There is often a clear impression of the difference between Science
and Engineering. However, in many cases the distinction is murky.
In the area of vacuum science and technology for example, were
Edison's efforts to improvement vacuum pump technology driven by
the desire to explore low pressure environments or solve the
inventor's problems associated with filament failure? This workshop
will focus on different aspects of the natural and physical sciences
as they relate to the observations that are possible because of
the different pressure environments that can be generated with
a vacuum system. However, it will also direct your attention to
engineering perspectives of these same phenomena and the
impact those engineering perspectives have had on our lives.

The success of this workshop relies on the predictable events that
occur when the pressure of an environment is manipulated. Pressure
results from the influence gas molecules have on their surroundings.
The earth is surrounded by a mixture of gases referred to as
the "atmosphere". This atmosphere extends from the earth's
surface to approximately 1000 km, with most of the atmosphere
below 10 km. Up to that altitude, its composition is primarily
nitrogen (78%) and oxygen (21%). The remaining one percent
contains Ar, CO2, He, Kr, Xe, CH4, H2 and H2O. All gas molecules
in the atmosphere are in constant motion, undergoing millions of
collisions with other gas molecules or surrounding surfaces every
second. The results of these collisions is the exertion of an average
force per unit area in all directions. At sea level and 25 _C, this
force per unit area is defined as 1 atmosphere of pressure and
is approximately 100,000 Newtons per square meter ( 1 Pascal)
or 14.7 pounds per square inch. The internationally accepted
non- geographic specific definition of one Atmosphere (1 Atm)
is the pressure exerted by a 760 mm column of mercury having
a specific gravity of 13.595 g/cm^3 at O_C.

The random motion characteristic of molecules in the gas state are
key to describing the pressure of an environment. The kinetic
theory of gases provides an aid to visualizing the influence pressure
has on a system. One of the main assumptions of the kinetic theory
of gases is that gas molecules are in constant motion and thus have
kinetic energy. The velocity at which gas molecules travels is directly
dependent on the temperature and inversely dependent to the mass.
Heaver molecules move slower than light ones and all molecules move
faster if the temperature is increased.

The distance molecules can travel before a collision reflects the pressure
that is exerted by these molecules. The average distance a gas molecules
travels before it collides with another gas molecule is referred to as its
mean free path. At atmospheric pressure the mean free path is extremely
short, about 6 x 10-5 mm. As the pressure is lowered the mean free path
distance increases dramatically. More details about mean free path are
provided in the APPENDIX and an experiment for determining this
characterizing parameter will be discussed in the workshop.

One of the first recorded attempt to measure atmospheric pressure was
Otto Von Guericke's famous Magdeburg hemisphere experiment reported
in 1672. In this experiment, Von Guericke tried to separate two evacuated
hemispheres with two teams of horses. The experiment was conducted at
the time as a bit of successful showmanship. It will have the same effect
in your classroom today. A smaller scale version of the experiment using
two vacuum plates made of Plexiglas sealed with an O-ring will do the
trick. The drawings for making this set of plates is also provided in
the APPENDIX section of this workbook.

In summary, this workshop will deal with the interesting science and
engineering aspects of systems that are at various pressures other
than 1 Atm. The workshop has a "hands on" formate but there are
several lecture and group exercises interspersed to help keep the
concepts under consideration in focus. The overall goal for this experience
is to provide perhaps a different perspective of the interaction between
science and engineering with ample examples of how the manipulation
of pressure can bring this perspective to the students in your classes.

The workshop begins with a general introduction to today's technologies
that rely on a predictable vacuum environment. It continues with a
review of popular demonstrations but then quickly ventures into what
might be considered new ground to find other possible applications for
vacuum in the high school science curriculum. The entire workshop has
been designed to provide you with as many different leaning experiences
as time will permit. However, the intent is not to send you away saturated
and exhausted but to have you reluctantly leave stimulated and pleased.