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EML3041: Computational Methods: Fall 2015 |
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Numerical methods are techniques to approximate mathematical procedures (example of a mathematical procedure is an integral). Approximations are needed because we either cannot solve the procedure analytically (example is the standard normal cumulative distribution function)
or because the analytical method is intractable (example is solving a set of a thousand simultaneous linear equations for a thousand unknowns). In this course, you will learn the numerical methods for the following mathematical procedures and topics - Differentiation, Nonlinear Equations, Simultaneous Linear Equations, Interpolation, Regression, Integration, and Ordinary Differential Equations. Calculation of errors and their relationship to the accuracy of the numerical solutions is emphasized throughout the course. Complementary resources for the course have been made specific for the syllabus of the USF EML3041 course. It is in your best interest to use them to enhance your course experience (in many cases this interest will get reflected in your course grade. Read tweets, poems, nursery rhymes, get alumni advice and listen to a rap song about the numerical methods course.
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