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Exploring Mechanisms and Efficacy of Passivation Films in Blocking Hydrogen, Z. Du, R. Shi, Z. Mi, Z. Xu, Y. Zhu, S. Liu, K. Gao, A.A. Volinsky, X. Pang. Corrosion Science, Vol. 247, 112776, 2025
To Trap or Not to Trap: Sewer Gas Leakage Crisis in China, A.A. Volinsky, American Society of Plumbing Engineers, ASPE Pipeline,, January 3, 2025
Managing Insect Bite Complications Using Isopathic and Homeopathic Approaches, A.A. Volinsky, International Journal of Medical Sciences (IJMS), Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 1-9, 2025
Modeling Stress-Strain State of Cancellous Bone Tissue Fragments in Compression, T.V. Chaykovskaya, E.S. Marchenko, Y.F. Yasenchuk, G.A. Baigonakova, A.A. Volinsky, Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, 1-23, 2025,
Fatigue and Corrosion Fatigue Performance of Selective Laser Melted AlSi10Mg and Die Cast A360 Aluminum Alloys, H. Chen, P. Liu, X. Ren, Alex A. Volinsky, Corrosion Science, Vol. 245, 112711, 2025
Graphene Oxide and Silver Effects on the Arc Erosion Properties of Al2O3-Cu/30Cr Composite, Q. Liu, M. Zhou, B. Tian, Y. Zhang, Q. Zhang, J. Zhang, Z. Han, C. Chu, K. Jing, X. Li, H. Guo, A.A. Volinsky, Journal of Materials Research and Technology, Vol. 35, pp. 235-249, 2025
Sewer Gas Leakage Due to Exposed Sewer Pipes in China, 在中国由于排水管道外露造成的下水道气体泄漏 (in Chinese, pdf), A.A. Volinsky,, 2025
Sewer Gas Leakage Due to Exposed Sewer Pipes in China, 在中国由于排水管道外露造成的下水道气体泄漏 (in Chinese), A.A. Volinsky,, 2025
Effect of Inconel 625 Coating Via High-Speed Laser Direct Energy Deposition on the Fatigue Characteristics of Q235 Steel, C. Zhong, P. Liu, X. Ren, B. Luan, A.A. Volinsky, International Journal of Fatigue, Vol. 193, 108746, 2025
Effect of Y on the Microstructure and Physical Properties of Cu-Zr-Mg-Y Alloys, H. Hu, M. Zhou, X. Li, Y. Zhang, Q. Bai, B. Yang, J. Zou, K. Jing, Z. Li, G. Xin, B. Tian, A.A. Volinsky, Vacuum, Vol. 230, 113651, 2024
A Case of Isopathic and Homeopathic Treatment of Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA) Infection in the Foot, A.A. Volinsky, International Journal of Medical Sciences (IJMS), Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 41-48, 2024
Утечка Канализационных Газов из-за Несоблюдения Строительных Норм Использования Водяных Затворов в Китае. Sewer Gas Leakage due to Failure to Comply with Building Codes for the Use of Water Traps in China (in Russian), A.A. Volinsky, С.О.К. Сантехника, Отопление, Кондиционирование, N. 11(275), С. 22-23, 2024. S.O.K. Plumbing, Heating, Air-conditioning, Vol. 11(275), pp. 22-23, 2024
Experimental and Computational Study of the NiTi Thin Wires Mechanical Behavior, E.S. Marchenko 1, A.A. Kozulin, A.V. Vetrova, M.A. Kovaleva, A.A. Volinsky, K.M. Dubovikov, Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, Vol. 31(26), pp. 8233-8241, 2024
Non-Compliance with Plumbing Codes in China: The Crisis of Sewer Gas Leakage, A.A. Volinsky, International Journal of Construction Engineering (IJCE), Vol. 6, No. 2, pp. 1-9, 2024
An Efficient and Quantitative Approach for Fracture Toughness Measurement of Micron-Thick Hard Coatings Based on Crack Spacing, S. Wu, S. Yang, P. Geng, K. Gao, A.A. Volinsky, X. Pang, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Vol. 309, 110393, 2024
Chinese Nation Silent Killer is Sewer Gas (In Traditional Chinese), 下水道瓦斯是中華民族的無聲殺手, A.A. Volinsky, China, 7/24
Chinese Nation Silent Killer is Sewer Gas (In Simplified Chinese), 中华民族的隐形杀手是下水道气体, A.A. Volinsky, China, 7/24
Приготовление Нозодов для Лечения Укусов Насекомых и Связанных с Ними Осложнений (Preparation of Nosodes for Treating Insect Bites and Associated Complications, in Russian), A.A. Volinsky, XXXIV Всероссийская Научно-практическая Конференция с Международным Участием “Актуальные Вопросы Гомеопатии. Место и Возможности Гомеопатического Метода в Практическом Здравоохранении” (XXXIV Russian Scientific Applied Practical Conference with International Participation “Current Issues in Homeopathy, Place and Possibilities of the Homeopathic Method in Practical Health Care”), St. Petersburg, Russia, 14-15 June 2024, pp. 17-18
Изопатическое и Гомеопатическое Лечение Инфекции Метициллин-Резистентного Золотистого Стафилококка (in Russian, Isopathic and Homeopathic Treatment of Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus Aureus Infection), A.A. Volinsky, Гомеопатия и Фитотерапия (Homeopathy and Herbal Medicine), Vol. 61(1), pp. 34-36, 2024
Effects of Highly-Textured and Untextured Polycrystalline Layers on Deformation Mechanisms in Amorphous Submicron-Layered Materials, H. Xu, X.-Y. Zhou, J. Qiu, T. Guo, K. Gao, A.A. Volinsky, X. Pang, Vacuum, Vol. 227, 113447, 2024
Hot Deformation Behavior and Microstructure Evolution of the Cu-1.5Ti-(0.5Fe) Alloys, G. Xin, M. Zhou, K. Jing, H. Hu, Z. Li, Y. Zhang, C. Tian, Y. Sun, B. Tian, X. Li, A.A. Volinsky, J. Zou, Journal of Materials Research and Technology, Vol. 30, pp. 4961-4972, 2024
Effects of Y2O3 on the Hot Deformation Behavior and Microstructure Evolution of Al2O3-Cu/35Cr3TiB2 Electrical Contact Composites, Z. Ma, M. Zhou, H. Li, K. Jing, J. Zhang, B. Tian, Y. Zhang, X. Li, H. Hu, A.A. Volinsky, Materials Characterization, Vol. 215, 114120, 2024
Biocompatibility and Antibacterial Properties of NiTiAg Porous Alloys for Bone Implants, G.A. Baigonakova, E.S. Marchenko, I.I. Gordienko, V.A. Larikov, A.A. Volinsky, A.O. Prokopchuk, ACS Omega, Vol. 9(24), pp. 25638-25645, 2024
Effects of Trace La on the Aging Properties of the Cu-Ti-Zr Alloys, N. Wang, M. Zhou, B. Tian, J. Zou, K. Jing, H. Hu, Y. Zhang, Q. Bai, C. Tian, X. Li, A.A. Volinsky, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance,, 2024
Experimental and Computational Study of the NiTi Thin Wires Mechanical Behavior, E.S. Marchenko 1, A.A. Kozulin, A.V. Vetrova, M.A. Kovaleva, A.A. Volinsky, K.M. Dubovikov, Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures,, 2024
In vivo Study of Porous NiTi Cryotweezers for Bone Tissue Cryotherapy, E.S. Marchenko, K.M. Dubovikov, I.I. Kuzhelivskiy, M.O. Pleshkov, E.S. Koroluk, K.S. Brazovskii, A.A. Volinsky, Cryobiology, Vol. 115, 104894, 2024
Porosity and Phase Composition Effects on SHS-NiTi Structure and Mechanical Properties, G.A. Baigonakova, E.S. Marchenko, O. Mamazakirov, A.A. Volinsky, Advanced Powder Technology, Vol. 35(4), 104395, 2024
Production and Properties of Electrically Conductive Polymer Composites Reinforced with Cotton Threads, A.P. Kondratov, A.V. Lozitskaya, A.A. Volinsky, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, Vol. 141(21), e55410, 2024
Effects of Different Cr Content on Microstructure, Mechanical and Electrical Properties of Cu-Zr-Cr Alloy, Z. Li, M. Zhou, K. Jing, Y. Liu, G. Xin, H. Hu, J. Zou, B. Tian, Y. Zhang, A.A. Volinsky, Materials Today Communications, Vol. 38, 108408, 2024
Causes of Odor in Kitchens, Bathrooms, and Toilets of Multi-story Residential Apartments with Natural Ventilation, A.A. Volinsky, International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology, Vol. 15(1), pp. 27-35, 2024
TiB2 Effects on the AlMgB14–TiB2 Ceramics Structure and Properties, V.D. Valikhov, I.A. Zhukov, D.A. Tkachev, M.V. Grigoriev, A.E. Matveev, A.A. Volinsky, Ceramics International, Vol. 50(7) Part A, pp. 10974-10981, 2024
Heat Treatment Effects on Microstructure and Properties of Cu–Ti–Fe Alloys, M. Zhou, K. Jing, H. Hu, Y. Zhang, Q. Bai, C. Tian, B. Tian, X. Li, A.A Volinsky, J. Zou, Materials Science and Engineering A, Vol. 892, 1460668, 2024
Y Effects on the Cu-Zr-Fe Alloys’ Aging Behavior and Properties, M. Guo, M. Zhou, J. Zou, K. Jing, H. Hu, Y. Zhang, Q. Bai, C. Tian, B. Tian, X. Li, A.A. Volinsky, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Vol. 977, 173418, 2024
Nano-Y2O3 Effects on the Electrical Contact Properties of Al2O3-Cu/35Cr3TiB2 Composites, Z. Ma, M. Zhou, B. Tian, Y. Zhang, H. Li, X. Li, J. Zou, H. Hu, K. Jing, Y. Liu, A.A. Volinsky, Materials Characterization, Vol. 207, 113474, 2024
Microstructure and Electrical Contact Properties of Al2O3-Cu/(Cr, Zr) Composites, H. Li, M. Zhou, B. Tian, Y. Zhang, Z. Ma, X. Li, J. Zou, H. Hu, K. Jing, Y. Liu, A.A. Volinsky, Materials Today Communications, Vol. 38, 107747, 2024
The Microstructure Evolution and Dynamic Recrystallization Mechanism of Cu-1.1Ni-0.7Co-0.45Si-0.3Cr Alloys During High Temperature Deformation, M. Zhou, Y. Li, S. Tang, Y. Ban, Y. Zhang, B. Gan, X. Li, L. Fu, B. Tian, Y. Liu, A.A. Volinsky, Coatings, Vol. 13(3), p. 660, 2023
Effect of Fe2O3 on ZrTiO4 Support for NH3-SCR Catalytic Performance, L. Yuan, P. Hu, B. Hu, J. Han, S. Ma, F. Yang, A.A. Volinsky, Journal of Fuel Chemistry and Technology, Vol. 51(12), pp. 1-13, 2023
Hot Deformation Behavior of 0.5Y2O3/Al2O3-Cu/30Mo3SiC Composites Doped with Reduced Graphene Oxide, H. Zhu, M. Zhou, K. Jing, B. Tian, Y. Zhang, X. Li, Y. Li, X. Zheng, H. Li, Z. Ma, Y. Liu, A.A. Volinsky, J. Zou, Journal of Materials Research and Technology, Vol. 26, pp. 7444-7459, 2023
Design and Multilevel Structuring of Shape Memory Polymers for Pleochroism Control, A.P. Kondratov, A.A. Nikolaev, V.G. Nazarov, V.Y. Vereshchagin, A.A. Volinsky, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, Vol. 140(41), p. 54532, 2023
The Microstructure Evolution and Dynamic Recrystallization Mechanism of Cu-1.1Ni-0.7Co-0.45Si-0.3Cr Alloys During High-Temperature Deformation, Y. Li, S. Tang, Y. Ban, Y. Zhang, B. Gan, X. Li, L. Fu, B. Tian, Y. Liu, A.A. Volinsky, Coatings, Vol. 13(3), 660, 2023
Electrolyte Exposure Time Effects on Structure, Composition and Biocompatibility of Microarc Oxidation Coatings on Mg-Ca-Zn Alloys, E.S. Marchenko, A.A. Shishelova, P.I. Butyagin, I.I. Gordienko, A.P. Khrustalev, S.S. Arbuzova, I.A. Zhukov, G.A. Baigonakova, A.A. Volinsky, Surface and Coatings Technology, Vol. 473, 129982, 2023
