The Trotz research group includes undergraduate and graduate students, High school teachers, middle school teachers, high school students, elementary school teachers and the potential for more:
Name: Shadab Anwar
Title: Post Doctoral Researcher (Co-advise with Dr. Cunningham)
Support: FESC CO2 Sequestration project
Research Project: Lattice Boltzmann modeling for CO2 deep aquifer injection predictions. |
Name: Suzie Boxmans
Title: Ph.D.
Undergraduate: UF
Expected Graduation Date: May 2014
Research Project: Sustainable In Land Marine Aquaculture |
Name: Ryan Locicero
Title: Ph.D.
Undergraduate: USF
M.S.: UF
Expected Graduation Date: May 2014
Fellowships: GAANN
Research Project: |
Name: Kofi Dalyrmple (co-Advisor with Dr. Y. Goswami)
Title: Ph.D. Student
Undergraduate: University of Guyana
Master's: University of the West Indies (cavehill)
Expected Graduation Date: December 2011
Research: Photocatalytic Disinfection using TiO2 nanoparticles.
Publications: Dalyrmple, O. K.; Stefanakos, E.; Trotz, M. A.; Goswami, D. Y. (2010) Review on the mechanisms and modeling of photocatalytic disinfection. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental Journal, 98(1), p.27-38.
Dalrymple, O. K.; Yeh, D.; Trotz, M. A. (2007) Photocatalysis as a removal mechanism for pharmaceuticals and endocrine disrupting compounds in wastewater – A Review. Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology, 82 (2), pages 121-134.
Name: Joniqua Howard
Title: M.S & Ph.D. Student
Undergraduate: Hampton University (Electrical Engineering)
Master's: University of South Florida
PhD Graduation Date: May 2010
Research: Mercury in the environment: Field studies in Bolivia, Guyana and Tampa
Fellowships: NSF Bridges to Doctorate, Sloan Scholar; NSF IGERT Fellow
Organizations: co-founder of
Current Position: Post Doc, University of Puerto Rico-Mayaguez with the
Publications: Howard, J. H.; Trotz, M. A.; Halfide, T.; Thomas, K.D.; Omisca, E.; Chiu, H.T.; Michael, R.; Stuart, A.; Akiwumi, F. (2010) Total mercury loadings in sediment from gold mining and conservation areas in Guyana and implications of a Low Carbon Development Strategy. Environmental Management and Assessment. DOI: 10.1007/s10661-010-1762-3. |
Name: Colleen Naughton (co-advise with James Mihelcic)
Title: Ph.D. Student
Undergraduate: Purdue University
Master's: University of South Florida (Peace Corps)
Expected Graduation Date: May 2014
Fellowships: USF
Organizations: Peacecorps in Mali |
Name: Erlande Omisca
Title: Ph.D. Student
Undergraduate: University of South Florida (Public Health)
Master's: University of South Florida (Public Health)
Expected Graduation Date: May 2011
Fellowships: NSF Bridges to Doctorate, Sloan Scholar; Mcknight Scholar.
Organizations: Co-founder and Vice President |
Name: Douglas Oti
Title: Ph.D. Graduate
Undergraduate: Ghana
Master's: North Carolina A&T
Expected Graduation Date: December 2009
Oti, D. and M.A. Trotz. (2008) Characterization and adsorption of arsenate and selenite onto Kemiron. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A: Toxic/Hazardous Substance and Environmental Engineering, 43 (10), pages 1184-1191.
Name: Ken Thomas
Title: Ph.D. Student
Undergraduate: University of the West Indies
Master's: University of the West Indies
Graduation Date: May 2010
Research: Ecotourism and water quality: Linking management activities with sustainability indicators in the Caribbean.
Organizations: President
Awards: USF Provost's award for Outstanding TA, 2010.
Current Position: Teaching Fellow, Honor's College, Auburn University.
Thomas, K. D., Howard, J. A., Omisca, E., Trotz, M. A. (2009) Exploring the Link between Ecotourism Activities and Surface Water Quality: Using Water Quality as a Sustainability Indicator. Journal of the Association of Professional Engineers of Trinidad and Tobago, 38 (1), 76-87.
Trotz, M. A.; Thomas, K.D.; Gamache, R.; Cunningham, J.; Falherty, T. Improving Writing in Civil and Environmental Engineering Courses Using CLAQWA, An Online Tool for Writing Improvement. Submitted for consideration at the 2010 ASEE National Conference. Proceedings of the ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Louisville, KY , June 17-21, 2010.
Thomas, K. D.; Howard, J. A.; Omisca, E.; Green, T.; Trotz, M. A. (2009) Stormwater pond beautification in East Tampa: The basis for University, K-12, and community partnerships that broaden participation in environmental engineering. Proceedings of the Southeastern Section Meeting of ASEE, Memphis, TN, Marietta, GA, April 5-7, 2009, 12 pages. |
Master's Students |
Name: Arlin Briley
Title: M.S. Student
Undergraduate: University of Michigan
Expected Graduation Date: May 2011
Research: Geochemical Modeling of CO2 sequestration in deep aquifers. |
Name: Andrew Tankel
Title: B.S.
Undergraduate: USF
Expected Graduation Date: Dec 2010
Fellowships: COE REU |
Name: Rain Bowright
Title: B.S.
Undergraduate: UF
Expected Graduation Date:
Fellowships: TIER-REU
Name: Sam Chiu (REU 2009-2010)
Title: B.S.
Undergraduate: USF
Expected Graduation Date: May 2010
Organizations: ASCE |
Name: Avinash Maharaj (REU 2008-9)
Title: B.S.
Undergraduate: USF
Expected Graduation Date: May 2010
Fellowships: Honor's College
Organizations: Events Co-ordination |
Name: Brittany Carl (Summer 2009)
Title: B.S.
Undergraduate: UF
Expected Graduation Date: May 2011
Fellowships: NDF TIER REU |
Name: Simone Wright (Summer 2009)
Title: B.S.
Undergraduate: University of Georgia
Expected Graduation Date: December 2009
Fellowships: NSF TIER REU
Name: Austin Michael Roe (REU 2006)
Title: B.S.
Undergraduate: USF
Expected Graduation Date: May 2009
Fellowships: Honor's College
Organizations: Events Co-ordination |
Name: Ryan Locicero (REU 2005)
Title: B.S.
Undergraduate: USF
Expected Graduation Date: May 2006
Fellowships: REU
Research Project: Removing arsenic from landfill leachate in Florida. |
Name: Melody Nocon (co-advisor; main advisor is Dr. Ashmawy)
Title: M.S.
Undergraduate: USF
Graduation Date: May 2006
Summer Internship: Sandia National Laboratory in 2005 with Malcolm Siegel.
NSF graduate scholar recipient.
Melody is currently working with Garrison Sposito at UC Berkeley in Environmental Engineering. |
Name: Robin Farlow
Title: NSF RET fellow (summer 2006) |
Name: Ann McNicol
Title: NSF RET fellow (summer 2005) |
Name: Kevin Moseley
Title: REST fellow (summer 2008) |
Name: Ann McCallister (Youg Middle Magnet)
Title:WARE fellow (2008-2010) |
Name: Sharon Cutter (Chiles Elementary)
Title:WARE fellow (2009-2010) |
Name: Jennifer West (King's Kids)
Title:WARE fellow (2009-2010) |
Name: Jane Kemp (Lockhart Elementary & Chiles Elementary)
Title: WARE fellow (2008-2010) |
Middle/High School Students |
Joshua Haegle |