Fillipe D M de Souza

Summer 2015 Research Scientist Intern at PARC/Xerox, Webster, NY
PhD Candidate in Department of Computer Science and Engineering
University of South Florida, Tampa, FL


I am currently a 4th-year PhD candidate from the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at the University of South Florida. My advisors are Dr. Sudeep Sarkar and Dr. Anuj Srivastava and my research interests broadly span topics in computer vision and machine learning. In particular, my PhD research is focused on employing algebraic structures from Grenander’s general pattern theory to provide structural representation and probabilistic inference models of semantic structures from videos. This summer, I am a research scientist intern at PARC/Xerox working on the design of algorithms for optimization of object models for detection and recognition tasks.



Master of Science in Computer Science
Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais
Belo Horizonte, MG Brazil (2009 - 2011)

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz
Ilhéus, BA Brazil, (2005 - 2009)


Digital Integrated Circuit Designer
CI Brazil Program, NSCAD/Inf/UFRGS (2009)
Duration: 6 months

Software Testing Analyst (with internship at Motorola Ltda.)
Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (2008 - 2009)
Duration: 9 months


COP3514 Program Design, Summer 2012

In this course, around 50 students were effectively enrolled. It took place three times a week with office hours scheduled for twice a week with duration of 2 to 3 hours depending on the demand. The evaluation process was based on 4 in-class exams, 4 programming projects and 10 sets of homework.

The syllabus of this course can be found at here.

Teaching Assistance

Fall 2012, Network Security, (w/ Dr. Yao Liu)
Fall 2012, Software Testing, (w/ Dr. Les Piegl)
Spring 2012, Software Engineering (w/ Dr. Les Piegl)
Fall 2011, Computer Network I (w/ Dr. Miguel Labrador)


2014 IEEE ICPR: Best Scientific Paper Award
Title: Pattern Theory-Based Interpretation of Activities
[ PDF ] Track 2: Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning
2011 ACM MM: Multimedia Grand Challenge
"News Browsing System: Multimodal Analysis"
Special Prize on the Best Integration of Multimedia Media
(See website)

Selected Publications


Temporally Coherent Interpretations for Long Videos Using Pattern Theory [poster #13, Jun 8, on Monday]
de Souza, F.D.M.; Sarkar, S.; Srivastava, A.; Su, J.
Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (IEEE CVPR '15)


Pattern Theory-Based Interpretation of Activities [oral presentation]
de Souza, F.D.M.; Sarkar, S.; Srivastava, A.; Su, J.
22nd International Conference on Pattern Recognition (IEEE ICPR '14)
[ 1409 submissions, 14% accepted for oral, 42% accepted for poster ]
Best Scientific Paper Award on Track 2
[PDF] [Supplementary Material]

Rate-Invariant Analysis of Trajectories on Riemannian Manifolds with Application in Visual Speech Recognition [oral presentation]
Su, J.; Srivastava, A.; de Souza, F.D.M.; Sarkar; S.
Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (IEEE CVPR '14)
[ 1807 submissions, 5.76% accepted for oral, 29.88% papers accepted ]


Rate-invariant comparisons of covariance paths for visual speech recognition
Su, J.; Srivastava, A.; de Souza, F.D.M.; Sarkar; S.
4th National Conference on Computer Vision, Pattern Recognition, Image Processing and Graphics (IEEE NCVPRIPG '13)


An Evaluation on Color Invariant Based Local Spatiotemporal Features for Action Recognition
de Souza, F.D.M.; Valle, E.; Chávez, G.; de A. Araújo, A.
25th Conference on Graphics, Patterns and Images (SBC SIBGRAPI '12)


Color-Aware Local Spatiotemporal Features for Action Recognition
de Souza, F.D.M.; Valle, E.; Chávez, G.; de A. Araújo, A.
Progress in Pattern Recognition, Image Analysis, Computer Vision, and Applications (CIARP '11)

News browsing system: multimodal analysis
Teixeira, B.N.; Oliveira, J.E.E.; de Souza, F.D.M.; Cunha, T.O.; Araújo, A.A.; Okamoto, C.; Figueiredo, L.; Silva, V.O.; Oliveira, I.C.L.;
Proceedings of the 19th ACM international conference on Multimedia (ACM MM '11)


Violence detection in video using spatio-temporal features
de Souza, F.D.M.; Valle, E.; Chávez, G.; de A. Araújo, A.
23rd Conference on Graphics, Patterns and Images (SBC SIBGRAPI '10)

EVEREVIS: event recognizer in video scenes
Oliveira, R.S.; Cunha, T.O.; de Souza, F.D.M.; de Oliveira, J.E.E.; de Albuquerque Araújo, A.;
Proceedings of the International Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces (ACM AVI '10)
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