Microstructure and Hot Deformation Behavior of the Cu-Sn-Ni-Zn-Ti(-Y) Alloy, D. Xu, M. Zhou, Y. Zhang, S. Tang, Z. Zhang, Y. Liu, B. Tian, X. Li, Y. Jia, A.A. Volinsky, D. Li, Q. Liu, Materials Characterization, Vol. 196, 112559, 2023
Microstructure and Electrical Contact Behavior of Al2O3-Cu/30W3SiC(0.5Y2O3) Composites, X. Zheng, M. Zhou, Y. Zhang, B. Tian, Y. Li, H. Zhu, D. Li, S. Liang, S. Tang, Y. Liu, X. Li, Y. Jia, A.A. Volinsky, Journal of Materials Research and Technology, Vol. 22, pp. 2158-2173, 2023
Effect of Fe2O3 on ZrTiO4 Support for NH3-SCR Catalytic Performance, L. Yuan, P. Hu, B. Hu, J. Han, S. Ma, F. Yang, A.A. Volinsky, Journal of Fuel Chemistry and Technology, Vol. 51, 2023
First-principles Calculations of the AlN/Ti Interface Properties, L. Li, X. Yan, B. Yang, S. Yang, A.A. Volinsky, X. Pang, Chemical Physics Letters, Vol. 826, 140649, 2023
Клинический Случай Лечения Псориаза Аутонозодом Psorinum (in Russian, A Clinical Case of Psoriasis Treatment Using Psorinum Autonosode), A.A. Volinsky, Гомеопатия и Фитотерапия (Homeopathy and Herbal Medicine), Vol. 2(62), pp. 27-29, 2023
A Case of Psoriasis Treatment Using Psorinum Autonosode, A.A. Volinsky, International Journal of Homoeopathic Sciences, Vol. 7(2), Part G, pp. 457-459, 2023
Design of High-performance Molybdenum Alloys Via Doping Metal Oxide and Carbide Strengthening: A Review, H. Xing, P. Hu, C. He, X. Zhang, J. Han, F. Yang, R. Bai, W. Zhang, K. Wang, A.A. Volinsky, Journal of Materials Science and Technology, Vol. 160, pp. 161-180, 2023
Metallic and Non-metallic Components and Morphology of Iron-based Catalytic Effects for Selective Catalytic Reduction Performance: A Systematic Review, B. Hu, L. Yuan, P. Hu, J. Han, S. Ma, F. Yang, A.A. Volinsky, Molecular Catalysis, Molecular Catalysis, Vol. 541, 113113, 2023
Microstructure and Electrical Contact Behavior of the Nano-Yttria-Modified Cu-Al2O3/30Mo/3SiC Composite, H. Zhu, B. Tian, Y. Zhang, M. Zhou, Y. Li, X. Zheng, S. Liang, S. Liu, W. Sun, Y. Liu, A.A. Volinsky, Nanotechnology Reviews, Vol. 12, 20220532, 2023
Data-Driven Optimization of Hardness and Toughness of High-Entropy Nitride Coatings, S. Wu, X. Xu, S. Yang, J. Qiu, A.A. Volinsky, X. Pang, Ceramics International, Vol. 49(13), pp. 21561-21569, 2023
Surface Structure and Properties of Hydroxyapatite Coatings on NiTi Substrates, E.S. Marchenko, K.M. Dubovikov, G.A. Baigonakova, I.I. Gordienko, A.A. Volinsky, Coatings, Vol. 13(4), 722, 2023
Metallic and Non-metallic Components and Morphology of Iron-based Catalytic Effects for Selective Catalytic Reduction Performance: A Systematic Review, L. Yuan, P. Hu, B. Hu, J. Han, S. Ma, F. Yang, A.A. Volinsky, Molecular Catalysis, Vol. 541, 113113, 2023
Ce Effects on Deformation-induced Microstructure Evolution in Cu-Ti-Ni-Mg Alloys, Z. Zhang, M. Zhou, Y. Zhang, S. Tang, D. Xu, B. Tian, X. Li, Y. Jia, Y. Liu, A.A. Volinsky, Advanced Engineering Materials, Vol. 25, 2201913, 2023
The Microstructure Evolution and Dynamic Recrystallization Mechanism of Cu-1.1-Ni-0.7-Co-0.45-Si-0.3Cr Alloys During High-Temperature Deformation, M. Zhou, Y. Li, S. Tang, Y. Ban, Y. Zhang, B. Gan, X. Li, L. Fu, B. Tian, Y. Liu, A.A. Volinsky, Coatings Vol. 13(3), p. 660, 2023
Abnormally High Work Hardening Ability and Excellent Comprehensive Properties of Copper Alloys due to Multiple Twins and Precipitates, Y. Ban, M. Zhou, Y. Zhang, Y. Jia, Y. Pang, Y. Li, S. Tang, X. Li, A.A. Volinsky, E.S. Marchenko, Materials & Design, Vol. 228, 111819, 2023
Improved Microstructure, Mechanical Properties and Electrical Conductivity of the Cu-Ni-Sn-Ti-Cr Alloy due to Ce Micro-addition, S. Tang, M. Zhou, Y. Zhang, D. Xu, Z. Zhang, X. Zheng, D. Li, X. Li, B. Tian, Y. Jia, Y. Liu, A.A. Volinsky, E.S. Marchenko, Materials Science & Engineering A, Vol. 871, 144910, 2023
Engineered Fibrous NiTi Scaffolds with Cultured Hepatocytes for Liver Regeneration in Rats, O.V. Kokorev, E.S. Marchenko, I.A. Khlusov, A.A. Volinsky, Y.F. Yasenchuk, A.N. Monogenov, ACS Bioengineering Science & Engineering, Vol. 9(3), pp. 1558-1569, 2023
Micro-Nano Secondary Phase Greatly Increases the Plasticity of Titanium-Zirconium-Molybdenum Alloy, S. Li, P. Hu, T. Liu, Q. Shi, B. Hu, X. Hua, S. Ge, J. Han, W. Zhang, K. Wang, A.A. Volinsky, International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials, Vol. 112, 106152, 2023
Effect of Y2O3 on the Electrical Contact Behavior of Al2O3-Cu/MoTa Composites, Y. Li, M. Zhou, Y. Zhang, H. Zhu, X. Zheng, S. Liang, S. Tang, B. Tian, Y. Liu, X. Li, A.A. Volinsky, C. Zheng, Coatings, Vol. 13(2), p. 252, 2023
Ce Effects on Dynamic Recrystallization of the Cu-Fe-Ti-Mg Alloys Due to Hot Compression, Q. Cao, M. Zhou, Y. Zhang, H. Hu, X. Li, B. Tian, Y. Jia, Y. Liu, A.A. Volinsky, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 2023
Mechanical Characterization of High Volume Fraction Al7075-Al2O3 Composite Fabricated by Semisolid Powder Processing, S. Aghajani, V. Pouyafar, R. Meshkabadi, A.A. Volinsky, A. Bolouri, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 125, pp. 2569-2580, 2023
Plasticity of Porous NiTi Alloys Obtained by Self-propagating High-temperature Synthesis in Closed and Open Flow Reactors, E.S. Marchenko, Y.F. Yasenchuk, O. Mamazakirov, A.A. Klopotov, G.A. Baigonakova, A.A. Volinsky, S.V. Gunter, Materials and Manufacturing Processes, Vol. 38(6), pp. 659-667, 2023
An Overview of Synthesis and Structural Regulation of Magnetic Nanomaterials Prepared by Chemical Coprecipitation, Z. Li, Y. Sun, S. Ge, F. Zhu, F. Yin, L. Gu, F. Yang, P. Hu, G. Chen, K. Wang, A.A. Volinsky, Metals, Vol. 13(1), 152, 2023
Numerical and Experimental Study of Porous NiTi Anisotropy Under Compression, E.S. Marchenko, A.A. Kozulin, Y.F. Yasenchuk, A.V. Vetrova, A.A. Volinsky, Journal of Materials Research and Technology, Vol. 22, pp. 3502-3510, 2023
Mullins Effect in Polymer Large Deformation Strain Gauges, A.P. Kondratov, A.V. Lozitskaya, V.N. Samohin, A.A. Volinsky, Journal of Polymer Research, Vol. 30, p. 36, 2023
Enhanced Mechanical Properties and High Electrical Conductivity of Copper Alloy via Dual-Nanoprecipitation, M. Zhou, Y. Geng, Y. Zhang, Y. Ban, X. Li, Y. Jia, S. Liang, B. Tian, Y. Liu, A.A. Volinsky, Materials Characterization, Vol. 195, p. 112494, 2023
Exploring the Formation Mechanism, Evolution Law, and Precise Composition Control of Interstitial Oxygen in Body-Centered Cubic Mo, H. Xing, P. Hu, C. He, X. Zhang, F. Yang, J. Han, S. Ge, Hua, W. Zhang, K. Wang, A.A. Volinsky, Metals, Vol. 13(1), 1, 2023
Microstructure and Hot Deformation Behavior of the Cu-Sn-Ni-Zn-Ti(-Y) Alloy, D. Xu, M. Zhou, Y. Zhang, S. Tang, Z. Zhang, Y. Liu, B. Tian, X. Li, Y. Jia, A.A. Volinsky, D. Li, Q. Liu, Materials Characterization, Vol. 196, p. 112559, 2023
Mechanical and Electrical Properties of Cu30Cr0.2Zr Composites Enhanced by CeO2/GO, S. Liang, Y. Li, Y. Zhang, M. Zhou, S. Liu, X. Li, Y. Geng, B. Tian, Y. Jia, Y. Liu, A.A. Volinsky, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Vol. 934, p. 167759, 2023
ZrTiO4 Secondary Phase Effects on Ductility and Toughness of Molybdenum Alloys, B. Hu, S. Ge, J. Han, X. Hua, S. Li, H. Xing, L. Yuan, X. Zhang, K. Wang, P. Hu, A.A. Volinsky, Materials Letters, Vol. 307, 31077, 2022
The Conjoint Influence of Oxygen and Hot Extrusion on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of a Powder Metallurgy Processed Aluminum Alloy, W. Han, C. Chen, P. Li, Y. Li, G. Su, C. Sun, F. Yang, A.A. Volinsky, Z. Guo, Materials Science & Engineering A, Vol. 861, p. 144317, 2022
ZrTiO4 Secondary Phase Effects on Ductility and Toughness of Molybdenum Alloys, B. Hu, S. Ge, J. Han, X. Hua, S. Li, H. Xing, L. Yuan, X. Zhang, K. Wang, P. Hu, A.A. Volinsky, Materials Letters, Vol. 307, 131077, 2022
Thickness Effects on the Martensite Transformations and Mechanical Properties of Nanocrystalline NiTi Wires, G.A. Baigonakova, E.S. Marchenko, M.A. Kovaleva, E.A. Chudinova, A.A. Volinsky, Y. Zhang, Nanomaterials, Vol. 12(42), p. 4442, 2022
Treatment of Post-Resuscitation Cicatricial Tracheal Stenosis After Suffering Severe COVID-19 Associated Pneumonia: A Report of 11 Cases, E.B. Topolnitskiy, T.L. Chekalkin, E.S. Marchenko, A.A. Volinsky, Respiratory Medicine Case Reports, Vol. 40, p. 101768, 2022
Structure, Biocompatibility and Corrosion Resistance of the Ceramic-metal Surface of Porous Nitinol, E.S. Marchenko, G.A. Baigonakova, Y.F. Yasenchuk, T.L. Chekalkin, A.A. Volinsky, Ceramics International, Vol. 48, pp. 33514-33523, 2022
Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Friction Stir Welded Powder Metallurgy AA2024 Alloy, W. Han, P. Li, N. Liu, C. Chen, S. Dong, Z. Guo, F. Yang, Y. Sun, A.A. Volinsky, Journal of Central South University, Vol. 29, pp. 871-882, 2022
Причины Неприятного Запаха в Ванных Комнатах и Туалетах Квартир МКД. Causes of a Nuisance Odor in the Bathrooms and Toilets of Apartments in Multi-story Buildings (in Russian), A.A. Volinsky, С.О.К. Сантехника, Отопление, Кондиционирование, N. 8(248), С. 46-48, 2022. S.O.K. Plumbing, Heating, Air-conditioning, Vol. 8(248), pp. 46-48, 2022
Design of Super-hard High-entropy Ceramics Coatings via Machine Learning, X. Xu, S. Wu, L. Yan, T. Guo, K. Gao, X. Pang, A.A. Volinsky, Ceramics International, Vol. 48(21), pp. 32064-32072, 2022
Improved Mechanical Properties of Porous Nitinol by Aluminum Alloying, A.N. Monogenov, E.S. Marchenko, G.A. Baigonakova, Y.F. Yasenchuk, A.A. Volinsky, A.S. Garin, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Vol. 918, p. 165617, 2022
Два Клинических Случая Изопатического и Гомеопатического Лечения Коронавирусной Инфекции 2019 (Two Clinical Cases of Isopathic and Homeopathic Treatment of Coronavirus Infection 2019, in Russian), A.A. Volinsky, S.V. Gunter, XXXII Всероссийская Научно-практическая Конференция с Международным Участием “Актуальные Вопросы Гомеопатии. Место и Возможности Гомеопатического Метода в Практическом Здравоохранении” (XXXII Russian Scientific Applied Practical Conference with International Participation “Current Issues in Homeopathy, Place and Possibilities of the Homeopathic Method in Practical Health Care”), St. Petersburg, Russia, 10-11 June 2022
