2012 U.S. Professor of the Year
Professor, OCW advocate, socio-economic diversity champion, one-pony pedagogy assailant, UDL believer, replicating education-research studies supporter.
Autar Kaw is a professor of mechanical engineering and Jerome Krivanek Distinguished Teacher at the University of South Florida. He is a recipient of the 2012 U.S. Professor of the Year Award from the Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE) and Carnegie Foundation for Advancement of Teaching. Since 2002, under Professor Kaw's leadership, he and his colleagues from around the nation have developed, implemented, refined and assessed online resources for open courseware in Numerical Methods. This courseware annually receives more than a million page views, 900,000 views of the YouTube lectures and 150,000 annual visitors to the "numerical methods guy" blog. In October 2014, he published the open courseware on Introduction to Matrix Algebra. Professor Kaw's has written more than 80 refereed technical papers and his opinion editorials have appeared in the St. Petersburg Times and Tampa Tribune. His work has been covered/cited/quoted in Chronicle of Higher Education, Inside Higher Education, Congressional Record, Florida Senate Resolution, ASEE Prism (1 2 3), Tampa Bay Times, Tampa Tribune, Campus Technology, Florida Trend Magazine, WUSF, Bay News 9, Times of India, NSF Discoveries, Voice of America, and Indian Express. Professor Kaw received his BE Honors degree in Mechanical Engineering from Birla Institute of Technology and Science (BITS) India in 1981, and his degrees of Ph.D. in 1987 and M.S. in 1984, both in Engineering Mechanics from Clemson University, SC. He joined University of South Florida in 1987.
Professor Kaw’s
main scholarly interests are in engineering education research,
open courseware development, bascule bridge design, fracture mechanics,
composite materials, computational nanomechanics, and the
Professor Kaw has written several books on subjects such as composite materials, numerical methods, computer programming, matrix algebra, and engineering licensure examination. Professor Kaw is a Fellow of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) and a member of the American Society of Engineering Education (ASEE). He has also been a Maintenance Engineer (1982) for Ford-Escorts Tractors, India, and a Summer Faculty Fellow (1992) and Visiting Scientist (1991) at Wright Patterson Air Force Base. Amongst many awards, Professor Kaw has received the following awards at the national level: