The Corrosion Engineering
Laboratory is a recently built 2,500 sq. ft. addition to the Engineering
Research complex on the North side of the USF campus. Closely integrating
education and research, the laboratory incorporates the offices of Prof. A.
Sagüés and graduate students/visiting researchers active in the area of
durability of engineering materials. The laboratory is one of few in the U.S.
focused on solving corrosion problems in cement and concrete applications, with
emphasis on enhancing durability of the large inventory of marine bridges in
the State of Florida. Other areas of interest include interdisciplinary
diagnostic and forecasting of materials performance of metals in natural
environments, advanced corrosion modeling, electrochemical evaluation methods,
nuclear waste, and semiconductor electrochemistry.
The laboratory contains several
state of the art potentiostatic and electrochemical
impedance systems, exposure tanks and environmental chambers for corrosion
evaluation with multiple electrochemical controllers, metallographic
preparation, chemical analysis systems, and an array of custom built electrochemical
cells as well as a rotating disk electrode. An adjacent Test Yard is used for
exposure and evaluation of materials used in field applications. Portable
equipment for field testing includes soil and concrete resistivity
units and potentiostats. Samples prepared at the
laboratory are also analyzed in conjunction with the metallographic, electron
optics, x-ray diffraction and nano-characterization
equipment available to the College of Engineering. Concurrent with the experimental activities,
computer analysis and predictive model development and implementation are
conducted regularly to validate and expand the materials performance laboratory