Graduate Students & UNDERGRADUATES
Graduate Students and Undergraduates
Tai, M.S. Graduate
Expected Date of Graduation:
December 2016
Thesis: Effect of
Voids on Transverse Shear Modulus of Advanced Unidirectional
Jui-He Tai is currently pursuing his Master degree in
Material Science and Engineering at University of South
Florida. He obtained his B.S. in Earth Science from National
Central University, Taoyuan city, Taiwan. Since he was
certain about the transition to the field of materials upon
graduation, he took some required materials-related
undergraduate courses at National Tsing-Hua University,
Hsinchu City, Taiwan before coming to USF. He has a passion
for composite materials and is learning finite element
method engineering simulation for his research.
S. Adapa, M.S. Graduate
Expected Date of Graduation:
December 2016
Thesis: Evaluating Mouth Guards
for Bruxism
Swamy Rakesh Adapa is currently
working towards Master of Science in Mechanical University of South Florida (USF), Tampa, FL.
He obtained his bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering
from Andhra University, Visakhapatnam, India. During his
bachelor's he worked on study of mechanical properties of
natural fiber (Asian Palmyra) composites. Before coming to
USF he worked as an instructor at Shri Vishnu Engineering
College for Women, Bhimavaram, India. His areas of interest
are Continuum Mechanics, Biomechanics, Computer Aided
Engineering, Advanced Composites and Natural Fiber
E. Delgado,
Expected Date of Graduation: May
Eleonora Delgado is currently pursuing a Bachelor of Science
degree in Mechanical Engineering at the University of South
Florida, Tampa, FL. She is the Teaching Assistant for
Computational Methods at USF in Fall 2016. Her
areas of interest include vibrations and aerospace
engineering. She plans to join the
graduate program at USF and work on the use of composite
materials in aerospace and ground applications.
R. Jani, M.S
Graduate Student
Expected Date of Graduation:
December 2017
Thesis: A Mechanical Energy
Prototype for Electricity in Developing Countries
Rohan Jani is currently studying at University of
South Florida
doing his Masters degree in Mechanical Engineering. He did his
Bachelors in Mechanical Engineering from Mumbai
University, India. After graduation he worked at Subhada Polymer
Product Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai as design engineer for two
years using CAD/CAM software like Pro-E and Mastercam. He also
had a startup with 3D printer for small scale industries and
was successful to make low-cost configurations that were
as good as the one present in the market. His interest is in
the fields of CAD/CAM engineering, and 3D printing will
help him in the design of the final product for his thesis.
Demo, B.S.
Expected Date of Graduation:
May 2017
Lisa Demo is currently pursuing her Bachelor of Science
degree in Mechanical Engineering at the University of South
Florida, Tampa. She is expected to graduate in May 2017 and
plans to continue her education to receive her Master’s
degree in Mechanical Engineering. Lisa is involved with
research to develop an adaptive learning experience for the
Computational methods course. Her interests include heat
transfer and fluid systems. |
V. Das, "Analysis of
Interface Cracks in Composite Structures," May 1990 (MS). Employed by
Intergraph, AL
A. Selvarathinam, "Comparison of Interphase Models in a Fracture
Problem in Fiber Reinforced Composites," August 1991 (MS). Continued for
Ph.D. at Clemson University; Postdoctoral work at University of Tennessee;
Knoxville; Research Engineer, University of Houston, Texas; Research
Scientist at Exxon Research; Research Engineer at Lockheed.
G. Sudhakar, "Mechanics of Multiple Cracks in Fiber Reinforced
Brittle Matrix Composites," August 1992 (MS). Posthumously awarded Ph. D.
from Clemson University.
J. Dorula, "Effect of Debonding of Fiber-Matrix Interface on
Transverse Stiffness of Composites," May 1993 (MS).
V. Bechel, "Effect of Nonhomogeneous Interphases and Global Fiber
Volume Fraction on Mechanical Behavior of Composites," August 1993 (MS).
Received USF Graduate Fellowship; Received Sigma XI Master's Thesis Award;
Continued Ph.D. at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign with
Palace-Knight Scholarship; Currently
Materials Research Engineer at AFRL, Wright-Patterson AFB, OH.
D. Jadhav, "Analytical Modeling of a Fiber Crack in Fiber Reinforced
Composites," December 1993 (MS).
S. Chidambaranathan, "Fracture Mechanics of Brittle Matrix
Composites with Transversely Isotropic Fibers," December 1993 (MS).
Currently Lecturer in Chidambara University, India.
J. Ye, "Comparison of Fracture Mechanics Models with Axisymmetric
and Planar Assumptions," May 1994 (MS). Received USF Graduate Fellowship
Received ME Graduate Studies Award Completed Ph.D. at USF under my
guidance. Currently employed by Verizon, Tampa.
S. Kunchithapatham, "Fracture Mechanics of Ceramic Matrix Composites
with Imperfect Interfaces," May 1994 (MS). Employed by Wipro.
K. Gangakhedkar, "Effect of Fiber/ Matrix Cluster Breaks in
Fracture Mechanics of Composites," December 1995 (MS). Received USF
Graduate Fellowship Currently employed by Phoenix Industries, CA.
P. Krishnan, "Finite Element Simulation of a Slice Compression
Test," May 1997, (MS). Currently employed by SDRI, Ohio
J. Ye, "Local Interaction Effects on Fracture Mechanics of Brittle
Matrix Composites," December 1998, (PhD) Currently employed by Verizon, Tampa.
M. Deepak, "A Computer-Aided Design Model for Fiber-Reinforced
Pressure Vessels", May 1999(MS). Software Engineer
M. Denninger, "A Computer Aided Design Tool for Bascule Bridge
Trunnion Assembly", December 2000 (MS). Received USF Graduate Fellowship;
Executive MBA USF, Corporate Director, Rides & Engineering at SeaWorld
Parks & Entertainment,