Microstructure and Hot Deformation Behavior of the Cu-1Ni-0.9Sn-0.5Ti-0.3Cr Alloy,S. Tang, M. Zhou, X. Li, Y. Zhang, D. Xu, Z. Zhang, B. Tian, Y. Jia, Y. Liu, A.A. Volinsky, E.S. Marchenko, Materials Today Communications, Vol. 31, 103771, 2022
Review of Metal Carbide Nano-precipitate Effects on Hydrogen Embrittlement of High Strength Martensitic Steel,Y. Zheng, H. Sun, L. Yan, X. Pang, A.A. Volinsky, K. Gao, Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials, Vol. 69/4, pp. 409-416, 2022
Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Powder Metallurgy AA2024 Aluminum Alloy Using Friction Stir Welding,W. Han, P. Li, N. Liu, C. Chen, S. Dong, Z. Guo, F. Yang, A.A. Volinsky, Journal of Central South University, Vol. 29, pp. 871-882, 2022
Ferrite Effects on the Hydrogen Embrittlement of 17-4PH Stainless Steel,Y. Zheng, H. Sun, L. Yan, H. Yang, X. Pang, K. Gao, A.A. Volinsky, Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials, Vol. 69(3), pp. 331-338, 2022
Microstructure and Properties Evolution of Rolled Powder Metallurgy Cu-30Fe Alloy,C. Zhang, C. Chen, P. Li, M. Yan, Q. Qin, F. Yang, W. Wang, Z. Guo, A.A. Volinsky, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Vol. 909, 164761, 2022
Microstructure Evolution of Graphene Reinforced Cu/CeO2/Cr Electrical Contact Materials Under Thermal Deformation Behavior,L. Li, S. Liu, S. Liang, Y. Zhang, M. Zhou, J. Huang, B. Tian, Y. Geng, Y. Ban, Y. Liu, Y. Jia, X. Li, A.A. Volinsky, Journal of Materials Research and Technology, Vol. 18, pp. 1412-1423, 2022
Thermal Deformation Behavior of GO/CeO2 In-situ Reinforced Cu30Cr10W Electrical Contact Material,S. Liang, M. Zhou, Y. Zhang, S. Liu, X. Li, B. Tian, Y. Geng, Y. Ban, Y. Jia, Y. Liu, A.A. Volinsky, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Vol. 899, 163266, 2022
Preparation and Properties of Graphene Reinforced Cu/0.5CeO230Cr Electrical Contact Materials,S. Liu, L. Li, M. Zhou, S. Liang, Y. Zhang, J. Huang, B. Tian, Y. Geng, Y. Liu, Y. Jia, X. Li, A.A. Volinsky, Vacuum, Vol. 195, 110687, 2022
ZrTiO4 Effects on Plasticity and Toughening of Molybdenum Alloys,B. Hu, J. Han, S. Ge, X. Hua, S. Li, H. Xing, K. Wang, P. Hu, J. Fu, W. Zhang, A.A. Volinsky, Materials Letters, Vol. 307, 131077, 2022
Portable Universal Tensile Testing Machine for Studying Mechanical Properties of Superelastic Biomaterials,S.V. Gunter, E.S. Marchenko, Y.F. Yasenchuk, G.A. Baigonakova, A.A. Volinsky, Engineering Research Express, Vol. 3(4), 045055, pp. 1-8, 2021
Secondary Phases Strengthening-Toughening Effects in the Mo-TiC-La2O3 Alloys, B. Hu, J. Han, S. Ge, X. Hua, S. Li, H. Xing, K. Wang, P. Hu, J. Fu, W. Zhang, A.A. Volinsky, E.S. Marchenko, Materials Science and Engineering: A, Vol. 831, 142271, 2021
Softening Effects in Biological Tissues and NiTi Knitwear During Cyclic Loading, Y.F. Yasenchuk, E.S. Marchenko, S.V. Gunter, G.A. Baigonakova, O.V. Kokorev, A.A. Volinsky, E.B. Topolnitsky, Materials, Vol. 14, 6256, pp. 1-20, 2021
Effect of Y Addition on Microstructure Evolution and Precipitation of Cu-Co-Si Alloy During Hot Deformation, P. Yang, Y. Zhang, M. Zhou, Y. Jia, B. Tian, Y. Liu, X. Lie, A.A. Volinsky, Materials Characterization, Vol. 181, 111502, 2021
Two Cases of Isopathic and Homeopathic Treatment of Coronavirus Disease 2019, A.A. Volinsky, S.V. Gunter, International Journal of Homoeopathic Sciences, Vol. 5(3), pp. 321-323, 2021
Excellent Mechanical Properties and High Electrical Conductivity of Cu-Co-Si-Ti Alloy due to Multiple Strengthening, Y. Geng, Y. Ban, X. Li, Y. Zhang, Y. Jia, B. Tian, M. Zhou, Y. Liu, A.A. Volinsky, K. Song, S. Tang, Materials Science and Engineering A, Vol. 821, 141639, 2021
Nitrogen Effects on Structure, Mechanical and Thermal Fracture Properties of CrN Films, Y. He, K. Gao, H. Yang, X. Pang, A.A. Volinsky, Ceramics International, Vol. 47(21), pp. 30729-30740, 2021
Recording, Storage, and Reproduction of Information on Polyvinyl Chloride Films Using Shape Memory Effects, A.P. Kondratov, E.P. Cherkasov, V. Paley, A.A. Volinsky, Polymers, Vol. 13(11), 1802, pp. 1-13, 2021
Properties and Precipitates of the High Strength and Electrical Conductivity Cu-Ni-Co-Si-Cr Alloy, Y. Ban, Y. Geng, J. Hou, Y. Zhang, M. Zhou, Y. Jia, B. Tian, Y. Liu, X. Li, A.A. Volinsky, Journal of Materials Science & Technology, Vol. 93, pp. 1-6, 2021
Theoretical and Experimental Studies on Electronic Structure and Optical Properties of Bi-doped Anatase TiO2, Z. Ma, F. Ren, Z. Yang, A.A. Volinsky, Optik, Vol. 241, 167107, 2021
Nanoindentation and Photoluminescence Studies of Hydrogenated Boron Carbon Nitride Thin Films, S.D. Nehate, A.K. Saikumar, M. Fincan, A. Santana, A.A. Volinsky, A. Campiglia, K.B. Sundaram, ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology, Vol. 10, 057004, 2021
Deformation Mechanisms of NiP/Ni Composite Coatings on Ductile Substrates, Z. Zhang, H. Xu, X.Y. Zhou, T. Guo, X. Pang, A.A. Volinsky, Coatings, Vol. 11, p. 834, 2021
Microstructure and Properties of Cu-Fe Alloys Fabricated via Powder Metallurgy and Rolling, C. Zhang, C. Chen, L. Huang, T. Lu, P. Li, W. Wang, F. Yang, A.A. Volinsky, Z. Guo, Powder Metallurgy, Vol. 64(4), pp. 308-320, 2021
Клинический Случай Гомеопатического и Изопатического Лечения Проявлений Вируса Простого Герпеса, А.А. Волынский, Гомеопатия и Фитотерапия, 2(58), стр. 27-29, 2021
Почему в Китае Плохо Пахнет. Недостатки Канализационных Систем в Китае.Why China Stinks. Deficiencies in Plumbing Systems in China (in Russian), A.A. Volinsky, С.О.К. Сантехника, Отопление, Кондиционирование, N. 10(238), С. 22-24, 2021. S.O.K. Plumbing, Heating, Air-conditioning, Vol. 10(238), pp. 22-24, 2021
Thermally Stable Al Conductor Prepared from Al Powder with a Low Oxygen Content, C. Chen, F. Li, W. Han, T. Lu, P. Li, Q. Cui, Y. Sui, Z. Guo, A.A. Volinsky, Materials Science & Engineering A, Vol. 813, 141174, 2021
Nonparametric Estimation of SiC Film Residual Stress from the Wafer Surface Profile, O. Savchuk, A.A. Volinsky, Measurement, Vol. 177, 109238, 2021
A Clinical Case of Chronic Tonsillitis Treatment Using Homeopathy and Autonosodes, A.A. Volinsky, International Journal of Homoeopathic Sciences, Vol. 5(1), Part C, pp. 152-154, 2021
A Clinical Case of Homeopathic and Isopathic Treatment of Human Herpes Simplex Virus, A.A. Volinsky, International Journal of Homoeopathic Sciences, Vol. 5(1), Part C, pp. 146-148, 2021
Recent Advances and Perspective on Metal Coordination Materials-based Electrode Materials for Potassium-ion Batteries: A Review, F. Wang, Y. Liu, H. Wei, T. Li, X. Xiong, S. Wei, F. Ren, A.A. Volinsky, Rare Metals, Vol. 40(2), pp. 448-470, 2021
FeSiBCrC Amorphous Magnetic Powder Fabricated by Gas-Water Combined Atomization, T. Zhao, C. Chen, X. Wu, C. Zhang, A.A. Volinsky, J. Hao, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Vol. 857, 157991, 2021
Secondary Phases Effects on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Lanthanum-Doped Titanium-Zirconium-Molybdenum Alloy, B. Hu, K. Wang, P. Hu, J. Fu, A.A. Volinsky, International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials, Vol. 21, p. 105439, 2021
Review of the Fatigue Behavior of Hard Coating-Ductile Substrate Systems, Y. Bai, T. Guo, K. Gao, A.A. Volinsky, X. Pang, International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials, Vol. 28(1), pp. 46-55, 2021
Macrostructure of Anisotropic Shape Memory Polymer Films Studied by Molecular Probe Method, A.P. Kondratov, E.P. Cherkasov, V. Paley, A.A. Volinsky, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, Vol. 138(15), p. 50176, 2021
Клинический Случай Лечения Хронического Тонзиллита с Помощью Гомеопатии и Аутонозодов (in Russian, Clinical Case of Chronic Tonsillitis Treatment Using Homeopathy and Autonosodes), A.A. Volinsky, Российский Гомеопатический Портал (Russian Homeopathic Portal), 2020
Selection of Interfacial Metals for Si3N4 Ceramics by the Density Functional Theory, X. Pang, B. Yang, S. Yang, H. Ren, H. Yang, K. Gao, A.A. Volinsky, Chemical Physics Letters, Vol. 763, p. 138189, 2020
Allergy Desensitization Based on Allergens Dynamization Method, A.A. Volinsky, International Journal of Homoeopathic Sciences, Vol. 4(4), pp. 198-201, 2020
Десенсибилизация Аллергии на Основе Метода Динамизации Аллергенов (Allergy Desensitization Based on Allergens Dynamization Method, in Russian), A.A. Volinsky, Российский Гомеопатический Портал (Russian Homeopathic Portal), 2020
Why China Stinks. Deficiencies in Plumbing and Ventilation Systems in China, A.A. Volinsky, International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology, Vol. 11(7), pp. 16-20, 2020
EBSD Analysis of Hot Deformation Behavior of Cu-Ni-Co-Si-Cr Alloy, Y. Ban, Y. Zhang, B. Tian, X. Zhang, Y. Jia, X. Lie, Y. Geng, Y. Liu, A.A. Volinsky, Materials Characterization, Vol. 169, 110656, 2020
Simulations and Experiments of Mold Filling in Lost Foam Casting, F.J. Li, H. Zhao, F.Z. Ren, S.B. Song, X.H. Shao, A.A. Volinsky, International Journal of Cast Metals Research, Vol. 33(4-5), pp. 194-200, 2020
A Review of Microstructure and Texture Evolution with Nanoscale Precipitates for Copper Alloys, Y. Geng, Y. Ban, B. Wang, X Li, K. Song, Y. Zhang, Y. Jia, B. Tian, Y. Liu, A.A. Volinsky, Journal of Materials Research and Technology, Vol. 9(5), pp. 11918-11934, 2020
Strain Gauges Capable of Measuring Large Cyclical Deformations Printed on Elastic Polymer Films, A.P. Kondratov, V. Yakubov, A.A. Volinsky, Measurement, Vol. 166, 108107, 2020
Microstructure Evolution in the Cu-Ni-Co-Si-Cr Alloy During Hot Compression by Ce Addition, Y. Ban, Y. Zhang, Y. Jia, B. Tian, K. Song, X. Li, Y. Liu, A.A. Volinsky, X. Zhang, Materials, Vol. 13(14), 3186, 2020
