Numerical methods are techniques to approximate mathematical procedures ( an example of a mathematical procedure is an integral). Approximations are needed because we either cannot solve the procedure analytically (an example is the standard normal cumulative distribution function)
\[\frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi}}\int_{-\infty}^x e^{-\frac{u^{2}}{2}}du,\]
or because an analytical method is intractable ( an example is solving a set of a thousand simultaneous linear equations for a thousand unknowns for finding forces in a truss).
In this course, you will
Develop and use numerical methods for the following mathematical procedures and topics - Differentiation, Nonlinear Equations, Simultaneous Linear Equations, Interpolation, Regression, Integration, and Ordinary Differential Equations.
Calculate errors and their relationship to the accuracy of the numerical solutions is emphasized throughout the course.
Program via MATLAB to reinforce the fundamentals of the course as well as to solve intractable/real-life problems.)
Watch this video discussing what the crux of the course is.
Techniques and computer programming tools to solve engineering problems using numerical methods. Topics include roots of equations, matrix algebra, integration, differential equations, and curve fitting.
EML 3041
Computational Methods
T Th 11:00AM - 12:15 PM in CMC141
F 11:00 AM - 12:50 PM in CMC141
On-Campus: Delivery of the course is held on campus.
The class is taught in a blended manner where you come prepared with some basic knowledge of the pre-requisites. This preparation is ensured through graded online assignments. In the class, I will lecture and you will work individually and in groups on in-class ungraded exercises that I will bring with me. I and the TAs will be in the class to help you when you have a question about the exercises. After the class, you will do a few more ungraded problems to complete the expected learning level on the topic. Textbook pages are also assigned. Follow the Modules link in CANVAS to move sequentially on topics and keep up with the calendar for homework, test and project date deadlines.
We have face-to-face and Teams office hours conducted by the TAs and the instructor. We also monitor online CANVAS discussion boards. There are office hours every day of the week, and the instructor can meet you outside of office hours by appointment via Teams.
All exams are in-class, and no student will be taking exams online unless USF administration requires me to move class sessions coinciding with the exams to remote format. There will be no live online sessions, and no recordings of class sessions are available for the in-class sessions. Alternatively curated video lectures are already available in the Modules if you miss a class, but they are a mediocre substitute for the class experience. Handouts given in class would also be uploaded on CANVAS a few days after the class. You are highly encouraged to join us with your presence in class.
MAP 2302: Differential Equations
EML 3035: Programming Concepts for Mechanical Engineers
EML 3500: Mechanics of Solids
EGN 3343: Thermodynamics
The course is offered in an on-campus format, and you will need to be able to demonstrate proficiency at basic computer skills, maintain reliable internet access, and meet the computer system requirements listed here, plus an internal/external webcam with microphone capabilities. You should know how to 1) write basic programs in MATLAB with loops, conditional statements and functions 2) know how to print to a pdf file and combine pdf files 3) know use of a word processor that allows entry of scientific equations.
In this course, you will
Develop and use numerical methods for the following mathematical procedures and topics - Differentiation, Nonlinear Equations, Simultaneous Linear Equations, Interpolation, Regression, Integration, and Ordinary Differential Equations.
Calculate errors and their relationship to the accuracy of the numerical solutions is emphasized throughout the course.
Program via MATLAB to reinforce the fundamentals of the course as well as to solve intractable/real-life problems.
By the end of the course, the students will be able to
Develop mathematical models for solving complex engineering problems;
Reinforce programming skills using the MATLAB environment to solve intractable/real-life problems;
Calculate, quantify, and minimize errors in solving complex engineering problems where neat analytical solutions may not exist;
Solve the following types of problems numerically when needed in other courses and real-world applications:
Computation of derivatives and integrals
Nonlinear equations
Systems of simultaneous equations
Curve fitting (interpolation and regression) of discrete data
Integration of continuous and discrete functions
Ordinary differential equations (initial value or boundary value problems)
In the course, EML 3041 – Computational Methods, the program objectives are met as follows (The letters in the parenthesis given at the end of each outcome corresponds to the outcomes of the Mechanical Engineering program at USF)
Apply the concept and steps of problem-solving - mathematical modeling, solution, and implementation. (1)
List the steps of concepts of error - identification, quantification, and minimization of errors. Understand error sources of the round-off and truncation error. Introduce the concept of machine epsilon and significant digits and their relation to relative errors. Reinforce these concepts in all the numerical techniques. (1)
Convert decimal format to binary format and vice-versa, and relate the binary format to round-off error. Ability to write a binary number in fixed and floating point format including withn biased exponents.(1)
Find how derivatives of functions can be calculated numerically (1).
