
Spring 2015


Course Number: EML 3041




Credit Hours: 3


Pre‑Requisites  MAP 2302: Differential Equations, EML 3035: Programming Concepts for Mechanical Engineers, EML3500 Mechanic s of Solids, EGN3343 Thermodynamics


Course Website: Go to the CANVAS course.  Click on Piazza.


Class Location & Time:

EDU 115

MW 2:00PM - 3:15PM.


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Numerical methods are techniques to approximate mathematical procedures (example of a mathematical procedure is an integral). 

Approximations are needed because we either cannot solve the procedure analytically (example is the standard normal cumulative  distribution function)


or because the analytical method is intractable (example is solving a set of a thousand simultaneous linear equations for a thousand unknowns for finding forces in a truss). 

In this course, you will learn the numerical methods for the following mathematical procedures and topics - Differentiation, Nonlinear Equations, Simultaneous Linear Equations, Interpolation, Regression, Integration, and Ordinary Differential Equations.  Calculation of errors and their relationship to the accuracy of the numerical solutions is emphasized throughout the course. 

  1. Students will be able to develop mathematical models of lower level engineering problems.
  2. Students will be able to calculate, quantify, and minimize errors, concept of significant digits and know how errors are related to correct number of significant digits.
  3. Students will know to solve nonlinear equations numerically.
  4. Students will be introduced to fundamental matrix algebra concepts and shown how to solve simultaneous linear equations numerically.
  5. Students will know how to curve fit (interpolation and regression) discrete data.
  6. Students will know how to numerically integrate continuous and discrete functions.
  7. Students will know how to numerically solve ordinary differential equations that are initial value or boundary value problems.

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In the course EML 3041 Computational Methods, the program objectives are met as follows (The letters in the brackets given at the end of each outcome corresponds to the outcomes of the Mechanical Engineering program at USF)


1.       Apply the concept and steps of problem solving - mathematical modeling, solution and implementation. (e)

2.      List the steps of concepts of error - identification, quantification and minimization of errors.  Understand error sources of round off and truncation error.  Introduce the concept of machine epsilon and significant digits, and its relation to relative errors.  Reinforce these concepts in all the numerical techniques. (a)

3.      Find how derivatives of functions can be calculated numerically (a,e).

4.      Find real roots of nonlinear equations of the form f(x)=0 using bisection method and Newton-Raphson method. (a, e)

5.      Develop methods to solve simultaneous linear equations.  Use Naive Gauss Elimination to obtain a solution.  Show how Gaussian elimination with partial pivoting reduces round off error.  Show how the LU Decomposition method works to find solution for multiple right hand arrays or inverse of a square matrix.  (a, e, n)

6.      Develop methods to fit a curve to given data points via interpolation and regression.  Develop direct and spline interpolation methods of interpolation.  Develop how to find linear and nonlinear regression models for give data. (a, b, e, n)

7.      Develop methods of integration such as Trapezoidal rule and Gauss-Quadrature to find integrals of continuous functions.  Develop methods of integration for discrete functions based on Trapezoidal rule, interpolation and regression models (a, e, m)

8.      Develop Euler’s method, Runge-Kutta and shooting methods to solve ordinary differential equations that are coupled and/or higher order, initial-value or boundary value problems. (a, e, m)



a)                 an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science and engineering;

b)                 an ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data;

c)                  an ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs;

d)                 an ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams;

e)                 an ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems;

f)                   an understanding of professional and ethical responsibility;

g)                 an ability to communicate effectively;

h)                 the broad educational necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global and societal context;

i)                   a recognition of the need for and an ability to engage in life long learning;

j)                     knowledge of contemporary issues; 

k)                 an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice;

l)                   a knowledge of chemistry and physics with depth in at least one.

m)              an ability to apply advanced mathematics through multivariate calculus and differential equations.

n)                 a familiarity with statistics and linear algebra;

o)                 an ability to work professionally in both thermal and mechanical systems areas including the design and realization of such systems.


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Autar Kaw

Office Location: ENC 2215

Telephone: 813‑974-5626


Office Hours:

Monday 10:30am-11:45 am

Wednesday 3:30pm-4:30pm


call 813‑974-5626 for making an appointment for consultation outside office hours


Skype me at autarkaw during office hours.


Ask questions via Piazza.

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Name: Benjamin Rigsby

Location: ENG205

              Office Hours: 

Tuesday: 11:30am-1pm
Wednesday: 3:30pm-4:30pm
Thursday: 2:30pm-4pm



call 813-396-9350 for making an appointment for consultation outside office hours


Ask questions via Piazza.


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1.       Numerical Methods with Applications: Customized for Mechanical Engineering of University of South Florida (USF)
By Autar Kaw, Egwu Kalu

Go to for any discounts

Order now as it takes 5-7 days to get it by Fedex-Ground.  An online version of the part of the book that carries the first one week of lectures is available on the Blackboard site.  Most of the net proceeds from USF sales of the book are donated to the USF Foundation, USF Student Organizations, and several other charities.