Structural, Electrochemical and Optical Properties of Ni Doped ZnO: Experimental and Theoretical Investigation, Z. Ma, F. Ren, Y. Deng, A.A. Volinsky, Optik, Vol. 219, 165204, 2020
Mechanical and Electrical Properties and Phase Analysis of Aged Cu-Mg-Ce Alloy, J. An, B. Wang, Y. Zhang, B. Tian, A.A. Volinsky, Y. Liu, G. Wang, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, Vol. 29(1), pp. 1-9, 2020
Graphene Induced Growth of Sb2WO6 Nanosheets for High-performance Pseudocapacitive Lithium-ion Storage, Y. He, F. Wang, Y. Liu, H. Wei, G. Wang, F. Ren, X. Liu; M. Chen, A.A. Volinsky, S. Wei, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Vol. 839, 155614, 2020
Nanoscale Precipitates Evolution and Strengthening Mechanism of the Aged Cu-Mg-Fe-Sn-P-Y Electrical Contact Wire, B. Wang, Y. Zhang, B. Tian, Y. Jia, A.A. Volinsky, V. Yakubov, Y. Liu, K. Song, M. Fu, Journal of Materials Research and Technology, Vol. 9(3), pp. 6352-6359, 2020
Detonation Exfoliated Mechanism of Graphene-like MoS2 Prepared by the Intercalation-detonation Method and Promising Exfoliation for 2D Materials, F. Yang, K. Wang, P. Hu, X. Wang, T. Chang, Z. Chen, J. Deng, P. Feng, A.A. Volinsky, Applied Surface Science, Vol. 520, 145867, 2020
Microstructure Evolution of Cu-1.0Co-0.65Si-0.1Ti Alloy During Hot Deformation, Y. Geng, Y. Zhang, Y. Jia, H. Zhou, B. Tian, Y. Liu, A.A. Volinsky, X. Zhang, K. Song, P. Liu, X. Chen, Vacuum, Vol. 177, 109376, 2020
Microstructure Regulation and Coercivity Improvement in the Dy2O3/WS2 Co-doped Nd-Fe-B–Sintered Magnets, F. Yang, Q. Qin, S. Lin, H. Sun, Y. Sui, Z. Guo, A.A. Volinsky, Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism, Vol. 33(3), pp. 775-781, 2020
Effects of Cr Addition on the Constitutive Equation and Precipitated Phases of Copper Alloy During Hot Deformation, Y. Ban, Y. Zhang, Y. Jia, B. Tian, A.A. Volinsky, X. Zhang, Q. Zhang, Y. Geng, Y. Liu, X. Li, Materials & Design, Vol. 191, p. 108613, 2020
Effects of Trace Ce Addition on Hot Deformation Behavior of the Cu-0.8Mg Alloy, G. Sun, Y. Liu, B. Tian, Y. Zhang, Z. Gu, A.A. Volinsky, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, Vol. 29, pp. 776-786, 2020
Effects of Yttrium Oxides on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of 15-15Ti ODS Alloy Fabricated by Casting, Q. Yan, Y. Zhuang, X. Zhang, T. Peng, H. Fan, X. Zhang, A.A. Volinsky, Materials Characterization, Vol. 162, 110228, 2020
Mechanical Properties and Phases Evolution in T91 Steel During Long-term High-temperature Exposure, Y. Li, J. Du, L. Li, K. Gao, X. Pang, A.A. Volinsky, Engineering Failure Analysis, Vol. 111, 104451, 2020
Effect of Ce Addition on Microstructure Evolution and Precipitation in Cu-Co-Si-Ti Alloy During Hot Deformation, Y. Geng, Y. Zhang, K. Song, Y. Jia, X. Li, H.R. Stock, H. Zhou, B. Tian, Y. Liu, A.A. Volinsky, X. Zhang, P. Liu, X. Chen, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Vol. 842, 155666, 2020
Effect of Ti Addition on Microstructure Evolution and Precipitation in Cu-Co-Si Alloy During Hot Deformation, Y. Geng, X. Li, H. Zhou, Y. Zhang, Y. Jia, B. Tian, Y. Liu, A.A. Volinsky, X. Zhang, K. Song, G. Wang, L. Li, J. Hou, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Vol. 821, 153518, 2020
Effects of Microstructure, Mechanical and Physical Properties on Machinability of Graphite Cast Irons, J. Ren, F. Ren, F. Li, L. Cui, Y. Xiong, A.A. Volinsky, Metals, Vol. 10(2), 285, 2020
In-situ VN Reinforced Powder Metallurgy M30 Steels Prepared from Water Atomized Powers via Pressureless Sintering, H. Sun, F. Yang, Q. Qin, B. Zhang, A.A. Volinsky, Z. Guo, Powder Metallurgy, Vol. 63(1), pp. 43-53, 2020
Effect of Molybdenum Particles on Thermal and Mechanical Properties of Graphite Flake/Copper Composites, Q. Cui, C. Chen, C. Yu, T. Lu, H. Long, S. Yan, A.A. Volinsky, J. Hao, Carbon, Vol. 161, pp. 169-180, 2020
Graphene Oxide Effects on the Properties of Al2O3-Cu/35W5Cr Composite, X. Zhang, Y. Zhang, B. Tian, Y. Jia, M. Fu, Y. Liu, K. Song, A.A. Volinsky, X. Yang, H. Sun, Journal of Materials Science & Technology, Vol. 37, pp. 185-199, 2020
Review of Nano-phase Effects in High Strength and Conductivity Copper Alloys, X. Zhang, Y. Zhang, B. Tian, K. Song, P. Liu, Y. Jia, X. Chen, J. An, Z. Zhao, Y. Liu, A.A. Volinsky, X. Li, T. Yin, Nanotechnology Reviews, Vol. 8, pp. 383-395, 2019
Influences of Albumin on in vitro Corrosion of Pure Zn in Artificial Plasma, L. Liu, Y. Meng, A.A. Volinsky, H. Zhang, L. Wang, Corrosion Science, Vol. 153, pp. 341-356, 2019
Co Effects on Cu-Ni-Si Alloys Microstructure and Physical Properties, Z. Zhao, Y. Zhang, B. Tian, Y. Jia, Y. Liu, K. Song, A.A. Volinsky, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Vol. 797, pp. 1327-1337, 2019
Cr Effects on the Electrical Contact Properties of the Al2O3-Cu/15W Composites, X. Zhang, Y. Zhang, B. Tian, Y. Jia, Y. Liu, K. Song, A.A. Volinsky, H. Xue, Nanotechnology Reviews, Vol. 8, pp. 128-135, 2019
Cohesive Zone Modelling of Anodic Dissolution Stress Corrosion Cracking Induced by Corrosion Product Films, C. Chen, W. Wang, Z. Zhang, Y. Su, A.A. Volinsky, Philosophical Magazine A: Materials Science, Vol. 99(9), pp. 1090-1102, 2019
Electrochemical Performance of 1-Ethyl-3-Methylimidazolium Bis(Trifluoromethylsulfonyl)Imide Ionic Liquid as Electrolyte for Primary Mg-Air Batteries, J. Zhang, J. Ma, G. Wang, Y. Li, A.A. Volinsky, Journal of the Electrochemical Society, Vol. 166(6), pp. A1-A4, 2019
High Carbon Ferrochrome Effects on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of PM Titanium Alloys, B. Lu, C. Zhang, Z. Guo, F. Yang, H. Wang, A.A. Volinsky, L. You, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, Vol. 28(9), pp. 5361-5368, 2019
High-performance Hot-warm Rolled Zn-0.8Li Alloy with Nano-sized Metastable Precipitates and Sub-micron Grains for Biodegradable Stents, Z. Li, Z.-Z. Shi, Y. Hao, H.-F. Li, X.-F. Liu, A.A. Volinsky, H.-J. Zhang, L.-N. Wang, Journal of Materials Science & Technology, Vol. 35(11), pp. 2618-2624, 2019
Tribological and Mechanical Properties of Copper Matrix Composites Reinforced with Carbon Nanotube and Alumina Nanoparticles, Y. Pan, X. Lu, A.A. Volinsky, B. Liu, S. Xiao, C. Zhou, Y. Li, M. Chen, X. Qu, Materials Research Express, Vol. 6(11), p. 116524, 2019
Long-term in vivo Study of Biodegradable Zn-Cu Stent: A 2-year Implantation Evaluation in Porcine Coronary Artery, C. Zhou, H. Li, Y. Yin, Z. Shi, T. Li, X. Feng, J. Zhang, C. Song, X. Cui, K. Xu, Y. Zha, W. Hou, S. Lu, G. Liu, M. Li, J. Ma, E. Toft, A.A. Volinsky, H. Zhang, Acta Biomaterialia, Vol. 97, pp. 657-670, 2019
Microproperties and Interface Behavior of the BAg25TS Brazed Joint, L. Zhang, H. Yu, J. Ma, S. Zhong, Y. Jiu, S. Wei, W. Long, A.A. Volinsky, Vacuum, Vol. 169, 108928, 2019
Thermodynamics Analysis of Multivariable Microelements Coupling Behavior in High Fatigue Resistance 50CrVA Spring Steel with Nanoparticles, Y. Wang, L. Fu, M. Zhou, X. Pang, Z. Zhou, S. Zhong, A.A. Volinsky, Materials, Vol. 12(18), p. 2952, 2019
Multiscale Recycling Rare Earth Elements from Real Waste Trichromatic Phosphors Containing Glass, Hu Liu, S. Li, B. Wang, K. Wang, R. Wu, C. Ekberg, A.A. Volinsky, Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol. 238, p. 117998, 2019
Effects of Particle Characteristic Parameters on the Electrical Conductivity of TiB2/Cu Composites: A Modified Model for Predicting Their Electrical Conductivity, J. Feng, S. Liang, K. Song, X. Guo, Y. Zhang, G. Li, A.A. Volinsky, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, Vol. 28(7), 4316-4323, 2019
Characterization and Integrated Fabrication of Al Components with Thick TiCp/Al Composite Coatings via Self-Propagating Reaction, C. Chen, T. Shi, W. Wang, Z. Guo, A.A. Volinsky, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, Vol. 28(7), pp. 4485-4495, 2019
Suppressed Voltage Decay and Improved Electrochemical Performance by Coating LiAl5O8 on the Surface of Li1.2Mn0.54Ni0.13Co0.13O2, F. Yang, S. Lin, Z. Guo, Y. Shao, B. Zhang, X. Zhang, S. Yan, A.A. Volinsky, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Vol. 805, pp. 1034-1043, 2019
Effect of Microstructure and Mechanical Properties on Cutting Force of Different Cast Irons with Similar Tensile Strength, J. Ren, Z. Li, Y. Xiong, F. Li, F. Ren, A.A. Volinsky, China Foundry, Vol. 16 (3), pp. 177-183, 2019
In-situ Synthesis of TiC-Al2O3 Coating on Copper Surface, F. Yang, Q. Qin, T. Shi, X. Lu, C. Chen, Z. Guo, A.A. Volinsky, Surface and Coatings Technology, Vol. 373, pp. 65-74, 2019
Synchrotron X-ray Laue Diffraction Study of Hydrogen-induced Blisters on Iron Grain Boundaries, X. Tao, G. Lv, J. Kou, X. Xiong, A.A. Volinsky, C. Ku, K. Chen, Y. Su, Scripta Materialia, Vol. 169, pp. 82-86, 2019
Residual Stress and Warpage of AMB Ceramic Substrate Studied by Finite Element Simulations, S. Zhang, H. Yang, K. Gao, L. Yan, X. Pang, A.A.Volinsky, Microelectronics Reliability, Vol. 98, pp. 49-55, 2019
Editorial for the Special Issue on Small-Scale Deformation using Advanced Nanoindentation Techniques, T. Tsui, A.A. Volinsky, Micromachines, Vol. 10(4), 269, 2019
Brittle Coating Effects on Fatigue Cracks Behavior in Ti Alloys, Y. Bai, Y. Xi, K. Gao, H. Yang, X. Pang, X. Yang. A.A. Volinsky, International Journal of Fatigue, Vol. 125, pp. 432-439, 2019
Atomic Force Microscopy Study of Nanoporous Gold Surface and Electrochemical Properties, P. Gao, P. Qian, L. Qiao, A.A. Volinsky, Y. Su, Scripta Materialia, Vol. 168, pp. 1-4, 2019
Enhanced Morphology and Photoelectric Properties of One-dimensional TiO2 Nanorod Array Films, Y. Deng, Z. Ma, F. Ren, G. Wang, A.A. Volinsky, Chemical Physics Letters, Vol. 724, pp. 42-49, 2019
Thermal Deformation Behavior of the Al2O3-Cu/(W, Cr) Electrical Contacts, X. Zhang, Y. Zhang, B. Tian, Y. Jia, Y. Liu, K. Song, A.A. Volinsky, Vacuum, Vol. 164, pp. 361-366, 2019
High-density and Low-interstitial Ti-23Al-17Nb Prepared by Vacuum Pressureless Sintering from Blended Elemental Powders, H. Wang, C. Zhang, F. Yang, P. Cao, Z. Guo, B. Lu, C. Chen, P. Liu, A.A. Volinsky, Vacuum, Vol. 164, pp. 62-65, 2019