Find real roots of nonlinear equations of the form f(x)=0 using the bisection method and Newton-Raphson method. (1)
Develop methods to solve simultaneous linear equations. Use Naive Gauss Elimination to obtain a solution. Show how Gaussian elimination with partial pivoting reduces the round-off error. Show how the LU Decomposition method works to find solutions for multiple right-hand arrays or inverse of a square matrix. (1)
Develop methods to fit a curve to given data points via interpolation and regression. Develop direct and spline interpolation methods of interpolation. Develop how to find linear and nonlinear regression models for given data. (1)
Develop methods of integration such as Trapezoidal rule and Gauss-Quadrature to find integrals of continuous functions. Develop methods of integration for discrete functions based on Trapezoidal rule, interpolation, and regression models (1)
Develop Euler’s method, Runge-Kutta, and shooting methods to solve ordinary differential equations that are coupled and/or higher-order, initial-value, or boundary value problems. (1)
Acquire new knowledge through self-learning and metacognition in an online environment (7).
an ability to identify, formulate, and solve complex engineering problems by applying principles of engineering, science, and mathematics
an ability to apply engineering design to produce solutions that meet specified needs with consideration of public health, safety, and welfare, as well as global, cultural, social, environmental, and economic factors
an ability to communicate effectively with a range of audiences
an ability to recognize ethical and professional responsibilities in engineering situations and make informed judgments, which must consider the impact of engineering solutions in global, economic, environmental, and societal contexts.
an ability to function effectively on a team whose members together provide leadership, create a collaborative and inclusive environment, establish goals, plan tasks, and meet objectives
an ability to develop and conduct appropriate experimentation, analyze and interpret data, and use engineering judgment to draw conclusions
an ability to acquire and apply new knowledge as needed, using appropriate learning strategies
Each topic lasts 1-2 weeks. Each module has an overview, audiovisual lectures, assigned textbook and handout readings, and assessment. Some assessments following each module are ungraded while others are for grade. In the syllabus link, the ones for grade are marked with a “Due Date” and the ungraded ones have a “To Do” date. We do ungraded items in class too, such as polling questions, in-class exercises and projects that require programming.
I will be conducting on-campus sessions during the Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday class times. During the sessions, I will be asking you questions as an individual as well as in a group. These are a combination of knowledge, conceptual and procedural exercises.
Your grade is based on online assignments, computer projects, tests, Fundamentals of Numerical Methods test, and a final examination.
You can serve yourself well by
1) coming to class to listen to lectures, and participate in individual and group activities such as clicker questions (ungraded), free-response questions (ungraded), in-class programming projects (ungraded).
2) finishing the online assignments before the deadline,
3) studying the assigned textbook pages,
4) solving and/or peeking into the solution of assigned multiple-choice question set (ungraded), and
5) solving the assigned problem set questions from the textbook on this chapter (ungraded).
The assessments in the modules are formative assessments, meaning, that they are initial feedback to you so that you can identify what you have learned and what you need to work more on. Equally important, it also allows me to see what most of the class is struggling with and address that during the class sessions or supplemental instructional materials.
Only online assignments (15% of the grade) are part of the homework grade. You can retake the online assignment quizzes till the last day of class for partial credit in case you miss an assignment deadline. Ungraded items such as in-class exercises, multiple-choice quizzes and problem sets are equally important and more so as the ungraded items are most beneficial for the high-stakes unit tests, retakes of unit tests, fundamentals of numerical methods test and final examinations, which are worth a combined 75% of your grade.
There are eight tests – three unit tests, three retake tests of each unit test for partial credit (45% of course grade), Fundamentals of Numerical Methods test (5%), and one final examination (25% of course grade). Tests are all held during scheduled class time, and the final will be during the time slot of the final examination week.
There is one computer project (10% of course grade) that is broken into two mini-projects with two separate deadlines. The project is broken into two mini ones for two reasons – reduce the end-of-semester rush of completing a large project, but more importantly, receiving feedback on the first mini project and use that to improve your submission of the second one.
To be successful, you must keep up with the readings, graded and ungraded assigned homework, and class sessions held during class times. You are expected to put around 9 hours per week of work into the course.
A textbook titled, Numerical Methods with Applications (USF) is available free of charge
The complete PDF file is available.
The CANVAS modules have links by chapter.
The textbook is also given chapter by chapter in HTML format in one place.
If you want a hard copy because it is what you prefer, you can print the PDF copy yourself on a printer or buy it at cost.
The only acceptable calculators are TI-30Xa and TI-30Xa Solar (the solar and the new model (middle figure below) have a better display). You will be asked to show your calculator before starting a test. No other calculator is allowed. No exceptions are made. All major retailers like Target, Amazon, Walmart, Office Depot, Staples stock these calculators at their brick-and-mortar and online stores. Bring the calculator to every class session.
The reason for restricting the calculator type is so that you will get tested on the fundamentals of the course, and hence develop a solid foundation of applying numerical methods in your future courses and work
The formula sheet which is common for all unit tests and final exam and that is made by the instructor will be attached to the tests.
MATLAB program is used for programming projects. The software is available free of charge to USF students. Download the latest version so that we can easily help you with any programming questions. Some commands and options are added and subtracted with every version.
The following are different ways to access MATLAB in order of convenience and reliability.
You can download MATLAB on your computer at home.
If you have any problems with accessing MATLAB, email USF IT at
A textbook titled, Programming Concepts with MATLAB is available free of charge
The complete PDF file is available.
The CANVAS modules have links by chapter.
The textbook is also given chapter by chapter in HTML format in one place. This version is searchable.
If you want a hard copy because it is what you prefer, you can print the PDF copy yourself on a printer or buy it.
A desktop or laptop is required for the course.
A high speed internet connection is needed for emergency online mode and for office hours.
You need one of these, a cell phone or a tablet or a scanner, to be able to scan computer projects to make a PDF file. Camscanner is an app used by most students.
You will be asked to bring a pencil and eraser for tests, blank white or college ruled paper for in-class exercises, and additionally three sheets of engineering graph paper and a ruler to conduct in-class projects.
You need a webcam (internal or external) for online office hours. Buy a microphone if your webcam does not have one. A microphone, if available and if you can afford it, helps for clear communication during online communication.