2.      Your MATLAB book for EML 3035 (The one written by Kaw & Miller OR Chapman).  Either and any edition of book is good.

3.      Buying MATLAB software for home use is optional. 

a)     You can always use MATLAB free of charge in LIB 125C (first floor lab in the Library), and other open labs except EDU open lab. 

b)     The university has a program where you can access MATLAB online from anywhere (

c)      You may already have MATLAB when you took the EML3035 course. 


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Matlab overview and refresher:


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Only nonprogrammable calculators are allowed for class work, homework, and tests (except the concept test where no calculator or formula sheet is allowed).  The only acceptable calculators are TI-30Xa and TI-30Xa Solar (the solar and the new model have better display)  No other calculator is allowed.  No exceptions will be made  Office Depot, Staples, and Wal-Mart stock these calculators.  Bring the calculator to every class.


This new model is better as it has a clearer display.



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Techniques and computer programming tools to solve engineering problems using numerical methods.  Topics include roots of equations, matrix algebra, integration, differential equations and curve fitting.

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Total Weeks: 16

Day-by-day lecture schedule will be announced on Piazza.

Holiday: Monday January 19, 2015

Test 1: Monday  February 9, 2015, 2-3:15PM

Holiday: Monday March 2, 2015

Holiday : Wednesday March 4, 2015

Test 2: Monday March 23, 2015, 2-3:15PM

Test 3:  Monday April 20, 2015, 2-3:15PM

Concept test: Wednesday April 22, 2015, 2-3:15PM.

Final Exam: Monday April 27, 2015: 12:30PM-2:30PM, EDU 115


Chapter 1 4 lectures

Chapter 2 1 lectures

Chapter 3 2 lectures

Chapter 4 4 lectures

Chapter 5 3 lectures

Chapter 6 4 lectures

Chapter 7 3 lectures

Chapter 8 4 lectures


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Test#1, 2, 3

14%, 14%, 14%

Special Assignments/Computer Projects


Online CANVAS Quizzes


Concept Inventory


Final Exam





Tests#1, 2, 3: Each test is graded out of 100.  Tests are closed book and closed notes.  A formula sheet made by the instructor is allowed.


Special Assignments/Computer Project Reports  Computer project reports are due at the beginning of the class period they are due in.  If you are not coming to class, you can slip your report/special assignment under my door one hour before the class period begins on the day it is due.  If it is slipped after this time, it will not be graded.  Late reports are not accepted or graded.


Reports not submitted when they are due will be graded later only if you have a legitimate, verifiable, and documented excuse as given in the syllabus. Â Â You need to submit your report/special assignment on the first day you are back in class.


The special assignments will be given throughout the semester.  These may include submitting assigned HW problems for a grade, mini-projects, essays, in-class assignments such as minute papers, reflective resubmission of graded quizzes, etc.


Online Quizzes: These are online quizzes that get automatically graded and are taken on CANVAS before and after each lecture.


Final Exam: The final exam includes combination of multiple-choice and free response questions.  The final exam is comprehensive examination of all the topics covered in the course.


Concept Test: This is a test of the conceptual knowledge of the course.  The test is a multiple choice questions test with anywhere from 16-30 questions asked in a 75-minute test.


YOU SHOULD NOT RUSH TO MY CLASS as nothing is that important in life. I myself may get to come late to a class for something that is beyond my control or even with the best of planning. In the last 27 years of teaching, I have been late to class five times.


Curving the Grade: The adjustments made to your course grade is as follows and is made to the tests#1, 2, 3, concept test, and the final examination. 


If the average for students registered for the course (all withdrawal students and students missing the exam are not included in the calculation) for any of the tests is less than 70%, the difference is added to every registered student's grade for that test (exception include students missing a test for verifiable excuse, where adjustments are at the discretion of the instructor).


Guaranteed Grading Scale:

Grade A+  is 98‑100 (4.00)            ÂGrade  is 90-97 (4.00) ÂÂÂÂÂGrade A- is  86-89 (3.67)

Grade B+ is 83-85 (3.33)      ÂÂÂÂÂGrade B is 80-82 (3.00)       ÂÂÂÂÂÂÂGrade B- is 76-79 (2.67)

Grade C+ is 73-75 (2.33)      ÂÂÂÂÂGrade C is 70-72 (2.00)        ÂÂÂÂÂÂÂGrade €“ is 66-69 (1.67)

Grade D+ is 63-65 (1.33)      ÂÂÂÂÂGrade D is 60-62 (1.00)       ÂÂÂÂÂÂÂGrade D‑ is 56‑59 (0.67)

Grade F is 0‑55 (0.00).


Your final grade will be calculated as follows at the end of the course.  A number 0.999999 will be added to your overall percentage grade.  The integer part (INT function in Excel) of the grade will be recorded as your final grade.  Course grades will be evaluated on the above given percentages and a letter grade will be assigned to you as outlined in the University catalog for undergraduate students (2014-2015).