Tribo-corrosion and Albumin Attachment of Nitrogen Ion-Implanted CoCrMo Alloy During Friction Onset, X. Yan, J. Meng, K. Gao, X. Pang, A.A. Volinsky, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, Vol. 28(1), pp. 363-371, 2019
Recording Digital Color Information on Transparent Polyethylene Films by Thermal Treatment, A. Kondratov, V. Yakubov, A.A. Volinsky, Applied Optics, Vol. 58(1), pp. 172-176, 2019
Performance of Nd-Fe-B Magnets Fabricated by Hot Isostatic Pressing and Low-temperature Sintering, F. Yang, H. Wang, L. You, A.A. Volinsky, C. Zhang, Z. Guo, Y. Sui, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, Vol. 28(1), pp. 273-277, 2019
Cu-doped ZnO Electronic Structure and Optical Properties Studied by the First-principles Calculations and Experiments, Z. Ma, F. Ren, X. Ming, Y. Long, A.A. Volinsky, Materials, Vol. 12(1), 196, pp. 1-12, 2019
Proton Irradiation Effects on Hardness and the Volta Potential of Welding 308L Duplex Stainless Steel, B. Jiang, Q. Peng, Z. Jiao, A.A. Volinsky, L. Qiao, Micromachines, Vol. 10(1), 11, pp. 1-13, 2019
Effects of Ce and Y Addition on Microstructure Evolution and Precipitation of Cu-Mg Alloy Hot Deformation, B. Wang, Y. Zhang, B. Tian, V. Yakubov, J. An, A.A.Volinsky, Y. Liu, K. Song, L. Li, M. Fu, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Vol. 781, pp. 118-130, 2019
Ti Alloy Three-Way Pipe Fabricated by the Combination of 3D Printing and Cold Isostatic Pressing, Y. Shao, F. Yang, P. Liu, Z. Feng, X. Lu, Z. Guo, H. Xu, A.A. Volinsky, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, Vol. 28(10), pp. 6219-6227, 2019
3D Printing of NdFeB Bonded Magnets with SrFe12O19 Addition, F. Yang, X. Zhang, Z. Guo, S. Ye, Y. Sui, A.A. Volinsky, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Vol. 779, pp. 900-907, 2019
Arc Erosion Behavior of the Al2O3-Cu/(W, Cr) Electrical Contacts, X. Zhang, Y. Zhang, B. Tian, J. An, Z. Zhao, A.A. Volinsky, Y. Liu, K. Song, Composites B: Engineering, Vol. 160, pp. 110-118, 2019
Coercivity Enhancement and Grain Refinement in Nd-Fe-B Sintered Magnets with Pyrite Doping by Jet Milling, F. Yang, L. You, Z. Guo, V. Paley, A.A. Volinsky, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Vol. 469, pp. 146-150, 2019
3D Gel Printing of Graded TiC-high Manganese Steel Cermet, X. Zhang, L. Guo, F. Yang, A.A. Volinsky, M. Hostetter, Z. Guo, Journal of Materials Science, Vol. 54, pp. 2122-2132, 2019
Electrochemical Performance of Mg-air Batteries Based on AZ Series Magnesium Alloys, J. Ma, G. Wang, Y. Li, F. Ren, A.A. Volinsky, Ionics, Vol. 25, pp. 2201-2209, 2019
The Hydrogen-induced Pitting Corrosion Mechanism in Duplex Stainless Steel Studied by Current-sensing Atomic Force Microscopy, V. Yakubov, M. Lin, A.A. Volinsky, L. Qiao, L. Guo, NPJ Materials Degradation, Vol. 2(39), pp. 1-4, 2018
Study on Pure Mercurous Chloride Leaching with Sodium Thiosulfate, C. Han, W. Wang, F. Xie, G. Wang, A.A. Volinsky, M. Gekhtman, Russian Journal of Non-Ferrous Metals, Vol. 59(6), pp. 589-595, 2018
The Improved Thermal Conductivity of a Potting Material for High-power Fast Warm-up Cathodes, X. Zhang, J. Hao, Z. Guo, Z. Ji, J. Luo, C. Chen, F. Yang, A.A. Volinsky, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, Vol. 27(12), pp. 6701-6708, 2018
Why China Stinks? Deficiencies in Chinese Plumbing and Ventilation Systems (in Chinese), A.A. Volinsky, Y. Liu, 2018
Temperature Effects on Magnetic Properties of Fe3O4 Nanoparticles Synthesized by the Sol-gel Explosion-assisted Method, P. Hu, T. Chang, W. Chen, J. Deng, S. Li, Y. Zuo, L. Kang, F. Yang, M. Hostetter, A.A. Volinsky, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Vol. 773, pp. 605-611, 2019
Y Addition Effects on Hot Deformation Behavior of Cu-Zr Alloys with High Zr Content, K. Tian, B. Tian, A.A. Volinsky, Y. Zhang, Y. Liu, Y. Du, Archives of Metallurgy & Materials, Vol. 63(2), pp. 875-882, 2018
First Principles Calculations of Interfacial Properties and Electronic Structure of the AlN(0001)/Ti(0001) Interface, W. Jin, L. Li, S. Zhang, H. Yang, K. Gao, X. Pang, A.A. Volinsky, Chemical Physics Letters, Vol. 713, pp. 153-159, 2018
Initial Formation of Corrosion Products on Pure Zinc in Saline Solution, Y. Meng, L. Liu, D. Zhang, C. Dong, Y. Yan, A.A. Volinsky, L. Wang, Bioactive Materials, Vol. 4, pp. 87-96, 2018
Study of Oxygen Evolution Reaction on Amorphous Au13@Ni120P50 Nanocluster, K. Tian, B. Tian, A.A. Volinsky, Y. Zhang, Y. Liu, Y. Du, Archives of Metallurgy & Materials, Vol. 63(2), pp. 875-882, 2018
Electrochemical Performance of Mg-air Batteries Based on AZ Series Magnesium Alloys, J. Ma, G. Wang, Y. Li, F. Ren, A.A. Volinsky, Ionics,, 2018
Effects of Thickness Ratios and Sputtering Mode on the Structural, Electrical and Optical Properties of Bilayer Molybdenum Thin Films, H. Zhao, J. Xie, T. Liang, A. Mao, A. Wang, Y. Chen, D. Ma, V. Paley, A.A. Volinsky, AIP Advances, Vol. 8(9), p. 095028, 2018
Numerical Simulations of the Cu/Al Composite Plate Continuous Cast-rolling Process, H. Tian, A. Wang, J. Xie, S. Liu, A.A. Volinsky, Materials Research Express, Vol. 5(12), p. 126505, 2018
Synthesis and Photoluminescence of Er3+ and Yb3+ Doped ZnS Nanocrystals, L. Li, X. Zhang, X. Li, J. Huang, A.A. Volinsky, Rare Metal Materials and Engineering, Vol. 47(6), pp. 1744-1748, 2018
Hot Deformation Behavior of the 20 vol.% TiC/Cu-Al2O3 Composites, Y. Liu, Z. Yang, B. Tian, Y. Zhang, Z. Gu, A.A. Volinsky, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, Vol. 27(9), p. 4791-4798, 2018
Ultrahigh Thermal Conductivity Copper/Graphite Membrane Composites Prepared by Tape Casting with Hot-pressing Sintering, Q. Cui, C. Yu, J. Hao, C. Chen, X. Zhang, Z. Guo, A.A. Volinsky, Materials Letters, Vol. 231, pp. 60-63, 2018
Comparative Study of Ti and Cr Adhesion to the AlN Ceramic: Experiments and Calculations, S. Zhang, W. Jin, H. Yang, K. Gao, X. Pang, L. Yan, A.A. Volinsky, Applied Surface Science, Vol. 457, pp. 856-862, 2018
3D Gel-printing of Sr Ferrite Parts, F. Yang, X. Zhang, Z. Guo, A.A. Volinsky, Ceramics International, Vol. 44, pp. 22370-22377, 2018
Hydrostatic Pressure Effects on Hydrogen Entry into A514 Steel with Cathodic Deposits, X.L. Xiong, Y. Xiang, J.X. Li, Y.J. Su, Q.J. Zhou, A.A. Volinsky, Electrochimica Acta, Vol. 283, pp. 1534-1542, 2018
Enhanced Electrochemical Performance of Perovskite LaNiO3 Coating on Li1.2Mn0.54Ni0.13Co0.13O2 as Cathode Materials for Li-ion Batteries, X. Zhang, J. Hao, L. Wu, Z. Guo, Z. Ji, J. Luo, C. Chen, J. Shu, H. Long, F. Yang, A.A. Volinsky, Electrochimica Acta, Vol. 283, pp. 1203-1212, 2018
Secondary Phases Formation in Lanthanum-doped Titanium-zirconium-molybdenum Alloy, B. Hu, K. Wang, P. Hu, Y. Zhou, J. Deng, W. Chen, P. Feng, J. Zhang, A.A. Volinsky, H. Yu, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Vol. 757, pp. 340-347, 2018
Thermodynamic Analysis of Ti3O5 Nanoparticles Formed in Melt and Their Effects on Ferritic Steel Microstructure, Y. Wang, M. Zhou, X. Pang, X. Chen, Z. Wang, A.A. Volinsky, H. Tang, Materials, Vol. 11(8), p. 1343, 2018
Residual Stress and Microstructure Effects on Mechanical, Tribological and Electrical Properties of TiN Coatings on 304 Stainless Steel, Y. Xi, Y. Bai, K. Gao, X. Pang, H. Yang, L. Yan, A.A. Volinsky, Ceramics International, Vol. 44(13), pp. 15851-15858, 2018
Effects of Ce Addition on the Cu-Mg-Fe Alloy Hot Deformation Behavior, B. Wang, Y. Zhang, B. Tian, J. An, A.A. Volinsky, H. Sun, Y. Liu, K. Song, Vacuum, Vol. 155, pp. 594-603, 2018
Constitutive Model for Hot Deformation of the Cu-Zr-Ce Alloy, Y. Zhang, H. Sun, A.A. Volinsky, B. Wang, B. Tian, Y. Liu, K. Song, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, Vol. 27(2), pp.728-738, 2018
Tensile Deformation Temperature Impact on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of AISI 316LN Austenitic Stainless Steel, Y. Xiong, T. He, Y. Lu, F. Ren, A.A. Volinsky, W. Cao, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, Vol. 27(3), pp. 1232-1240, 2018
Ultrafast Synthesis of Amorphous VOx embedded into 3D Strutted Amorphous Carbon Frameworks - Short-Range Order in Dual-Amorphous Composites Boosts Lithium Storage, W. Wang, H. Wu, M. Qin, Z. Cao, Z. Liu, Q. Yu, C. Lao, D. Zhang, B. Jia, D. He, T. Liu, A.A. Volinsky, P. Cao and X. Qu, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2018
Antibacterial Activity and Inflammation Inhibition of ZnO Nanoparticles Embedded TiO2 Nanotubes, S. Yao, X. Feng, J. Lu, Y. Zheng, X. Wang, A.A. Volinsky, L.N. Wang, Nanotechnology, Vol. 29(24), p. 244003, 2018
Annealing Effects on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Ultrafine-Grained Al Composites Reinforced with Nano-Al2O3 by Rotary Swaging, C. Chen, W. Wang, Z. Guo, C. Sun, A.A. Volinsky, V. Paley, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance Vol. 27(4), pp 1738-1745, 2018
Impacts of Multiple Laser Shock Processing on Microstructure and Mechanical Property of High-Carbon Steel, Y. Xiong, T. He, Y. Lu, H. Bao, Y. Li, F. Ren, W. Cao, A.A. Volinsky, Journal of Iron and Steel Research International, Vol. 25(4), pp. 469-475, 2018
Periodic Cracks and Temperature-Dependent Stress in Mo/Si Multilayers on Si Substrates, G. Kravchenko, H.T. Tran, A.A. Volinsky, Philosophical Magazine, Vol 98(19), pp. 1765-1779, 2018
First Principles Calculations Study of Crystallographic Orientation Effects on SiC/Ti and SiC/Cr Interfaces, L. Li, W. Jin, H. Yang, K. Gao, P. Guo, X. Pang, A.A. Volinsky, Microelectronics Reliability, Vol. 83, pp. 119-126, 2018
Initial Formation of Corrosion Products on Pure Zinc in Simulated Body Fluid, L. Liu, Y. Meng, C. Dong, Y. Yan, A.A. Volinsky, L. N. Wang, Journal of Materials Science & Technology, Vol. 34(12), pp. 2271-2282, 2018
