Before COVID19 hit our lives, it was so easy for the student to submit a hard copy. Now with soft copies being asked for, they and the instructors have to learn a bit. So, I had this programming assignment before COVID19 closed our face-to-face classes. It involved handwritten pages, a published file, and writing out a short description of conclusions with equations in a word processor. The student would print them all out at home or at the university, and collate them. But now it has to be scanned and uploaded to the CANVAS learning management system. So, if these three types of documents were to be uploaded as one pdf file, what would you do. I am assuming that everyone has a smartphone (an iPhone or an android phone)
Print all the documents and scan the document as a pdf file
Print all the documents. Download the CamScanner app on your iPhone or Android and follow the instructions of this YouTube video.
Follow the directions up to the time it tells you how to email the document as I do not want you to email it to me.
a) Take the handwritten documents. Download the CamScanner app on your iPhone or Android and follow the instructions of this
Follow the directions up to the time it tells you how to email the document as I want you to upload it to CANVAS. b) For typing the pages that include equations, use MS 365 Word, and develop your document. Save it as a .docx file first, and only then save it as .pdf file. You can save a document as a pdf file within MS 365 Word itself.
a) Take photos of each handwritten page. Send the images to your email and save them on your computer. Insert images (Insert -> Pictures in Word Menu) of the handwritten work into an MS 365 Word doc. But check your file size. It can get too big for CANVAS to handle and your internet to upload. The limit may be 100MB. b) For typing the pages that include equations, continue with the MS Word doc. c) a MATLAB file can be published as a doc file. See Cut and paste it into the word doc. d) Save it as a .docx file first, and only then save it as .pdf file. You can save a document as a pdf file within MS 365 Word itself.