The Trotz-Cunningham goup shares approximately 900 sq. ft of lab space in the KOPP engineering building. Major analytical equipment includes:
The labs are newly refurbished and equipped with fume hoods and water treatment units for Type 1 water. Equipment includes: nalytical balances, ovens, mixers, end over end shakers, hot blocks, pumps, ORION pH meters, titrators; water baths, heaters, magnetic and overhead stirrers, field incubator and more. Our department is also equipped for aerobic and anaerobic microbiology, pathogen work, and operation of bioreactors. Molecular biology equipment includes a Leitz Diaplan epifluorescence microscope equipped with a digital camera, thermal cyclers for conducting PCR, and a gel imaging system.Our students also have access to the Nanomaterials and Nanomanufacturing Research Center (NNRC) at USF and the major instrumentation units listed below:
- Hitachi S800 Field Emision Scanning Electron Microscope, EDAX, Digital Imaging/Measurement
- Jeol 840 Scanning Electron Microscope, EDAX, Ebeam lithography
- Digital Instruments Atomic Force Microscope
- Philips Xray Diffraction System XPert Pro MRD
- Transmission Electron Microscope
- Leitz Inspection Microscope with video capture
- Sopra Spectroscopic Ellipsometer
- Ultrasonic Test System
Dr. trotz is also in charge of a 900 sq ft teaching laboratory equipped with water quality testing stations as well as four hydraulic benches and accompanying standard hydraluic experimental stations.
The AA set up includes a furnace and flame controlled by 1 computer that can control both instruments simultaneously. The furance is equipped with an autosampler and the flame has the VGA77 accessory for hydride generation. We have both an air/acetylene and nitrous oxide burner for the flame and a flow through cell and Hg cell for the VGA77. We currently have the following lamps: As(Ultra AA) , Se (ULTRA AA), Cd, Pb, Ca/Mg, Fe, Al, Si, Na. Please contact us to discuss use of this instrument. You are advised to purchase your own supplies and accessories from Varian Inc..
The HPLC/GC systems are controlled by the same computer. The HPLC system is comprised of a Binary Series 200 Pump, 7725i Rheodyne manual injection valve and Series 200 UV/Vis Detector. Also includes a Series 200 Vacuum degassing system complete with bottles and an organizing tray. Contact us for information regarding use if this instrument.
Contact Dr. Cunningham for use of the Perkin-Elmer Clarus 500 gas chromatograph with autosampler, electron capture detector (ECD), and flame ionization detector (FID). Perkin Elmer site. |