Adobe Acrobat DC Pro is publishing software for viewing, creating, combining, and controlling Adobe PDF documents for distribution, collaboration, and data collection. For this course, you will use it to submit your project in the proper single file pdf format. You can install Adobe Pro for free; choose the Acrobat Pro software from the Creative Cloud collection.
For all computer projects, you will need to upload a single PDF file to CANVAS. Learn how to make a PDF file.
Microsoft Office 365 is available free to students of the University of South Florida System. Each individual is allowed installation on up to five devices at a time. It is available for PC and Mac.
Microsoft Teams 365 is is available free to students of the University of South Florida System. Teams 365 is a real-time video conferencing tool that lets you add files, share applications, and use a virtual whiteboard to interact.
Please follow the guidelines below when engaging in synchronous meetings.
Act professionally in the way you communicate. Treat your instructors and peers with respect, the same way you would do on a face-to-face environment. Respect other people’s ideas and be constructive when explaining your views about points you may not agree with.
Join the meeting on time or a few minutes early.
Make sure you are in a quiet area. Limit the background noise ( i.e. kids, pets, coffee shops, car noise, etc.). Make every effort to get to a location where others can hear you clearly.
Ensure there is proper lighting when using your video.
Mute your microphone when you are not speaking.
Honorlock is a remote proctoring service software that works within your web browser to monitor test-takers. Access additional information about Honor Lock
It is a common myth that EML3041 Computational Methods is an extension of the programming course. No, it is not - programming is however an essential part of how one learns computational methods. Programming is directly about 10% of the grade. The indirect part is the programming questions asked in the tests. Also, programming improves your numerical methods skills.
It is programming that you need to know; MATLAB is just the tool you use to program. We should not use these interchangeably. The best way to “review” programming is not by watching videos and not by going through someone else’s written programs. It is best to simply write programs.
Review the How do I do that in the MATLAB series? This series is highly helpful when you are doing the projects for the course.
Here is a list of short programs you could write. There are four sets of problems in the assignment. Do one set at a time. The first two sets meet minimal requirements, the second set would be a check of intermediate competency, and the last set would be nice.
However, if you are needing a deeper review, here are some resources where you can watch and see written programs. Because it would take time, I would not go through all of them and stop when you think you have enough to get started. They are in the order of what I would suggest.
Mathworks Onramp course:
Still needing help, take the Coursera course: Take the free route:
Still needing help, here are some lecture videos freely available from Vanderbilt University:
USF does have a computer lab which available for use to students. Use this option only if access to your own device is limited or unavailable.
For laptop rentals, the USF library does offer 5-hour rentals for students.
Autar Kaw is a professor of mechanical engineering at the University of South Florida. He has taught the Computational Methods course more than 60 times - that should be a plus. The course has gone through many changes and improvements. Many of these have been a result of feedback from students just like you who paid forward through course evaluations, surveys, and focus groups.
My teaching belief is to meet in the middle - a mix of
group work and individual,
traditional lecturing and flipped learning,
theory and applications
conceptual and procedural questions
single correct answer and open-ended applications
Learn more about my teaching philosophy.
Professor Kaw has conducted grant and contract work related to Computational Methods in the fields of adaptive learning analytics, thermal stresses, sports analytics, and mechanics of composite materials. His work in these areas has been funded by the National Science Foundation, Air Force Office of Scientific Research, Florida Department of Transportation, and Wright Patterson Air Force Base.
Funded by National Science Foundation (2002-2023), under Professor Kaw’s leadership, he and his colleagues from around the nation have developed, implemented, refined, and assessed online resources for open courseware in Computational Methods. This courseware annually receives 1,000,000+ page views, 1,800,000+ views of the YouTube lectures, and 90,000+ visitors to the “numerical methods guy” blog. This body of work is also used in the understanding of the impact of the flipped, blended, and adaptive settings on how well engineering students learn content, develop group-work skills and enjoy the course.
On the lighter side, I like to bike in the park, listen to music (mostly pop and rock & roll, but also rap and hip-hop), and am a movie buff. I like to hear a clever joke or two, and am under the illusion of telling a joke or two myself. I am professionally active on social media especially Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube. I rarely go to Facebook now but do have an active Facebook page on Numerical Methods. I also have a blog related to Numerical Methods and programming.
Office Location: ENC2215
Help Hours via face-to-face in ENG205 or Teams
Day of Week | Time | Conductor of Office Hours | Location |
Tuesday | 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM | Autar Kaw | ENC2215 and Teams |
Thursday | 1:30 PM - 2:30 PM | Autar Kaw | ENC2215 and Teams |
And by appointment (send me an email to with several available days/times).
My name is Jayendra (Jay) Patel, and I am a fourth-year Mechanical Engineering student. After taking Dr. Kaw’s computational methods course in Fall 2021 (in-person, fortunately), I developed a major interest in how numerical methods are used to simplify calculations and how this is applied in real applications. One aspect of the course which I really loved was learning about the problem-solving which went into developing each method; mathematicians and scientists needed to find ways to conduct calculations in a way that strikes a perfect balance between accuracy and speed, using different mathematical strategies and techniques to do so. Learning about this is what kept me interested throughout the semester.
In terms of succeeding in the course, a few things helped me keep a high average throughout the semester. Firstly, keeping up with the online assignments and coming to class or office hours with questions afterward. It may seem cumbersome at first, but it makes learning the material more quickly. Secondly, working to understand the material and not just solve the problems is incredibly important. This simple change in mindset helps you more than you would expect. Lastly, doing lots of practice problems before the exams is incredibly helpful.
