%% Function name % TandTinv %% Revised: % 21 January 2014 %% Author % Michael Bornick, Trey Moore, & Autar Kaw % Section: All % Semester: Fall 2012 %% Purpose % Given the angle of the ply in degrees output the transformation % matrix and inverse transformation matrix %% Usage % function [T,Tinv] = TandTinv(angle) % Input Variable % angle=angle of ply in degrees % Output Variables % [T]=transformation matrix % [Tinv]=inverse transformation matrix % Keyword % transformation matrix % transformation of strains % transformation of stresses %% License Agreement % http://www.eng.usf.edu/~kaw/OCW/composites/license/limiteduse.pdf %% Testing code clc clear all % Testing for individual angle % Input desired angle in degrees angle=60; % Call function: TandTinv [T,Tinv] = TandTinv(angle); % Results for a particular angle fprintf('\n\nAngle of Lamina: %G\n\n',angle) disp('Transformation Matrix') disp('____________________________________') disp(T) disp('Inverse Transformation Matrix') disp('____________________________________') disp(Tinv)