Project Description

The objective is to develop and demonstrate the capability of applying modeling and simulation techniques to maintain the network integrity of a packet-switched network. A new technique called performance trending is introduced, in which key network parameters are monitored and network failure is predicted. Both hard failures in terms of physical breakdown and soft failures in terms of degradation in network performance level or quality of service (QoS) are considered for early detection so as to predict and prevent catastrophic failure of the network.

For Details See the Relevant Publications

  • R. Sankar and R. Singh, Performance Trending for Management of Packet-Switched Networks, International Journal of Network Management, Vol. 4, No. 2, pp. 69-78, June 1994.
  • R. Sankar and R Singh, Performance Trending for Management of High-Speed Packet-Switched Networks, Proc. IEEE Globecom '93 , Houston, TX, December 1993, pp. 1777-1781.
  • R. Singh, Performance Management of Packet-Switched Networks, M.S. Thesis, July 1992.