Outside of academics, I love video games (mostly League of Legends), chess, animated shows, and reading. Feel free to chat with me about any of these things.
I look forward to talking with everyone during the semester!
Help Hours: ENG205 or Teams
Day of Week | Time | Conductor of Office Hours | Location |
Monday | 5:00 PM - 6:15 PM | Jay Patel | ENG205 and Teams |
Friday | 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM | Jay Patel | ENG205 and Teams |
My name is Gregory Sims, and I am a fourth-year Mechanical Engineering student. I enjoy playing Xbox, hanging out with friends, family, and my dog when I am not in school.
I took computational methods with Dr. Kaw in the Fall of 2021. My favorite aspect of the course was applying lectured concepts from the course in the projects. Programming is like a puzzle: trying to put together a complex string of commands that accomplish the desired goal. Learning about different computational methods and then being challenged to apply them via MATLAB kept me engaged throughout the class.
To succeed in this course, I suggest you pay attention in class. Good notes are nice to reference while working through practice problems and projects. Additionally, try not to blow off the derivations. Having a good understanding of how a process is derived can help you memorize equations the night before an exam.
I look forward to seeing everyone in class this semester!
Help Hours: Via Face-to-Face in ENG205 and Teams
Day of Week | Time | Conductor of Office Hours | Location |
Tuesday | 9:30AM - 10:45AM | Gregory Sims | ENG205 and Teams |
Wednesdays | 2:30 PM to 4:00 PM | Gregory Sims | ENG205 and Teams |
Are you one of the millions of college students who suffer from stress, sleep deprivation, or an Academic Status Report denial? Then you may have Fear of Meeting One-on-One with My Professor or FMOOWMP.
Office hours are held via Help hours are a chance for you to get help on homework; ask questions about the class; talk about connections between this class and other classes, and real-life applications. The help is generally student-directed, and we can help you by formulating questions based on our conversation.
We strongly encourage you to take advantage of this time with the TAs and me. Office hours are held face-to-face and on Microsoft Teams. The time, mode, conductor of office hours are given below.
Day of Week | Time | Conductor of Office Hours | Location |
Monday | 5:00 PM - 6:15 PM | Jay Patel | ENG205 and Teams |
Tuesday | 9:30AM - 10:45AM | Gregory Sims | ENG205 and Teams |
Tuesday | 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM | Autar Kaw | ENC2215 and Teams |
Wednesdays | 2:30 PM - 4:00 PM | Gregory Sims | ENG205 and Teams |
Thursday | 1:30 PM - 2:30 PM | Autar Kaw | ENC2215 and Teams |
Friday | 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM | Jay Patel | ENG205 and Teams |
In addition to office hours, you can use these three discussion boards.
Discussion for Course Procedure
Discussion Board for Computer Projects
But you can come to Dr. Kaw’s office hours or email Dr. Kaw as well at if it involves personal communication like excused absences, re-grading of a test, learning advice, etc. You need to get in the habit of using your email so that it is easily searchable for you as well as me. Also, sending and replying with attachments is simpler through email. I may move your email question to a discussion session as a courtesy or ask you to move it to the proper discussion forum. Emails and discussion questions are replied to within 24-48 hours (excluding weekends and holidays), if not sooner.
Emails of personal nature should be sent to Click here to read an article titled “How to write an email to their instructor?”
Course policy and course content questions can be directed to the discussion boards as well.
Discussion for Course Procedure
Discussion Board for Computer Projects
Emails are communicated only to addresses. If you are not using the email, you may be missing essential emails from USF which may be related to financial aid, grades, etc. You have several methods of access for your new Office 365 account. Read below for the option that you need.
Option 1: Go to Then, login with your USF NetID and password.
Option 2: Go to Then login with your USF NetID and password. Finally, select “USF Office 365” under the “Email” tab.
Option 3: You can download Outlook Desktop App for Mac and PC. Click here to access the download page.
Option 4: You can install Outlook App on your mobile device. Click here to get more information and training on this.
The course has eight major topics covered through 30 modules.
Please refer to the calendar and modules within Canvas for important deadlines and a listing of what topics will be covered.
The tentative schedule is as follows.
