%% Function name % beta_gtol %% Revised % 15 January 2014 %% Author % Younes Benkabbou, Trey Moore, & Autar Kaw % Section: All % Semester: Fall 2012 %% Purpose % Given the longitudinal and transverse coefficients of moisture % expansion of a unidirectional lamina, and the angle of the ply, % this function outputs the coefficients of moisture expansion for % an angle lamina. %% Usage % function [betaxy] = beta_gtol(beta12, angle) % Input variables % beta12=vector of moisture expansion of unidirectional lamina % in 1,2 direction % [beta12]=[beta1;beta2;zero] % beta1=longitudinal coefficient of moisture expansion. % beta2=transverse coefficient of moisture expansion. % beta12=in-plane coefficient of moisture expansion. % angle=angle of ply given in degrees. % Output variables % betaxy=vector of coefficients of moisture expansion for angle % in x,y direction % [betax,betay,betaxy] % Keyword % coefficient of moisture expansion % angle ply %% License Agreement % http://www.eng.usf.edu/~kaw/OCW/composites/license/limiteduse.pdf %% Code function[betaxy]= beta_gtol(beta12,angle) % Sine of the angle of the lamina s=sind(angle); % Cosine of the angle of the lamina c=cosd(angle); % Inverse Transformation Matrix T=[c^2 s^2 2*s*c; s^2 c^2 -2*s*c; -s*c s*c c^2-s^2]; % Reuter Matrix R=[1 0 0; 0 1 0; 0 0 2]; % Calculating the coefficients of moisture expansion for angle lamina betaxy=((R*inv(T))*inv(R))*beta12; end