Crack Initiation Mechanism in Lanthanum-Doped Titanium-Zirconium-Molybdenum Alloy During Sintering and Rolling, P. Hu, Y. Zhou, J. Deng, S. Li, W. Chen, T. Chang, B. Hu, K. Wang, P. Feng, A.A. Volinsky, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Vol. 745, pp. 532-537, 2018
Preparation and Formation Mechanism of Monodisperse Micaceous Iron Oxide from Iron Chromium Grinding Waste B. Liu, S. Zhang, C. Chang, A.A. Volinsky, Powder Technology, Vol. 329, pp. 401-408, 2018
Scaling Effects on Color and Transparency of Multilayer Polyethylene Films in Polarized Light, A.P. Kondratov, A.A. Volinsky, J. Chen, Advances in Polymer Technology, Vol. 37(3), pp. 668-673, 2018
In-situ Stress Gradient Evolution and Texture-dependent Fracture of Brittle Ceramic Thin Films Under External Load, Y. Xi, Y. Bai, K. Gao, X. Pang, H. Yang, L. Yan, A.A. Volinsky, Ceramics International, 44 (7), pp. 8176-8183, 2018
Oxidation Layering Mechanism of Graphene-like MoS2 Prepared by the Intercalation-detonation Method, AF. Yang, K. Wang, P. Hu, Z. Chen, J. Deng, B. Hu, W. Cao, D. Liu, G. An, A.A. Volinsky, Nano Research, Vol. 11(2), pp. 997-1003, 2018
Sulfur Doping Effect on Microstructure and Magnetic Properties of Nd-Fe-B Sintered Magnets, F. Yang, Y. Sui, C. Chen, S. Ye, P. Li, Z. Guo, V. Paley, A.A. Volinsky, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Vol. 446, pp. 214-220, 2018
Lorentz Force Induced Magnetoelectric Effect in Cylindrical Composites with PZT/Magnetostrictive and Nonmagnetic Metal Layers, , L. Xu, L. Qiao, D. Pan, A.A. Volinsky, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Vol. 730, pp. 483-486, 2018
Vacuum Pressureless Sintering of Ti-6Al-4V Alloy with Full Densification and Forged-Like Mechanical Properties, C. Zhang, B. Lu, H. Wang, Z. Guo, V. Paley, A.A. Volinsky, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, Vol. 27(1), pp. 282-292, 2018
Passivation of Hydrogen Damage Using Graphene Coating on Fe2O3 Films, L. Chen, C. Shi, X. Li, Z. Mi, C. Jiang, L. Qiao, A.A. Volinsky, Carbon, Vol. 130, pp. 19-24, 2018
Synthesis of Lead Sulfide by Heavy Metal Gypsum Matched with Lead Paste, D. Pan, S. Jia, L. Qiao, T. Liu, Y. Wu, A.A. Volinsky, Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol. 182, pp. 280-290, 2018
Residual Stress Control in CrAlN Coatings Deposited on Ti Alloys, Y. Bai, Y. Xi, K. Gao, H. Yang, X. Pang, A.A. Volinsky, Ceramics International, Vol. 44(5), pp. 4653-4659, 2018
Solution Combustion Synthesis of Nanostructured Iron Oxides with Controllable Morphology, Composition and Electrochemical Performance, X. Wang, M. Qin, F. Fang, B. Jia, H. Wu, X. Qu, A.A. Volinsky, Ceramics International, Vol. 44(4), pp. 4237-4247, 2018
Hot Workability and Constitutive Model of the Cu-Zr-Nd Alloy, Y. Zhang, H. Sun, A.A. Volinsky, B. Tian, K. Song, B. Wang, Y. Liu, Vacuum, Vol. 146, pp. 35-43, 2017
Small Y Addition Effects on Hot Deformation Behavior of Copper-Matrix Alloys, Y. Zhang, H. Sun, A.A. Volinsky, B. Wang, B. Tian, Z. Chai, Y. Liu, K. Song, Advanced Engineering Materials, Vol. 19(11), p. 197, 2017
Applications and Thermodynamic Analysis of Equilibrium Solution for Secondary Phases in Ti-N-C Gear Steel System with Nano-particles, Y. Wang, M. Zhou, X. Pang, A.A Volinsky, M. Chen, K. Gao, Metals, Vol. 7(4), 110, 2017
Cathodic Over-potential and Hydrogen Partial Pressure Coupling in Hydrogen Evolution Reaction of Marine Steel Under Hydrostatic Pressure, X.L. Xiong, Q.J. Zhou, J.X. Li, A.A. Volinsky, Y.J. Su, Electrochimica Acta, Vol. 247, pp. 1019-1029, 2017
Hydrostatic Pressure Effects on the Kinetic Parameters of Hydrogen Evolution and Permeation in Armco Iron, X.L. Xiong, H.X. Ma, X. Tao, J.X. Li, Y.J. Su, Q.J. Zhou, A.A. Volinsky, Electrochimica Acta, Vol. 255, pp. 230-238, 2017
A Statistical Study on the Effect of Hydrostatic Pressure on Metastable Pitting Corrosion of X70 Pipeline Steel, Z. Yang, B. Kan, J. Li, L. Qiao, A.A. Volinsky, Y. Su, Materials, Vol. 10(11), p. 1307, 2017
Numerical Simulation and Experimental Study of the Air-cooled Motorized Spindle,Q. He, Y. Shen, F. Ren, L. Li, A.A. Volinsky, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, Vol. 231(12), pp. 2357-2369, 2017
Aging Strengthening Mechanism of the Cu-1.0 Zr Alloy,K. Tian, B. Tian, Y. Zhang, Y. Liu, A.A. Volinsky, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, Vol. 48(11), pp. 5628-5634, 2017
Film Thickness Effect on Texture and Residual Stress Sign Transition in Sputtered TiN Thin Films, Y. Xi, K. Gao, X. Pang, H. Yang, X. Xiong, H. Li, A.A. Volinsky, Ceramics International, Vol. 43(15), pp. 11992-11997, 2017
Melted Photopolymer Composite Mass Transfer Effects during Flexographic Development, A.P. Kondratov, V. Yakubov, A.A. Volinsky, Journal of Printing Science and Technology, Vol. 55(3), pp. 190-195, 2017
High Temperature Brittle Film Adhesion Measured from Annealing-induced Circular Blisters, T. Guo, J. He, X. Pang, A.A. Volinsky, Y. Su, L. Qiao, Acta Materialia, Vol. 138, pp. 1-9, 2017
Modified Qigong Breathing Exercise for Reducing the Sense of Hunger on an Empty Stomach, A.P. Voroshilov, A.A. Volinsky, Z. Wang, E.V. Marchenko, Journal of Evidence-based Complementary & Alternative Medicine, Vol. 22(4), pp. 687-695, 2017
Effect of Glycine on One-step Solution Combustion Synthesis of Magnetite Nanoparticles, X. Wang, M. Qin, F. Fang, B. Jia, H. Wu, X. Qu, A.A. Volinsky, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Vol. 719, pp. 288-295, 2017
Effect of Hydrogen Exposure on Mechanical and Tribological Behavior of CrxN Coatings Deposited at Different Pressures on IN718, A. Obrosov, A.N. Sutygina, A.A. Volinsky, A. Manakhov, S. Weis, E.B. Kashkarov, Metals, 10(5), p. 563, 2017
Failure Analysis of High Nickel Alloy Steel Seal Ring Used in Turbomachinery, W. Wang, X. Pang, C. Zheng, A.A. Volinsky, Engineering Failure Analysis, Vol. 80, pp. 49-56, 2017
Edge Geometry Effects on Resonance Response of Electroplated Cylindrical Ni/PZT/Ni Magnetoelectric Composites, V. Yakubov, L. Xu, A.A. Volinsky, L. Qiao, D. Pan, AIP Advances, Vol 7(8), p. 085305, 2017
Temperature-Dependent Multi-Scale Pore Evolution and Nitrogen Diffusion in Nuclear Graphite, L. Zhu, M. Tu, Z. Li, M. Li, W. Miao, H. Li, A.A. Volinsky, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, Vol. 48A(6), pp. 3008-3016, 2017
Hydrogen Redistribution Under Stress-induced Diffusion and Corresponding Fracture Behaviour of a Structural Steel, B. Kan, Z.X. Yang, Z. Wang, J.X. Li, Q.J. Zhou, Y.J. Su, L.J. Qiao, A.A. Volinsky, Materials Science and Technology, Vol. 33(13), pp. 1539-1547, 2017
Edge Eigen-stress and Eigen-displacement of Armchair Molybdenum Disulfide Nanoribbons, Q. Wu, X. Li, A.A. Volinsky, Y. Su, Physics Letters A, Vol. 381(18), pp. 1568-1572, 2017
Annealing Effects on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Cryorolled Fe-25Cr-20Ni Steel, Y. Xiong, T. He, H. Li, Y. Lu, F. Ren, A.A.Volinsky, Materials Science and Engineering: A, Vol. 703, pp. 68-75, 2017
Cyclic Microbridge Testing of Graphene Oxide Membrane, Q. Wu, Z. Dai, Y. Su, A.A. Volinsky, L. Liu, Z. Zhong, Carbon, Vol. 116, pp. 479-489, 2017
XPS and AFM Investigations of Ti-Al-N Coatings Fabricated Using DC Magnetron Sputtering at Various Nitrogen Flow Rates and Deposition Temperatures, A. Obrosov, R. Gulyaev, M. Ratzke, A.A. Volinsky, S. Bolz, M. Naveed, S. Weis, Metals, Vol. 7(52), pp 1-10, 2017
Effects of Ag Addition on Hot Deformation Behavior of Cu-Ni-Si Alloys, H. Sun, Y. Zhang, A.A. Volinsky, B. Wang, B. Tian, K. Song, Z. Chai, Y. Liu, Advanced Engineering Materials, 2017
Low-temperature Combustion Synthesis of Hexagonal WO3*0.33H2O@C as Anode Material for Lithium Ion Batteries, P. Hu, T. Chang, Z. Yu, F. Yang, B. Hu, Y. Zhou, K. Wang, W. Cao, D. Liu, A.A. Volinsky, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Vol. 698, pp. 994-1001, 2017
Synthesis of Hypoxia-high Density TZM Alloy Based on Mechanochemistry and Particle Size Distribution Theories, P. Hu, T. Chang, Z. Yu, F. Yang, B. Hu, Y. Zhou, K. Wang, W. Cao, D. Liu, A.A. Volinsky, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Vol. 698, pp. 994-1001, 2017
Height-related Magnetoelectric Performance of PZT/Ni Layered Composites, Z.-J. Zuo, D.-A. Pan, L.-J. Wang, J.-J. Tian, S.-G. Zhang, L.-J. Qiao, A.A. Volinsky, Rare Metals, Vol. 36(7), pp. 591-595, 2017
Polymer-Based Magnetoelectric Composites: Polymer as a Binder, Y. Song, D. Pan, Z. Zuo, A.A. Volinsky, Chapter in Magnetoelectric Polymer-Based Composites: Fundamentals and Applications, Editors: S. Lanceros-Mendez, P. Martins, Wiley, ISBN 978-3-527-34127-6, 2017
Immobilization Mechanism of Pb in Fly Ash-based Geopolymer, B. Guo, D. Pan, B. Liu, A.A. Volinsky, M. Fincan, J. Du, S. Zhang, Construction and Building Materials, Vol. 134, pp. 123-130, 2017
Optimizing Ductility and Fracture of Amorphous Metal Thin Films on Polyimide Using Multilayers, H.T. Tran, H. Mraied, S. Izadi, A.A. Volinsky, W. Cai, Int. J. of Fract., Vol. 204(2), pp. 129-142, 2017
Substrate Frequency Effects on CrxN Coatings Deposited by DC Magnetron Sputtering, A. Obrosov, M. Naveed, A.A. Volinsky, S. Weiß, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, Vol. 26(1), pp. 366-373, 2017
Sputtering Power Effects on Growth and Mechanical Properties of Cr2AlC MAX Phase Coatings, A. Obrosov, M. Naveed, S. Weis, A. Zak, W. Dudzinski, A.A. Volinsky, Metals, Vol. 6, pp. 265-276, 2016
Annealing Temperature Effects on Optical and Photoelectric Properties of Sputtered Indium-Doped PbSe Thin Films, X. Sun, K. Gao, X. Pang, H. Yang, A.A. Volinsky, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, Vol. 27(2), pp. 1670-1678, 2016
Numerical Simulation and Experimental Study of the Hydrostatic Spindle with Orifice Restrictors, Q. He, L. Li, F. Ren, A.A. Volinsky, The Open Mechanical Engineering Journal, Vol. 10, pp. 79-92, 2016
Graphene-like MoS2 Prepared by the Intercalation-Detonation Method, F. Yang, P. Hu, K.-S. Wang, Z.-Y. Chen, B.-L. Hua, R. Song, Q.-W. Li, W.-C. Cao, D.-X. Liu, G. An, Z.-Y. Jiang, Y.-F. Li, A.A. Volinsky, Materials Letters, Vol. 188, pp. 224-227, 2016