B. Ratnam, "Analysis of Trunnion Assembly Failures in Bascule
Bridges", December 2000 (MS). Received USF Graduate Fellowship; Employed
by Westport Innovations ,
S. Nichani, "Experimental Investigation of Failure of
Trunnion-Hub-Girder Assemblies in Bascule Bridges", August 2001 (MS)
Received USF Graduate Fellowship; Employed by Schlumberger.

N. Collier, "Benefits of Staged
Cooling of Composite Cylinders", May 2004 (MS). Received Outstanding
Masters' Thesis Award 2004; Post-Doc in KAUST.
M. Berlin, Innovative Procedure to Install a
Trunnion-Hub Assembly Into a Bascule Bridge Girder, December 2004, MS
Employed by Boeing.

J. Paul, "Sensitivity Analysis of Trunnion-Hub Girder Assembly
Procedure", Received USF Graduate
Fellowship; May 2005 (MS). Employed by Johnson & Johnson.
T. Wasik, "Effect of Fiber Volume
Fraction on Fracture Mechanics of Composite Materials", May 2005 (MS).
P. Chalasani, "Nanoindentation of Layered Materials",
May 2006 (MS). Employed by Wells Fargo.
C. Nguyen, "A Design of Experiments Study of Procedure for
Assembling Bascule Bridge Fulcrum", May 2006 (MS). Finished
PhD at UCF. Employed by Honeywell, Arizona.
J. Daly, "On Nanoindentation Tests
of Thin Films",
May 2007 (MS). Employed by Pall Aerospace.
S. Garapati, "Nanoindentation
Tests: Synergizing Experimental, Analytical and Numerical Results",
May 2009 (MS). Pursuing PhD at USF.

L. Snyder, "Sensitivity Analysis of
Alternative Assembly Procedure in Fulcrums of Bascule Bridges",
MSME May 2010. Employed by Lockheed Martin, Arkansas.

D. Miller, "Design and Analysis
of an Innovative Semi-Flexible Hybrid Personal-Body-Armor
System", MSME May 2011, Employed by Hatch Corporation
and US Navy Reserves.
S. Carballo, "Thermo-Mechanical
Beam Element for Analyzing Stresses in Functionally Graded
Materials", PhD August 2011, Employed by Universidad
Nacional Experimental Politécnica (UNEXPO), Venezuela.
M. Rajapakse, "Physically
Meaningful Harmonization of Tire/Pavement Friction
Measurement Devices:, PhD (co-advisor), December 2011.
Employed by Smithers Rapra, Ohio.
J. Zitko, "Effects of
Cross-sectioned Distributions, Fiber Misalignment and
Interphases in Three-Dimensional Composite Models on
Transverse Shear Modulus", MSME, August 2012, Employed
by Jormac, FL.

S. Garapati, "Analysis
of Heating and Cooling Methods for Assembly of Steel Fulcra
in Bascule Bridges", Ph.D., August 2013, Employed by Optimum
Engineering, IL (Short
