EEL 6935/4935 - DSP/FPGA Lab

Prerequisites: EEL 4102 - Linear Systems Analysis and EEL 4512 Communication Systems;
                        Recommended prerequisite for Graduate Students: EEL 6502 - DSP I; 

Prerequisites by Topic:

Catalog Description: PR: EEL 4102/EEL 6502 Goals: Textbook: DSP/FPGA Laboratory Manual, J. Norstrom and R. Sankar, University of South Florida, 2005.
                  A copy of the book is available from Pro-Copy, 5209 East Fowler Avenue, Tampa, (Tel: 988-5900)
                  You can also download a softcopy from the course website.

Recommended Reference Books:

Instructors: Dr. Ravi Sankar, Professor of Electrical Engineering

Teaching (LAB) Assistants: TBA


Office Hours: Generally Open door policy;
Specific Hours: Additional Faculty and TAs office hours will be posted
You can also contact us by email/voice mail any time or by appointment

Course Homepages:

Lab Procedures

Topics to be covered:

A more detailed week-by-week schedule is posted in Blackboard.

1.    Fundamental Theory

2.    Design (Simulation) using MATLAB/ Simulink and C 3.    Implementation using different DSP, FPGA and hybrid DSP/FPGA platforms

Grading Policy:

Grades will be decided based on

Academic Policies

Academic Dishonesty Policy: Students are reminded that University policies pertaining to academic dishonesty commonly found in both UG and G catalogs will be applied in this course (any form of cheating on exams or plagiarism on assigned homework and projects will result in an F grade and further suspension or expulsion from the University with NO warnings given). It is the student's responsibility to review and understand USF and EE Department policies and procedures on Acdemic Conduct, Dishonesty, and Disruption.

Attendance Policy: Students who anticipate the necessity of being absent from class due to the observation of a major religious observance must provide notice of the date(s) to the instructor, in writing, by the second class meeting.

Copyright Policy: Students are not permitted to sell, redistribute, or publish notes provided by the instructor, including materials posted on blackboard. Audio and/or video recording for class lectures is not permitted without the express permission of the instructor.

Last updated by Ravi Sankar on April 24, 2012