List of Publications (in the 90's)
Journal and Conference Papers
G. Edwards and R. Sankar,
Microcellular Handoff Using Fuzzy Techniques
Wireless Networks
, Vol. 4, No. 5, pp. 401-409, 1998.
G. Chiruvolu, R. Sankar, and N. Ranganathan,
Adaptive VBR Video Traffic Management for Higher Utilization of ATM Networks
ACM/SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review
, Vol. 28, No. 3, pp. 27-40, July 1998.
G. Edwards, A. Kandel, and R. Sankar,
Fuzzy Control for Microcellular Handoff
International Journal of Fuzzy Sets and Systems
, September 1997, (in print).
G. Chiruvolu, R. Sankar, and N. Ranganathan,
An Adaptive Scheme for Better Utilization with QoS Constraints for VBR Video Traffic in ATM Networks
Third IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications
, Athens, Greece, June 1998.
G. Chiruvolu, T. Das, R. Sankar, and N. Ranganathan,
Scene-based Generalized Markov Chain Model for VBR Video
IEEE International Conf. on Communications (ICC)
, Atlanta, GA, June 1998.
N. Savkoor, R. Sankar, and S. Azad,
Handoff Performance Issues in PCS Networks
IEEE Southeastcon '98
, Orlando, FL, April 1998, pp. 236-239.
S. Azad, R. Sankar, and G. Chiruvolu,
Resource Allocation for Handoff in Wireless ATM Networks
IEEE Southeastcon '98
, Orlando, FL, April 1998, pp. 240-243.
G. Chiruvolu, R. Sankar, and N. Ranganathan,
Issue and Approaches Towards VBR Video Traffic Management in ATM Networks
IEEE Southeastcon '98
, Orlando, FL, April 1998, pp. 306-310.
G. Edwards and R. Sankar,
A Predictive Fuzzy Algorithm for High Performance Microcellular Handoff
IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (Globecom)
, Phoenix, AZ, November 1997.
K. Ma, R. Sankar, and K. Christensen,
A New Explicit Rate-Based Congestion Control Scheme for ABR Services
22nd IEEE Annual Conference on Local Computer Networks
, Minneapolis, MN, October 1997, pp. 195-201.
G. Chiruvolu and R. Sankar,
An Approach Towards Resource Management and Transportation of VBR Video Traffic
IEEE International Conf. on Communications (ICC)
, Montreal, Canada, June 1997, pp. 550-554.
R. Sankar and L. Civil,
Traffic Monitoring and Congestion Prediction Using Handoffs in Wireless Cellular Communications
IEEE 47th Annual International Vehicular Technology Conference (IEEE VTC)
, Phoenix, AZ, May 1997, pp.520-524.
R. Sankar and L. Civil,
Intelligent Traffic Monitoring System Using Wireless Cellular Communications
IEEE Southeastcon '97
, Blacksburg, VA, April 1997, pp. 210-214.
S. Varada, R. Sankar, and Y. Yang,
ATM to the Desktop in an Existing LAN Environment
The First NDSU Workshop on ATM Networking
, Fargo, ND, August 1996, pp. 86-100.
K. Kidambi, R. Sankar, and J. Ottensmeyer,
A QoS Mapping Scheme and a Model for MAN-ATM Inter(net)working
Computer Communications
, Vol. 19, No.3, pp. 276-286, March 1996.
G. Edwards and R. Sankar,
Fuzzy Control for Microcellular Corner Effect
Proc. Fifth IEEE International Conf. on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE '96)
, New Orleans, LA, September 1996, pp. 1912-1916.
G. Chiruvolu, K. Christensen, and R. Sankar,
Short-Term Prediction of Traffic for Improved ATM QoS
The 6th International Workshop on Network and Operating Systems Support for Digital Audio and Video (NOSSDAV '96)
, Zushi, Japan, April 1996, pp. 31-34, (published by Springer-Verlag).
K. Kidambi, R. Sankar, and H. Kaur,
A Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation Rule for Connection-oriented DQDB-ATM and Integrated Services Support
Proc. IEEE Globecom '95
, Singapore, November 1995, pp. 383-387.
G. Edwards and R. Sankar,
Handoff using Fuzzy Logic
Proc. IEEE Globecom '95
, Singapore, November 1995, pp. 524-528.
K. Kidambi, R. Sankar, and J. Ottensmeyer,
Internetworking MANs to ATM for Broadband Services Support
Proc. 20th IEEE Annual Conference on Local Computer Networks
, Minneapolis, MN, October 1995, pp. 102-111.
G. Edwards and R. Sankar,
Fuzzy Control for Microcellular Handoff
Proc. JAMCON '95 Communications Conference
, Jamaica, August 1995, pp. 68-73.
V. Mannem and R. Sankar,
Improved Dual Leaky Bucket Policing Algorithm for ATM Networks
Proc. IEEE Southeastcon '95
, Raleigh, NC, March 1995, pp. 6-11.
K. Kidambi and R. Sankar,
MAN-ATM Internetworking and Integrated Services Support
Proc. IEEE Southeastcon '95
, Raleigh, NC, March 1995, pp. 1-5.
S. Varada and R. Sankar,
Bandwidth Allocation for Connectionless Traffic in ATM Networks
Proc. IEEE Southeastcon '95
, Raleigh, NC, March 1995, pp. 128-132.