Week 1 | Introduction, Approximation & Errors Chapter 01.01 Introduction To Numerical Methods Chapter 01.02 Quantifying Errors Chapter 01.03 Sources Of Error Chapter 01.04 Fixed-Point Binary Representation of Numbers |
Week 2 | Chapter 01.05 Floating-Point Binary Representation of Numbers Chapter 01.07 Taylor Theorem Revisited |
Week 3 | Differentiation Chapter 02.00 Applied Problems Chapter 02.01 Chapter 02.01 Prerequisites to Numerical Differentiation Chapter 02.02 Differentiation Of Continuous Functions Chapter 02.03 Differentiation Of Discrete Functions |
Week 4 | Nonlinear Equations Chapter 03.00 Applied Problems Chapter 03.03 Bisection Method Of Solving A Nonlinear Equation Chapter 03.04 Newton-Raphson Method Of Solving A Nonlinear Equation |
Week 5 | Simultaneous Linear Equations Chapter 04.00 Applied Problems Chapter 04.01 Introduction To Matrix Algebra Chapter 04.06 Chapter 04.06 Gaussian Elimination Method for Solving Simultaneous Linear Equations |
Week 6 | Chapter 04.07 LU Decomposition |
Week 7 | Interpolation Chapter 05.00 Applied Problems Chapter 05.01 Background Of Interpolation Chapter 05.02 Direct Method Of Interpolation |
Week 8 | Chapter 05.05 Spline Method Of Interpolation Chapter 05.10 Length of A Curve |
Week 9 | Regression Chapter 06.00 Applied Problems Chapter 06.01 Prerequisites to Regression Chapter 06.03 Linear Regression |
Week 10 | Chapter 06.04 Nonlinear Models For Regression Chapter 06.05 Adequacy of Linear Regression Models |
Week 11 | Integration Chapter 07.00 Applied Problems Chapter 07.01 Prerequisites for Numerical Integration Chapter 07.02 Trapezoidal Rule Of Integration Chapter 07.06 Integrating Functions Given as Discrete Data Points |
Week 12 | Chapter 07.05 Gauss Quadrature |
Week 13 | Ordinary Differential Equations Chapter 08.00 Applied Problems Chapter 08.01 Chapter 08.01 Prerequisites to Numerical Methods for Solving Ordinary Differential Equations Chapter 08.02 Euler’s Method For Solving Ordinary Differential Equations |
Week 14 | Chapter 08.03 Runge-Kutta 2nd Order Method For Solving Ordinary Differential Equations |
Chapter 08.05 On Solving Higher Order and Coupled Ordinary Differential Equations | |
Week 15 | No exam week – Review - Wrapping it up. |
Week 16 | Final examination week. |
To improve your success, you should be engaged in the course inside and outside the classroom.
The in-class activity includes the following:
Attendance in the class will be taken. Attendance is not compulsory but is necessary for success in this course as well as in your professional life.
To enhance interactivity during scheduled class time, we will be using audience response systems (also called polling and clickers) to pose questions to you.
We will also be doing in-class exercises. You will also be expected to pick up the feedback on the in-class exercises so that you will gain from it.
The class engagement score is shown in CANVAS for you to track your engagement with the class. However, the weight of class engagement that includes attendance, doing in-class exercises, and picking up feedback is ZERO, but its correlation to the transcript grade is clear. Look at this graph and draw your own conclusions.
Coupling these activities with the assigned but ungraded problem sets would improve your success in units tests, retakes of unit tests, Fundamentals of Numerical Methods test and the final examination.
An attendance quiz on CANVAS will be used to count toward the first-week attendance policy. The quiz will be opened on Tuesday at 12:15 PM and will close at 11:00 AM Thursday of the first week of classes. Students who do not complete the first week’s activity by the due date will be dropped.
All the dates and assignments are tentative and can be changed at the discretion of the professor. All tests will be held in class unless the university decides otherwise because of an emergency.
Day | Date | Time | Item | Location |
Drop/ADD Deadline: Go to calendar | ||||
Monday | Jan 16 | Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday | ||
Tuesday | Feb 7 | 11am-12:15pm | Unit Test 1 | CMC141 |
Friday | Feb 24 | 11am-12:30pm | Unit Test 1 Retake for Partial Credit | CMC141 |
Tuesday | March 7 | 11am-12:15pm | Unit Test 2 | CMC141 |
Thursday | March 23 | 8am | Computer Project 1 | Online submission |
Withdrawal Deadline: Go to calendar | ||||
Tuesday | March 28 | 11am-12:00pm | Unit Test 2 Retake for Partial Credit | CMC141 |
Thursday | April13 | 8am | Computer MiniProject 2 | Online submission |
Tuesday | April 18 | 11am-12:15pm | Unit Test 3 | CMC141 |
Thursday | April 20 | 11am-11:50am | Fundamentals of Numerical Methods Test | CMC141 |
Friday | Apr 21 | 11am-12:30pm | Unit Test 3 Retake for Partial Credit | CMC141 |
Apr 24 - Apr 28 | Test Free Week | |||
Tuesday | May 2 | 10am-12 noon | Final Exam | CMC141 |
Category Weightage
Grade Category | Weight |
Online Assignments | 15% |
Retake of Online Assignments for Partial Credit | |
Unit Test 1 | 15% |
Unit Test 1 Retake for Partial Credit | |
Unit Test 2 | 15% |
Unit Test 2 Retake for Partial Credit | |
Unit Test 3 | 15% |
Unit Test 3 Retake for Partial Credit | |
Fundamentals Test | 5% |
Programming Projects | 10% |
Final Exam | 25% |
Online assignments: Distributed practice is essential to learning. These include online assignments which are graded automatically and instantaneously. Due dates/times are given on assignments.
Online Assignments for Partial Credit: Doing the online assignments by deadline is critical as it helps you to figure out what you know and what you need to work on, understand the class lectures, be ready with the prior knowledge from your pre-requisite courses, participate in the in-class conceptual, procedural and creative activities. Occasionally, you may miss a deadline, and you can do a retake for partial credit. If you miss a deadline because of a verifiable legitimate excuse, let me know. However, you can only get half of the improvement score. So for example, if you scored 3/10 in Chapter 01.01 online homework, and then a 7/10 on the retake, your score for Chapter 01.01 online assignment will be 3+(7-3)/2=5 out of 10. See Modules for access to the retakes.
Unit Tests 1, 2, 3: A formula sheet made by the instructor (attached to the test) and the required TI30Xa calculator are allowed. The units tests will have multiple-choice, fill-in-the-blank, and essay-type questions to assess the lower-level learning objectives, while the free-response questions will be used to assess higher-level learning objectives. Each test will show your score for individual chapters. For example, for Unit Test 1, you will see a score for Chapter 1 out of 40, Chapter 2 out of 20, Chapter 3 and out of 20. These tests are 75 minutes long. See Modules for more details.