Fabrication and Characterization of Anodic Oxide Nanotubes on TiNb Alloys, M. Jin, X. Lu, Y. Qiao, L.-N. Wang, A.A. Volinsky, Rare Metals, Vol. 35(2), pp. 140-148, 2016
Precipitated Al2O3 Phase Characterization in Internally Oxidized Cu-Al Alloy Sheets, F. Ren, X. Li, J.F. Ren, Y. Xiong, A.A. Volinsky, B. Tian, J. Alloys and Compounds, Vol. 695, pp. 452-457, 2016
Enhanced Magnetoelectric Efficiency of the Tb1-xDyxFe2-y/Pb(Zr,Ti)O3 Cylinder Multi-electrode Composites, Y. Song, D. Pan, B. Liu, A.A. Volinsky, S. Zhang, Materials and Design, Vol. 90, pp. 753-756, 2016
Mechanical Characterization of Crosslinking Effect in Polydimethylsiloxane Using Nanoindentation, C. Jin, Z. Wang, A.A. Volinsky, A. Sharfeddin, N.D. Gallant, Polymer Testing, Vol. 56, pp. 329-336, 2016
Sputtering Power Effects on Growth and Mechanical Properties of Cr2AlC MAX Phase Coatings, M. Naveed, A. Obrosov, A. Zak, W. Dudzinski, A.A. Volinsky, S. Weis, Metals, Vol. 6(265), pp. 1-11, 2016
Facile Preparation of Hexagonal WO3*0.33H2O/C Nanostructures and its Electrochemical Properties for Lithium-ion Batteries, Z. Liu, P. Li, Y. Dong, Q. Wan, F. Zhai, A.A. Volinsky, X. Qu, Applied Surface Science, Vol. 394, pp. 70-77, 2016
Communication and Gamification in the Web-Based Foreign Language Educational System: Web-Based Foreign Language Educational System, I.V. Osipov, A.A. Volinsky, E. Nikulchev, A.Y. Prasikova, International Journal of Web-Based Learning and Teaching Technologies, Vol. 11(4), pp. 22-34, 2016
Online E-learning Application for Practicing Foreign Language Skills with Native Speakers, I.V. Osipov, A.A. Volinsky, E. Nikulchev, A.Y. Prasikova, Technology, Innovation and Education, Vol. 2(1), pp. 1-8, 2016
Characterization of the Hot Deformation Behavior of Cu-Cr-Zr Alloy by Processing Maps, Y. Zhang, H. Sun, A.A. Volinsky, B. Tian, Z. Chai, P. Liu, Y. Liu, Acta Metallurgica Sinica (English Letters), Vol. 29(5), pp. 422-430, 2016
Internal Stress Analysis of Electroplated Films Based on Electron Theory, F. Ren, L. Yin, S. Wang, Y. Xiong, A.A. Volinsky, B. Tian, Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, Vol. 26(9), pp. 2413-2418, 2016
Dynamic Recrystallization Behavior and Processing Map of the Cu-Cr-Zr-Nd Alloy, Y. Zhang, H. Sun, A.A. Volinsky, B. Tian, K. Song, Z. Chai, P. Liu, Y. Liu, SpringerPlus, Vol. 5(1), p. 666, 2016
Synthesis and Characterization of Al-Doped ZnO as a Prospective High Adsorption Material, H. Wu, M. Qin, D. Zhang, A. Chu, Z. Cao, B. Jia, P. Chen, S. Yang, X. Li, X. Qu, A.A. Volinsky, J. American Ceramic Society, Vol. 99(9), pp. 3074-3080, 2016
Glass-Ceramics One-Step Crystallization Accomplished by Building Ca2+ and Mg2+ Fast Diffusion Layer Around Diopside Crystal, J. Yang, B. Liu, S. Zhang, A.A. Volinsky, J. Alloys and Compounds, Vol. 688A, pp. 709-714, 2016
Growth Mechanism and Magnetism in Carbothermal Synthesized Fe3O4 Nanoparticles from Solution Combustion Precursors, X. Wang, M. Qin, Z. Cao, B. Jia, Y. Gu, X. Qu, A.A. Volinsky, J. Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Vol. 420, pp. 225-231, 2016
Layer Thickness and Sequence Effects on Resonant Magnetoelectric Coupling in Ni/Pb(Zr,Ti)O3 Cylindrical Composites, L. Xu, Y. Yan, L. Qiao, J. Wang, D. Pan, S. Yang, A.A. Volinsky, Materials Letters, Vol. 185, pp. 13-16, 2016
Pt-plating Effect on La-TZM Alloy High Temperature Oxidation Behavior, P. Hu, F. Yang, R. Song, K.-S Wang, B.-L Hu, W.-C. Cao, D.-X. Liu, X.-Q. Kang, A.A. Volinsky, J. Alloys and Compounds, Vol. 686, pp. 1037-1043, 2016
Boron Doping Effects on Microcrystalline Silicon Film Roughness Studied by Spectroscopic Ellipsometry, X. Li, L. Li, Z. Ma, J. Lu, A.A. Volinsky, F. Ren, J. Alloys and Compounds, Vol. 684, pp. 582-586, 2016
Eigenstress Model for Electrochemistry of Solid Surfaces, H. Ma, X. Xiong, P. Gao, X. Li, Y. Yan, A.A. Volinsky, Y. Su, Scientific Reports, Vol. 6: 26897, 2016
Blended Powder Semisolid Forming of Al7075/Al2O3 Composites: Investigation of Microstructure and Mechanical Properties, A. Javdani, V. Pouyafar, A. Ameli, A.A. Volinsky, Materials & Design, Vol. 109, pp. 57-67, 2016
Enhanced Bond Strength and Bioactivity of Interconnected 3D TiO2 Nanoporous Layer on Titanium Implants, M. Jin, S. Yao, L.-N. Wang, Y. Qiao, A.A. Volinsky, Surface and Coatings Technology, Vol. 320, pp. 459-467, 2016
Hydrostatic Pressure Effects on Hydrogen Permeation in A514 Steel During Galvanostatic Hydrogen Charging, X.L. Xiong, X. Tao, Q.J. Zhou, J.X. Li, A.A. Volinsky, Y.J. Su, Corrosion Science, Vol 112, pp. 86-93, 2016
Size-Dependent Vacancy Concentration in Nickel, Copper, Gold, and Platinum Nanoparticles, P. Gao, H. Ma, Q. Wu, L. Qiao, A.A. Volinsky, Y. Su, J. Phys. Chem. C, Vol. 120 (31), pp 17613-17619, 2016
Size-Dependent Concentrations of Thermal Vacancies in Solid Films, P. Gao, Q. Wu, X. Li, H. Ma, H. Zhang, A.A. Volinsky, L. Qiao, Y. Su, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., Vol. 18, pp. 22661-22667, 2016
Dynamic Recrystallization Model of the Cu-Cr-Zr-Ag Alloy Under Hot Deformation, Y. Zhang, B. Tian, A.A. Volinsky, X. Chen, H. Sun, Z. Chai, P. Liu, Y. Liu, J. Materials Research, Vol. 31(9), pp. 1275-1285, 2016
One Step Synthesis of Vanadium Pentoxide Sheets as Cathodes for Lithium Ion Batteries, H. Wu, M. Qin, X. Li, Z. Cao, B. Jia, Z. Zhang, D. Zhang, X. Qu, A.A. Volinsky, Electrochimica Acta, Vol. 206, pp. 301-306, 2016
Defects Evolution of Nanoporous AuAg(Pt) During Thermal Coarsening, P. Gao, X. Ye, Z. Zhu, Y. Wu, A.A. Volinsky, L. Qiao, Y. Su, Scripta Materialia, Vol. 119, pp. 51-54, 2016
Facile Fabrication of Organic/Inorganic Nanotube Heterojunction Arrays for Enhanced Photoelectrochemical Water Splitting, Y. Chen, A. Li, X. Yue, L.-N. Wang, Z.-H. Huang, F. Kang, A.A. Volinsky, Nanoscale, Vol. 8(27), pp. 13228-13235, 2016
Microstructure and Precipitate's Characterization of the Cu-Ni-Si-P Alloy, Y. Zhang, B. Tian, A.A. Volinsky, H. Sun, Z. Chai, P. Liu, X. Chen, Y. Liu, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, Vol. 25(4), pp. 1336-1341, 2016
Polymer Content and Particle Size Effects on Polymer-bonded Terfenol-D/PZT Magnetoelectric Composites, Y. Song, B. Liu, D. Pan, L. Xu, A.A. Volinsky, S. Zhang, Materials Letters, Vol. 175, pp. 93-95, 2016
Macro-mechanism of Polyvinyl Chloride Shrink Sleeves Embossed Marking, A.P. Kondratov, A.A. Volinsky, J. Chen, J. Appl. Polym. Sci., Vol. 133, pp. 43691-43695, 2016
Treatment Method of Hazardous Pickling Sludge by Reusing as Glass-ceramics Nucleation Agent, J. Yang, S.G. Zhang, D.A. Pan, B. Liu, C.L. Wu, A.A. Volinsky, Rare Metals, Vol. 35(3), pp. 269-274, 2016
Hot Deformation and Dynamic Recrystallization Behavior of the Cu-Cr-Zr-Y Alloy, Y. Zhang, S. Huili, A.A. Volinsky, B. Tian, Z. Chai, P. Liu, Y. Liu, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, Vol. 25(3), pp. 1150-1156, 2016
Hot Deformation Characteristics and Processing Maps of the Cu-Cr-Zr-Ag Alloy, Y. Zhang, Z. Chai, A.A. Volinsky, H. Sun, B. Tian, P. Liu, Y. Liu, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, Vol. 25(3), pp. 1191-1198, 2016
One-step Crystallization Kinetic Parameters of the Glass-ceramics Prepared from Stainless Steel Slag and Pickling Sludge, , S. Zhang, J. Yang, B. Liu, D. Pan, C. Wu, A.A. Volinsky, Journal of Iron and Steel Research, International, Vol. 23(3), pp. 220-224, 2016
Processing Maps for the Cu-Cr-Zr-Y Alloy Hot Deformation Behavior, Y. Zhang, Z. Chai, A.A. Volinsky, B. Tian, H. Sun, P. Liu, Y. Liu, Materials Science and Engineering: A, Vol. 662, pp. 320-329, 2016
Synthesis and Characterization of MC Nylon/Modified Yttrium Hydroxide Nanocomposites, J. Chen, A.A. Volinsky, W. He, J. Appl. Polym. Sci., Vol. 133, pp. 43356-43360, 2016
Peer-to-peer Foreign Language E-learning Stimulated by Gamification and Virality, I.V. Osipov, A.A. Volinsky, A.Y. Prasikova, Chapter 2 in New Developments in Foreign Language Learning, Editor: Adrienne Murphy, Nova Science Publishers, 2016, ISBN: 978-1-63484-276-1
E-Learning Collaborative System for Practicing Foreign Languages with Native Speakers, I.V. Osipov, A.A. Volinsky, A.Y. Prasikova, Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, Vol. 7(3), pp. 40-45, 2016
Externally Applied Stress Sign and Film Elastic Properties Effects on Brittle Film Fracture, T. Guo, X. Pang, Y. Xi, A.A. Volinsky, L. Qiao, Philosophical Magazine, Vol. 96(5), pp. 447-458, 2016
Enhanced Magnetoelectric Efficiency of the Tb1-xDyxFe2-y/Pb(Zr,Ti)O3 Cylinder Multi-electrode Composites, Y. Song, D. Pan, B. Liu, A.A. Volinsky, S. Zhang, Materials and Design, Vol. 90, pp. 753-756, 2016
Aging Behavior and Precipitates Analysis of the Cu-Cr-Zr-Ce Alloy, Y. Zhang, A.A. Volinsky, H.T. Tran, Z. Chai, P. Liu, B. Tian, Y. Liu, Materials Science and Engineering: A, Vol. 650, pp. 248-253, 2016
Obtaining Full Contact for Measuring Polydimethylsiloxane Mechanical Properties with Flat Punch Nanoindentation, F. De Paoli, A.A. Volinsky, MethodsX, Vol. 2, pp. 374-378, 2015
Effect of TiO2 on Crystallization, Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Glass-ceramics, J. Yang, S. Zhang, B. Liu, D. Pan, C. Wu, A.A. Volinsky, Journal of Iron and Steel Research, International, Vol. 22(12), pp. 1113-1117, 2015
Numerical Simulation and Experimental Study of the Hydrostatic Spindle with Orifice Restrictors, H. Qiang, L. Lili, R. Fengzhang, A.A. Volinsky, The Open Mechanical Engineering Journal, Vol. 9, pp. 1293-1303, 2015
Effects of Laser Pulse Energy on Surface Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of High Carbon Steel, Y. Xiong, T. He, P. Li, L. Chen, F. Ren, A.A. Volinsky, Journal of Central South University, Vol. 22(12), pp. 4515-4520, 2015
Surface Effects on Static Bending of Nanowires Based on Non-local Elasticity Theory, Q. Wu, A.A. Volinsky, L. Qiao, Y. Su, Progress in Natural Science: Materials International, Vol. 25(5), pp. 520-524, 2015