R. Sankar and R. Singh,
Performance Trending for Management of Packet-Switched Networks
International Journal of Network Management
, Vol. 4, No. 2, pp. 69-78, June 1994.
V. Kapoor, G. Edwards, and R. Sankar,
Handoff Criteria for Personal Communication Networks
Proc. IEEE International Conf. on Communications (ICC)
, New Orleans, LA, May 1994, pp. 1297-1301.
G. Edwards and R. Sankar,
A New Handoff Algorithm Using Fuzzy Logic
Proc. IEEE Southeastcon '94
, Miami, FL, April 1994, pp. 89-92.
R. Sankar and R Singh,
Performance Trending for Management of High-Speed Packet-Switched Networks
Proc. IEEE Globecom '93
, Houston, TX, December 1993, pp. 1777-1781.
Y.Y. Yang and R. Sankar,
An Automatic Failure Isolation and Reconfiguration Methodology for Dual-Ring Networks
IEEE Network
, Vol. 7, No.5, pp. 44-53, September 1993.
Y. Y. Yang and R. Sankar,
Analysis of Maximum Throughput for FDDI Network with Combined Synchronous and Asynchronous Traffic
Proc. Second International Conf. on Computer Communications and Networks
, San Diego, CA, June 1993, pp. 33-37.
W. Li and R. Sankar,
Real-Time Voice and Data Integration in Token Ring LAN
Proc. IEEE Southeastcon '93
, Charlotte, NC, April 1993, pp. 404-407.
R. Sankar and Y. Y. Yang,
An Automatic Failure Isolation and Reconfiguration Methodology for FDDI
Proc. International Conf. on Communications (ICC)
, Chicago, IL, June 1992, pp. 186-190.
R. Sankar and S. Varada,
Dynamic Protocol for Token Ring Network with Unbalanced Load
Proc. IEEE Southeastcon '92
, Birmingham, AL, April 1992, pp. 10-13.
G. Edwards, R. Sankar, and P. Roth,
CSIM Simulation of a Token Ring LAN
Transactions of the Society for Computer Simulation
, Vol. 9, No.1, pp. 39-58, March 1992.
G. Edwards and R. Sankar,
Modeling and Simulation of Networks using CSIM
, Vol. 58, No.2, pp. 131-136, Feb. 1992.
Y. Y. Yang and R. Sankar,
Maximizing FDDI network performance by parameter tuning
Proc. Infocom '91
, Miami, FL, Apr. 1991, pp. 1431-1439.
R. Sankar and J. Murphy,
Experiences in Local Networking USF
Proc. 15th IEEE Conf. on Local Computer Networks
, Minneapolis, MN, October 1990, pp. 137-142.
R. Sankar and G. Edwards,
Effect of Service Schemes and Buffer Size on Token Ring Network Performance
Proc. ISMM International Symposium MICRO '90
, Montreal, Canada, May 1990.
P. Roth and R. Sankar,
Token-Ring Network - A Comparative Simulation Study
Proc. 21st Pittsburgh Modeling and Simulation Conference
, Pittsburgh, PA, May 1990, pp. 827-832.
Ph.D. Dissertations, M.S. Theses and Projects
Ph.D. Dissertations
Girish Chiruvolu, Efficient Transportation of VBR Video Traffic in ATM Networks, Computer Science and Engineering, April 1998.
G. Edwards, Advanced Handoff Algorithmsfor Microcellular Communication using Fuzzy Techniques, September 1996.
K. Kidambi, Bandwidth Allocation Using QoS Mapping and a Renegotiation Scheme for Integrated Services MAN-ATM Networks, May 1996.
Y. Y. Yang, Performance Modeling and Automatic Reconfiguration Methodology for Fiber Distributed Data Interface (FDDI) Network, June 1993.
M.S. Theses
K. T. Ma, Congestion Controls for ABR Services in ATM Networks, November 1996.
V. Mannem, Traffic Control in ATM Networks, December 1994.
V. Kapoor, An Adaptive Prediction Based Handoff Algorithm and its Simulation for Microcellular CDMA, November 1993.
R. Singh, Performance Management of Packet-Switched Networks, July 1992.
W. Li, Voice and Data Integrated Service Token Ring Network, December 1991.
Y. Y. Yang, Modelling and Performance Analysis of Fiber Distributed Data Interface (FDDI), July 1989.
G. Edwards, Modelling and Performance Analysis of Token Ring Network, November 1988.
M.S. Projects
G. Kaushik, Generic Implementation of Internetworking Functional Tester, Computer Science and Engineering, September 1994.
Technical Reports
R. Sankar,
A Study of Integrated and Intelligent Network Management,
AFOSR and Rome Laboratory, August 1997, (13 pages).
R. Sankar and L. Civil,
Traffic Monitoring and Congestion Management using Cellular Communications Technology,
USF Research Council, June 1996, (Final Report, 80 pages).
R. Sankar and Y. Y. Yang,
Fault Tolerant and High Performance FDDI Network for Space Station Application,
The Florida High Technology and Industry Council, February 1991, (Final Report, 61 pages).
R. Sankar and Y. Y. Yang,
Fault Tolerant and High Performance FDDI Network for Space Station Application,
The Florida High Technology and Industry Council, May/Aug/Nov. 1990, (Quarterly Reports, 15 pages).
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