Unit Tests Retake for Partial Credit 1, 2, 3: These tests are on same topics as the unit tests. These retakes are part of what is called as “Standards Based Grading” where you can continue to show proficiency till last day of the semester. However, you can only get half of the improvement score. Each test will show your score for individual chapters. For example, for Unit Test 1, you will see a score for Chapter 1 out of 40, Chapter 2 out of 20, Chapter 3 out of 20. Then you have a choice to take retake on any or all chapters of that test. The test will be 25 minutes long with 5 minute break for the next chapter. So for example, if you scored 26/40 in Chapter 1 of “Unit Test 1”, and then 34/40 in Chapter 1 of “Unit Test 1 Retake for Partial Credit”, your score for Chapter 1 will now be (26)+(34-26)/2=30 out of 40. See Modules for more details.
Fundamentals of Numerical Methods test: This is a test of the conceptual knowledge of the course. The Fundamentals of Numerical Methods test is a fill-in-blank/multiple-choice-questions test with 18 questions. No calculator or formula sheet is allowed. The test is 50 minutes long. See Modules for more details.
Computer Project Reports: Two miniprojects will be expected to be submitted. The computer projects are submitted online. Each miniproject consists of two submissions. Late reports are not accepted or graded except for legitimate, verifiable, and documented excuses. See Modules for more details.
Final Exam: The final examination is a test of your cumulative learning of the course. A formula sheet made by the instructor (attached to the test) and the required TI30Xa calculator are allowed. Multiple-choice and fill-in-the-blank questions are used to test for the lower forms of learning, while free-response questions are used to test for the higher forms of learning. Free-response questions on the final examination will cross several learning objectives of the course. The test is 120 minutes long. The final exam also counts as a retake for partial credit and may improve your score. See Modules for more details.
What is standards based grading, and how is it used in the class?
Standards-based grading (SBG) is an approach to student assessment that focuses on the mastery of specific learning objectives or standards. This approach emphasizes the importance of feedback, as well as student understanding of the material. It also emphasizes mastery of individual standards rather than overall performance in a course. SBG provides a way to accurately measure student progress and understanding, while providing an opportunity for students to reflect on their learning and take ownership of their learning.
The way
we use the SBG approach in the class is by following a
middle-of-the-road approach and is delineated in the grading components
given in the previous section. The standards based grading is used only
for the units tests (45% of grade) and the online assignments
(post-class quizzes) (10% of grade).
Everyone is required to work the online assignments, submit computer projects, take all the unit tests, fundamentals of numerical methods test and final examination. It is your choice to take part in any parts of the retake tests or the retake of online assignments.
Unit tests: Each unit test and retake unit test will show your chapter by chapter numerical grade on CANVAS and the standard level achieved. In the retake test, you can get more partial credit for a chapter provided you show improvement in the chapter grade. You can then again get more partial credit for a chapter grade from the final examination provided you show further improvement in the chapter grade. Note that the credit improvement you get is partial and is limited to 90% of the Chapter grade. Read the examples below.
Example 1: You take Unit Test 1 and you will get a score for Chapter1, Chapter 2 and Chapter 3. You score a 25/40 in Chapter 1 questions. In the retake, you make 20/40 in Chapter 1 questions, and in the final exam, you make 15/40 in Chapter 1 questions. Your score for Chapter 1 will stay at 25 out of 40.
Example 2: You take Unit Test 1 and you will get a score for Chapter1, Chapter 2 and Chapter 3. You score a 25/40 in Chapter 1 questions. In the retake, you make 32/40 in Chapter 1 questions, and in the final exam, you make 15/40 in Chapter 1 questions. Your score for Chapter 1 will be 25+(32-25)/2=28.5 out of 40. Since the final exam score is lower, that will not affect the 28.5 out of 40 score.
Example 3: You take Unit Test 1 and you will get a score for Chapter1, Chapter 2 and Chapter 3. You score a 25/40 in Chapter 1 questions. In the retake, you make 32/40 in Chapter 1 questions, and in the final exam, you make 38/40 in Chapter 1 questions. Your score for Chapter 1 after the retake will be 25+(32-25)/2=28.5 out of 40 as shown in example 2. After the final exam, Chapter 1 Unit Test score will be 28.5+(38-28.5)/2=33.25 out of 40.
Example 4: You take Unit Test 1 and you will get a score for Chapter1, Chapter 2 and Chapter 3. You score is a 38/40 in Chapter 1 questions. Retakes will not increase your score for Chapter 1 Unit Test score as it already greater than or equal to 90%.
Example 5: You take Unit Test 1 and you will get a score for Chapter1, Chapter 2 and Chapter 3. You score a 35/40 in Chapter 1 questions. In the retake, you make 38/40 in Chapter 1 questions, and in the final exam, you make 40/40 in Chapter 1 questions. Your score for Chapter 1 after the retake will be minimum of (35+(38-35)/2=36.5, 36), that is, 36 out of 40 (retakes limit your score to 90% on Chapter grades). The final exam will not change Chapter 1 Unit Test score no matter what you would have scored in Chapter 1 questions.
