyping machine.
This laboratory houses most of the virtual reality, augmented reality, and prosthetics projects, with the following facilities: Motion analysis area for data collection; Design and education area; A set up area, for measurements and preparations of the subjects prior to data collection; A testing apparatus that includes a door, shelving system, and steering wheel will be located here to test prosthetic motion during activities of daily living; Various ramps, a gait platform, and a gravel pit will be located in the motion analysis lab to allow for testing of lower limbs prostheses in different environments; The design and education area has a workbench for prototyping of prosthetic terminal devices; The education area also includes cubicles for 4-5 graduate students to analyze data and come up with new design concepts.
Equipment in this facility include the following: Virtual Reality equipment that includes 180o curved screen, two meshed projectors, head-mounted displays, various sensors, workstations and VR software; An infrared Vicon motion analysis system including; 8 MX-T20S cameras each with 2.0 mega pixel resolution, up to 690 frames/second; Software: Vicon Nexus, Tracker, Bodybuilder, Polygon, Analysis toolkit; Two Bonita 720c video cameras; Two AMTI OR6-7-1000 biomechanics force platforms with amplifiers; ATI 6 axis force transducer with amplifier; A testing apparatus that includes a door, shelving system, and steering wheel will be located here to test prosthetic motion during activities of daily living; Various ramps, a gait platform, and a gravel pit will be located in the motion analysis lab to allow for testing of lower limbs prostheses in different environments.
This laboratory houses the CAREN system and related projects, with the following facilities: CAREN Virtual Reality system; Design and education area; Machining area; A prepping area for subjects testing on CAREN system; Workbenches for hand tool machining, prototyping, electronics and circuits design and assembly; Several desks and workstations for 3-4 graduate students; Heavy machining area for manufacturing of designed parts.
Equipment in this facility include the following: As part of an NSF MRI (award # 1229561), the University of South Florida became the first non-Department of Defense institution in the United States to obtain the CAREN (Computer Assisted Rehabilitation ENvironment) Extended system. The CAREN is a versatile, multisensory system for clinical analysis, rehabilitation, and registration of the human balance system. Core components of the CAREN Extended system include the D-flow control software, the motion capture system, the 6-DoF motion platform including an instrumented split-belt treadmill with force measurement system, and a 180-degree cylindrical projection. The system installation and training finished in February 2014 and USF IRB approval for human experiments to be conducted on the CAREN was authorized in May 2014.