Course grades will be evaluated on percentage score and a letter grade will be assigned to you as outlined in the University catalog for undergraduate students (2014-2015). 


Do not wait until the last day before an examination or a test to ask questions. Graded assignments and quizzes not picked up when handed out in class can be picked up only during the above given office hours or at the end of the class. Â Graded assignments and tests not picked up by August 31, 2015 will be discarded. Final exams or concept tests are not returned.


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Attendance is not compulsory and you are responsible for topics covered in class, announcements made in class, homework assigned in class, and submitting lab reports and special assignments on time.


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Re-grading of a test, lab report, essay or computer project should be requested within five working days of it being returned to you.  Re-grading after the final grade is assigned for the course will be allowed only in extreme circumstances.  Mistakes in the grade book entries should be rectified as soon as possible to avoid any change of grade issues.  You will need a copy of all your graded tests for verification.  KEEP ALL YOUR GRADED PAPERS TILL THE FINAL GRADE IS ASSIGNED.


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Grades will be updated on


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NO make‑up tests will be given.  However, in the event of a serious illness (physician's statement documenting severity of illness required), death in the family or other legitimate, documented, verifiable emergency resulting in the absence from a schedule test, each case will be evaluated separately.  The decision of the instructor is final.  An example of a make-up score is that if you miss a test, you may be given the same grade as the final exam score in the missed topics, and so on.  Curving of make-up grades is discretion of the instructor.


Notification of absence must be given before the commencement of the scheduled examination or test to me.  You need to type a professional memo (see sample) about your absence addressed to me as soon as possible.  Attach any documentation with it (no e-mails will be accepted).


Do not presume that your reasons for missing an examination or test are acceptable unless authorization is given to you.


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Students who need to be absent under this rule must provide written notice of date(s) to me by the second-class meeting.  The request needs to be reasonable under university rules.



“Students in need of academic accommodations for a disability may consult with the office of Students with Disabilities Services to arrange appropriate accommodations. Students are required to give reasonable notice prior to requesting an accommodation.❠The website is

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If you are found cheating on any of the tests, exams, graded HWs, projects, you will get a 'FF’ for the whole course, and referred to the Dean's office for further process or appeal.

Academic disruption includes excessive side talking, lack of respect for your fellow classmates and the instructor, listening to music, cell phone distractions, solving crossword puzzles. These will be handled as per the undergraduate catalog of 2012-13.

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The following restates portions of USF Academic Policy from the USF Undergraduate Manual concerning the “incomplete❠grade, academic dishonesty, and disruption of academic process.  The faculty of the Department of Mechanical Engineering requests all students in the department to be informed of these policies.


Incomplete Grade Policy

“It may be awarded to an undergraduate student only when a small portion of the students work is incomplete and only when the student is otherwise earning a passing grade.â


Academic Dishonesty

“Each individual is expected to earn his/her degree on the basis of personal effort.  Consequently, any form of cheating on examinations or plagiarism on assigned papers constitutes unacceptable deceit and dishonesty.â


Penalties for Academic Dishonesty

“Penalties for academic dishonesty will depend on the seriousness of the offense and may include assignment of an “F❠or a numerical value of zero on the subject paper, lab report, etc., an “F❠or an “FF” grade (the latter indicating academic dishonesty) in the course, suspension or expulsion from the University.âÂ  In this course, a FF is assigned for any cheating in the assigned HW, quizzes and/or competency tests.


Disruption of Academic Process

“Disruption of the classroom or teaching environment is also unacceptable.  This cannot be tolerated in the University community, and will be punishable, according to the seriousness of the offense.â


Punishment Guidelines for Disruption of Academic Process

“Punishment for disruption of academic process will depend on the seriousness of the disruption and will range from a private verbal reprimand to dismissal from class with a final grade of “W,❠if the student is passing the course.  If the student is not passing, a grade of “F❠will be shown on the student record.  Particularly serious instances of disruption of the academic process may result in suspension or permanent expulsion from the University.â



All unauthorized recordings of class are prohibited.  Recordings that accommodate individual student needs must be approved in advance and may be used for personal use during the semester only; redistribution is strictly prohibited.

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In response to student requests and instructor observations, the following class rules will apply in this course:

  1. Put the cell phones on silent or vibrate.  Cell phones should be out of sight and not answered inside the classroom.
  2. No checking of e-mail or internet surfing in the class or during the breaks.
  3. No food or drink in the lab, a drink is allowed during the lecture.
  4. No talking during lecture (except for questions to instructor or discussion time).
  5. No reading newspapers or magazines or solving crossword puzzles, etc.
  6. No working on other coursework during lecture.
  7. No use of laptops.
  8. No use of portable electronic music devices (mp3 players, iPods, etc).


The purpose of these class rules is to eliminate activity that is disruptive to the academic process.  Most students view these as a common courtesy to the instructor and fellow students.  Failure to comply with a class rule will be viewed as a Disruption to the Academic Process  The penalty for such disruption is given in the syllabus.

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