Concepts of Steel Design
CES 4605
CES 4605 Syllabus (
INSTRUCTOR: A. Gray Mullins, Ph.D., P.E., Assistant Professor OFFICE: ENG 044 PHONE: (813) 974-5845 FAX: (813) 974-2957 EMAIL: OFFICE HOURS: MW 11:00-12:00, or by appointment CLASS MEETS: MW 12:30-1:45 LIF 261 TEXTBOOK(S): AISC Manual of Steel Construction-Load and Resistance Factor Design
McCormac, Jack C., Structural Steel Design LRFD Method, Harper and Row, NY.
Bound copy of lecture topics available at Pro-Copy on Fowler Avenue.CREDIT HOURS: 3 hours of Engineering Design
COURSE OBJECTIVES:This course provides an introduction to structural steel design concepts through the use of the AISC design code. The course extends the concepts of Structures I through the design of tension members, compression members, beams, and beam columns; and bolted, welded, and riveted connections. The course objectives are as follows:
-To provide the students the tools necessary for designing steel structures
-To familiarize the students with local and national design codes.
-To provide an understanding of Load and Resistance Factor Design and differentiate it from Allowable Stress Design.
Students are strongly encouraged, but not required, to attend all class sessions. It is the student's responsibility to submit all homework assignments on time and to answer homework and exam questions on topics covered or discussed in class which are not covered in, or in contradiction with the textbook.
RELIGIOUS OBSERVANCE POLICY:No student will be compelled to attend class or sit for an exam in conflict with his/her religious belief. In such situations, the student must provide prior notification to the instructor in writing. The student will be given a reasonable opportunity to make up such work. This will be done on a case-by-case basis only for those religious days listed in the University Calendar of Religious Holy Days. This policy will in no way contradict that of the university-wide policy for religious observance.
All homework on a given topic must be submitted during class, one week after the completion of that lecture topic if the student wishes the work to be graded. Homework is not required to be submitted, but it is strongly recommended for the successful mastery of the topics on which the examinations are based. In the event of an exceptional circumstance, a student may submit late work on a case-by-case basis at the discretion of the instructor.
All work, both homework and examination submissions, must be clear and orderly. Each problem must be accompanied by a reasonably scaled sketch of the design which is clearly lettered. Pertinent code references should be included where possible. Although no computer output is required, all penmanship must be clean; unclear work may be penalized. All work should stand alone and be self explanatory as if it were a final copy of design calculations for archival. Letter grades will be determined on the basis of two examinations as follows:
- Mid-term 100 points
- Final 100 points
Final course grades will be based on the average of the examination grades
90 - 100 A
80 - 89 B
70 - 79 C
60 - 69 D
0 - 59 F
Work that have not been collected by the students and exams will be discarded three months after the end of the semester. Students may obtain copies of their graded exams, but not the original.
ACADEMIC DISHONESTY POLICY:Academic dishonesty is not tolerated under any circumstances. Cheating on an exam is an honors violation and will result in an F grade for the course.
S-U GRADE POLICY:This course is not offered on an S-U grading basis for students in the CEE department. Students from other departments may request an S-U grade in writing within the first three weeks of the semester.
INCOMPLETE GRADE POLICY:If a student feels that he/she will not be able to complete the minimum required work prior to the end of the semester, then the student may request in writing the assignment of an "I" grade (incomplete). An "I" grade will be granted only under extenuating circumstances provided the student has a "C" grade or better at the mid-term. This will be done on a case-by-case basis at the discretion of the instructor.