Online assignments: For the online assignments, you get as many chances as you wish till the deadline to score 10/10. A random set of questions will be provided with each attempt. If you miss or score less than 10/10 on an online assignment by the deadline, you can still possibly some more partial credit by repeating the retake online assignment. You have till the last day of class to do this, although this is strongly not recommended. Read the examples below.
Example 1: If you scored 3/10 in Chapter 01.01 online homework, and then a 7/10 on the retake, your score for Chapter 01.01 online assignment will be 3+(7-3)/2=5 out of 10.
Example 2: If you scored 7/10 in Chapter 01.01 online homework, and then a 4/10 on the retake, your score for Chapter 01.01 online assignment will be 7 out of 10 as retake did not show an improvement.
Each free-response question on test/final exam is graded on a scale of 0-4.
4: Demonstrates a complete understanding of the problem. All requirements of the task are included in the response.
3: Demonstrates a considerable understanding of the problem. All requirements of the task are included.
2: Demonstrates a partial understanding of the problem. Most requirements of the task are included.
1: Demonstrates little understanding of the problem. Many requirements of the task are missing (There is something salvageable)
0: Left blank or shows no demonstration of understanding of the problem. (Maybe simply repeated the data or copied formulas, or showed formulas that are not even relevant)
The adjustments made to your course grade are as follows and is made only to Fundamentals of Numerical Methods Test and the Final Examination.
If the average for students registered for the course (students missing the exam are not included in the calculation) for the Fundamentals of Numerical Methods Test and the Final Exam is less than 70%, the difference is added to every registered student’s grade (exceptions include students missing a test for a verifiable excuse, where adjustments are at the discretion of the instructor).
Grade A+ is 98‑100 (4.00)
Grade A is 90-97 (4.00)
Grade A- is 86-89 (3.67)
Grade B+ is 83-85 (3.33)
Grade B is 80-82 (3.00)
Grade B- is 76-79 (2.67)
Grade C+ is 73-75 (2.33)
Grade C is 70-72 (2.00)
Grade C– is 66-69 (1.67)
Grade D+ is 63-65 (1.33)
Grade D is 60-62 (1.00)
Grade D‑ is 56‑59 (0.67)
Grade F is 0‑55 (0.00).
Course Grade: Your course grade will be calculated as follows at the end of the course. A number 0.999999 will be added to your overall percentage grade. The integer part (INT function in Excel) of the grade will be recorded as your course grade. Course grades will be evaluated on the above-given percentages, and a letter grade will be assigned to you as outlined in the University catalog for undergraduate students (2022-23).
Course grades will be evaluated on percentage score, and a letter grade will be assigned to you as outlined in the University catalog for undergraduate students (2022-23).
Do not wait until the last day before an examination or a test to ask questions.
Grades will be disseminated on CANVAS.
Online assignments get automatically graded and show up on CANVAS grades immediately.
The online assignments are automatically graded, and the grades show up in CANVAS grades.
The tests will be graded within ten business days.
The computer projects will be graded within fifteen business days.
The graded discussion board items will be graded within five business days.
Tests are not graded simply to get a score but to give feedback for what you are doing right and what you need to practice more.
You can submit your free-response question part of the test for re-grading. Submit to me in class, or office hours, or slip it under ENC2215 door, the graded test about which questions you want to be re-graded and a statement of why you think they need re-grading. Make this submission within 10 business days of the test is returned.
Re-grading after the final grade is assigned for the course will be allowed only in extreme circumstances.
Mistakes in the grade book entries should be rectified as soon as possible to minimize any change-of-grade issues.
NO make-ups are given for graded items. However, in the event of a serious illness (physician’s statement documenting the severity of illness required), death in the family or other legitimate, documented, verifiable emergency resulting in the absence that affects your grade, each case will be evaluated separately. The decision of the instructor is final. An example of a make-up score is that if you miss a test, you may be given the same grade as the final exam score in the missed topics, and so on. Adjustments of make-up test raw grades are the discretion of the instructor.
Notification of absence (only if you are missing a graded item) must be given via email to or as a hard copy before the commencement of the scheduled examination or test or compulsory class to me. You need to type a professional memo (see sample) about your absence addressed to me as soon as possible. Attach any documentation with it. (I can verify documentation via a MS Teams meeting if it is private).
Do not presume that your reasons for missing an examination or test or class are acceptable unless authorization is given to you.
The current university policy concerning incomplete grades will be followed in this course. An “I” grade may be awarded to a student only when a small portion of the student’s work is incomplete due to legitimate, verifiable excuses and only when the student is otherwise earning a passing grade. The time limit for removing the “I” is to be set by the instructor of the course and will commence as soon as the student has taken care of the legitimate circumstances. For undergraduate students, this time limit may not exceed two academic semesters, whether or not the student is in residence and/or graduation, whichever comes first.
The following policy statements available at apply to all syllabi at USF and at all campuses. These policy statements are in effect even if not reproduced on the official course syllabus. They cover
2023 Spring COVID-19 Mitigation Expectations
Academic Integrity
Academic Grievance
Procedure Disability Access
Disruption to Academic Progress
Disruption to Academic Progress
Intellectual Freedom and Viewpoint Diversity Act (House Bill 233)
Religious Observances
Sexual Misconduct / Sexual Harassment
Statement of Academic Continuity
The following academic policies available at apply to all syllabi at USF and at all campuses. These policies are in effect even if not reproduced on the official course syllabus. They cover
Disruption of Academic Processes
Academic Grievance Procedure
All classes at USF make use of an online system for students to provide feedback to the university regarding the course. These surveys will be made available at the end of the semester, and the university will notify you by email when the response window opens. Your participation is highly encouraged and valued.
In the event of an emergency, it may be necessary for USF to suspend normal operations. During this time, USF may opt to continue the delivery of instruction through methods that include but are not limited to Canvas, Teams, Blackboard, and email messaging and/or an alternate schedule. It is the responsibility of the student to monitor the Canvas site for each class for course-specific communication, and the main USF, college, and department websites, emails, and MoBull messages for important general information.
In case of an emergency, such as COVID lockdown and a hurricane, tests may be given online. Honorlock is the official USF online proctoring solution. For more information, go to
The following are some netiquette guidelines.
Act professionally in the way you communicate. Treat your instructors and peers with respect the same way you would do in a face-to-face environment. Respect other people’s ideas and be constructive when explaining your views about points you may not agree with.
Be sensitive. Be respectful and sensitive when sharing your ideas and opinions. There will be people in your class with different linguistic backgrounds, political and religious beliefs, or other general differences.
Proofread and check the spelling. Doing this before sending an email or posting a thread on a discussion board will allow you to make sure your message is clear and thoughtful. Avoid the use of all capital letters; it can be perceived as if you are shouting, and it is more difficult to read.
Keep your communications focused and stay on topic. Complete your ideas before changing the subject. By keeping the message on focus, you allow the readers to easily get your idea or the answers they are looking for.
Be clear about your message. Avoid using humor or sarcasm. Since people can’t see your expressions or hear your tone of voice, meaning can be misinterpreted.
Students who use emojis in their emails and write “heeeeelp!” in the subject line don’t necessarily know better. Paul Corrigan and Cameron Hunt McNabb present a way for professors to help such students.”
Use the subject line effectively by using a meaningful line of what your email or discussion is about.
Keep your emails and postings related to the course. You should not post anything personal on a discussion board unless requested by the instructor.
Any personal, course, or confidential issues should be directly communicated to the instructor via email.
As your instructor in this course, you can expect that I will provide:
Testing/grading practices that are directly related to the course content and assignments.
Courtesy, civility, and respect in all interactions.
An open learning environment, wherein questions, comments, and interaction are encouraged.
Adequate notification of assignments, examinations, changes in the syllabus.
Evaluation of work with adequate and constructive comments as is appropriate to the character of the assignment.
Help and support through virtual office hours by request.
I will respond to email communication relevant to personal matters within 1-2 business days, if not sooner. For course content and course policy, use the three discussion boards. I will provide feedback on assignments within a week of the posted deadline, and feedback on tests and final papers within two weeks of the posted deadline. Graded tests in this course will not be returned. You can access your scores at any time using “Grades” in Canvas.
Your success in class is most important to all of us. Go to this CANVAS link to find evidence-based learning strategies to succeed. You can use these for any course you are taking this semester.
These great infographics will help you understand what effective study habits look like.
Research shows that students who take detailed notes do better in class.
Note-taking is an essential skill that you can develop for your college and professional life. Learn 7 tips on how to take better notes. Note taking by hand supports memory too. There is another lengthier article on note-taking.
Below you’ll find answers to questions students generally have each semester.
Access the online tutorial from the Canvas Guides to show you how to turn in an assignment.
Making a PDF file is easy - just follow this blog for making a general pdf file.
You will be submitting a published PDF version of MATLAB programs as well. For that, follow this blog.
About work and lecture notes, the best thing is to follow the following:
Do the Attendance Quiz if it is the first week of classes: Opens at 12:15 PM Tuesday. Closes at 10 AM Thursday. Canvas Quiz
Announcements for weekly syllabus, etc are at Announcements
The modules for the course including the graded homework are at Modules for linear progression through the course. If you need an extension on a homework assignment deadline, follow the make-up guidelines given in the syllabus.
Check the syllabus or calendar to find the items with a deadline. Syllabus
All handouts given in class will be at Handouts Given for Class. It will take a few days or less to put them up after class.
The lecture videos are in the modules for each chapter. Modules
If you need help, just come to Help Hours. Help Office Hours
USF has created a student toolkit. It would be wise to go through it.
Students with disabilities are responsible for registering with Students with Disabilities Services (SDS) in order to receive academic accommodations. For additional information about academic accommodations and resources, you can visit the SDS website.
The following resources show you how to use the features in Canvas. You will find information about how to navigate your course, submit your assignments, access the course content, work in groups, and more.
Click on any of the following links to access the resources:
Canvas Student Video Guide: These videos provide detailed overviews of topics within a course.
Canvas Student Guide: This guide provides short instructions on specific topics within Canvas.
For technical questions and support, contact the IT Help Desk at (813) 974-1222 or To resolve your issue quicker, please include the following information:
Course ID if the problem occurred within a course, for example, EML3041.001F21.
What you were trying to do when the problem occurred.
The exact wording of any error you received.
IT Help Desk: This page allows you to contact the USF help desk using their incident reporting interface or chat.
Canvas offers mobile apps to access their LMS.
The USF Office of Student Success coordinates and promotes university-wide efforts to enhance undergraduate and graduate student success. For a comprehensive list of academic support services available to all USF students, please visit the Office of Student Success website.
The library offers many services to USF students. Librarians are available to help with research or find materials, and USF subscribes to a number of databases offering books, journals, and news.
Click the link below to access the accessibility and privacy policies for required technologies within the course.
Prohibition of Discrimination in University Training or Instruction