Directional Magnetoelectric Effect in Multi-electrode Pb(Zr,TiO)3/Ni Cylindrical Layered Composite, L. Xu, D. Pan, L. Qiao, A.A. Volinsky, Y. Song, Materials & Design, Vol. 89, pp. 173-176, 2016
Defects Evolution in Nanoporous Au(Pt) During Dealloying, P. Gao, Z. Zhu, X. Ye, Y. Wu, H. Jin, A.A. Volinsky, L. Qiao, Y. Su, Scripta Materialia, Vol. 113, pp. 68-70, 2016
Polyvinyl Chloride Film Local Isometric Heat Treatment for Hidden 3D Printing on Polymer Packaging, A.P. Kondratov, A.A. Volinsky, Y. Zhang, E.V. Nikulchev, J. Appl. Polym. Sci., Vol. 133, pp. 43046-43051, 2016
Structure and Composition Effects on Electrical and Optical Properties of Sputtered PbSe Thin Films, X. Sun, K. Gao, X. Pang, H. Yang, A.A. Volinsky, Thin Solid Films, Vol. 592, pp. 59-68, 2015
Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Granular Pearlite Steel After Equal Channel Angular Pressing, Y. Xiong, T. He, P. Li, L. Chen, F. Ren, A.A. Volinsky, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, Vol. 24(7), pp. 2665-2669, 2015
Thickness Effects on Optical and Photoelectric Properties of PbSeTeO Quaternary Thin Films Prepared by Magnetron Sputtering, X. Sun, K. Gao, X. Pang, H. Yang, A.A. Volinsky, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, Vol. 26(10), pp. 7873-7881, 2015
Electrochemical Oxidation of Methanol on Pt-SnOx/C Catalysts Characterized by Electrochemistry Methods, X. Sun, K. Gao, X. Pang, H. Yang, A.A. Volinsky, Journal of the Electrochemical Society, Vol. 162(14), pp. F1540-F1548, 2015
Deformation Behavior and Microstructure Evolution of the Cu-2Ni-0.5Si-0.15Ag Alloy During Hot Compression, , Y. Zhang , A.A. Volinsky, Q. Xu , Z. Chai , B. Tian , P. Liu , H.T. Tran, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, Vol. 46(12), pp. 5871-5876, 2015
Effects of Ce Addition on High Temperature Deformation Behavior of Cu-Cr-Zr Alloys, Y. Zhang, A.A. Volinsky, H.T. Tran, Z. Chai, P. Liu, B. Tian, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, Vol. 24(10), pp. 3783-3788, 2015
Spheroidization of Molybdenum Powder by Radio Frequency Thermal Plasma, X. Liu, K. Wang , P. Hu, Q. Chen, A.A. Volinsky, International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials, Vol. 22(11), pp. 1212-1218, 2015
Stress Corrosion Cracking at Low Loads: Surface Slip and Crystallographic Analysis, L. Zhu, Y. Yan, J. Li, L. Qiao, Z. Li, A.A. Volinsky, Corrosion Science, Vol. 100, pp. 619-626, 2015
Superior Destabilization Effects of LiBH4 with the Addition of Nano-sized Nickel Ferrite NiFe2O4, J. Zhang, P. Li, Q. Wan, F. Zhai, A.A. Volinsky, X. Qua, RCS Advances, Vol. 5, pp. 81212-81219, 2015
Aluminum Powder Size and Microstructure Effects on Properties of Boron Nitride Reinforced Aluminum Matrix Composites Fabricated by Semi-solid Powder Metallurgy, C. Chen, L. Guo, J. Luo, J. Hao, Z. Guo, A.A. Volinsky, Materials Science and Engineering: A, Vol. 646, pp. 306-314, 2015
Cryorolling Effect on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Fe-25Cr-20Ni Austenitic Stainless Steel, Y. Xion, T. He, J. Wang, Y. Lu, L. Chen, F. Ren, Y. Liu, A.A. Volinsky, Materials and Design, Vol. 88, pp. 398-405, 2015
Study of Monetization as a Way of Motivating Freemium Service Users, I.V. Osipov, A.A. Volinsky, E. Nikulchev, D. Plokhov, Contemporary Engineering Sciences, Vol. 8(20), pp. 911-918, 2015
Study on the Growth Mechanism and Optical Properties of Sputtered Lead Selenide Thin Films, X. Sun, K. Gao, X. Pang, H. Yang, A.A. Volinsky, Applied Surface Science, Vol. 356, pp. 978-985, 2015
Amorphous Carbon Modified Nano-sized Tungsten Carbide as Gas Diffusion Electrode Catalyst for Oxygen Reduction Reaction, Z. Liu, P. Li, F. Zhai, Q. Wan, A.A. Volinsky, X. Qu, RSC Advances, Vol. 5(87), pp. 70743-70748, 2015
Brittle Film-induced Cracking of Ductile Substrates, T. Guo, L. Qiao, X. Pang, A.A. Volinsky, Acta Materialia, Vol. 99, pp. 273-280, 2015
Audioslides for the paper
Comparison of the Macroscale and Microscale Tests for Measuring Elastic Properties of Polydimethylsiloxane, A. Sharfeddin, A.A. Volinsky, G. Mohan, N.D. Gallant, J. Appl. Polym. Sci., Vol. 132(42), pp. 42680-42685, 2015
Free Oxoanion Theory for BaMgAl10O17:Eu2+ Structure Decomposition During Alkaline Fusion Process, Y. Liu, S. Zhang, H. Liu, D. Pan, B. Liu, A.A. Volinsky, C. Chang, RSC Advances, Vol. 5(62), pp. 50105-50112, 2015
Mechanism and Kinetics of the BaMgAl10O17:Eu2+ Alkaline Fusion Reaction, Y. Liu, S. Zhang, D. Pan, J. Tian, H. Liu, M. Wu, A.A. Volinsky, Journal of Rare Earths, Vol. 33(6), pp. 664-670, 2015
Antimony Recovery from SbCl5 Acid Solution by Hydrolysis and Aging, L. Meng, S. Zhang, D.A. Pan, B. Li, J. Tian, A.A. Volinsky, Rare Metals, Vol. 34(6), pp. 436-439, 2015
Challenges in Legislation, Recycling System and Technical System of Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment in China, S. Zhang, Y. Ding, B. Liu, D.A. Pan, C.-C. Chang, A.A. Volinsky, Waste Management, Vol. 45, pp. 361-373, 2015
Participant Behavior and Content of the Online Foreign Languages Learning and Teaching Platform, I.V. Osipov, A.Y. Prasikova, AA. Volinsky, Computers in Human Behavior, Vol. 50, pp. 476-488, 2015
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Gamification, Virality and Retention in Educational Online Platform, I.V. Osipov, V.V. Grishin, A.A. Volinsky, International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications (IJACSA), 6(4), pp. 11-18, 2015
CoCrMo Alloy for Orthopedic Implant Application Enhanced Corrosion and Tribocorrosion Properties by Nitrogen Ion Implantation, Z. Guo, X. Pang, Y. Yan, K. Gao, A.A. Volinsky, T.-Y. Zhang, Applied Surface Science, Vol. 347, pp. 23-34, 2015
Microstructure and Microhardness of Pearlitic Steel After Laser Shock Processing and Annealing, Y. Xiong, T.T. He, L. You, P.Y. Li, L.F. Chen, F.Z. Ren, A.A. Volinsky, Materials Science and Technology, Vol. 31(15), pp. 1825-1831, 2015
Preparation and Ductile-to-brittle Transition Temperature of the La-TZM Alloy Plates, P. Hu, F. Yang, K.-S. Wang, Z. Yu, J. Tan, R. Song, B. Hu, H. Wang, H.-C. He, A.A. Volinsky, International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials, Vol. 52, pp. 131-136, 2015
La2O3 Effects on TZM Alloy Recovery, Recrystallization and Mechanical Properties, K.-S. Wang, J.-F. Tan, P. Hu, Z.-T. Yu, F. Yang, B.-L. Hu, R. Song, H.-C. He, A.A. Volinsky, Materials Science and Engineering: A, Vol. 636, pp. 415-420, 2015
Residual Stress and Surface Energy of Sputtered TiN Films, X. Pang, L. Zhang, H. Yang, K. Gao, A.A. Volinsky, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, Vol. 24(3), pp. 1185-1191, 2015
Production of Glass-ceramics from Heavy Metal Gypsum and Pickling Sludge, D.A. Pan, L.J. Li, J. Yang, J.B. Bu, B. Guo, B. Liu, S.G. Zhang, A.A. Volinsky, International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, Vol. 12(9), pp. 3047-3052, 2015
Bonded Cylindrical Terfenol-D-Epoxy/PZT Magnetoelectric Composites Prepared by the One-step Compression Molding, Y. Song, D.A. Pan, J. Wang, Z. Zuo, S. Zhang, B. Liu, A.A. Volinsky, AIP Advances, Vol. 5, p. 037104, 2015
Multi-electrode Pb(Zr,TiO)3/Ni Cylindrical Layered Magnetoelectric Composite, L.R. Xu, D.A. Pan, Z.J. Zuo, J. Wang, A.A. Volinsky, L.J. Qiao, Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol. 106, pp. 032904, 2015
Study of Gamification Effectiveness in Online e-Learning Systems, I.V. Osipov, E. Nikulchev, A.A. Volinsky, A.Y. Prasikova, International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, Vol. 6(2), pp. 71-77, 2015
Preparation of Cu-Al2O3 Bulk Nano-composites by Combining Cu-Al Alloy Sheets Internal Oxidation with Hot Extrusion, F. Ren, A. Zhi, D. Zhang, B. Tian, A.A. Volinsky, X. Shen, J. Alloys and Compounds, Vol. 633, pp. 323-328, 2015
Mechanism of CeMgAl11O19:Tb3+ Alkaline Fusion with Sodium Hydroxide, H. Liu, S.G. Zhang, D.A. Pan, Y.F. Liu, B. Liu, J.J. Tian, A.A. Volinsky, Rare Metals, Vol. 34(3), pp. 189-194, 2015
Microstructure Evolution and Microhardness of Ultrafine-grained High Carbon Steel During Multiple Laser Shock Processing, Yi Xiong, T. He, F. Ren, P. Li, L. Chen, A.A. Volinsky, Journal of Iron and Steel Research, International, Vol. 22(1), pp. 55-60, 2015
Thickness Effect on the Band Gap of Magnetron Sputtered Pb45Se45O10 Thin Films on Si, X. Sun, K. Gao, X. Pang, H. Yang, A.A. Volinsky, Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures, Vol. 67, pp. 152-158, 2015
One Pot Solution Combustion Synthesis of Highly Mesoporous Hematite for Photocatalysis, Z. Cao, M. Qin, B. Jia, Y. Gu, P. Chen, A.A. Volinsky, X. Qu, Ceramics International, Vol. 41(2), pp. 2806-2812, 2015
Complete Recovery of Eu from BaMgAl10O17:Eu2+ by Alkaline Fusion and its Mechanism, S. Zhang, H. Liu, D.A. Pan, J. Tian, Y. Liu, A.A. Volinsky, RCS Advances, Vol. 5, pp. 1113-1119, 2015
Nanoindentation Study of Polydimethylsiloxane Elastic Modulus Using Berkovich and Flat Punch Tips, Z. Wang, A.A. Volinsky, N.D. Gallant, J. Appl. Polym. Sci., Vol. 132(5), pp. 41384-41390, 2015
Preparation of BaPbO3 Functional Ceramics from Leaded Waste, B. Li, S.G. Zhang, K. Zhang, D.A. Pan, J.J. Tian, H. Liu, A.A. Volinsky, Rare Metals, Vol. 33(5), pp. 598-603, 2014
Additional Magnetoelectric Effect in Electrode-arrayed Magnetoelectric Composite, D.A. Pan, Z.J. Zuo , S.G. Zhang, B. Liu, L.J. Qiao, A.A. Volinsky, AIP Advances, Vol. 4, p. 117108, 2014
Experimental Investigation of the Cutting Force Measurements in Machinability Evaluations of Metals, F.Z. Ren, D.W. Zhang, A.A. Volinsky, J. Testing and Evaluation, Vol. 42(6), pp. 1541-1545, 2014
Duplex Stainless Steel Passive Film Electrical Properties Studied by In Situ Current Sensing Atomic Force Microscopy, L.Q. Guo, M.C. Lin, L.J. Qiao, A.A. Volinsky, Corrosion Science, Vol. 78, pp. 55-62, 2014
Improved Magnetoelectric Performance of the Ni-P/Ni/Pb(Zr,TiO)3 Cylindrical Layered Composites, D.A. Pan, J. Wang, Z.J. Zuo, S.G. Zhang, B.Liu, A.A. Volinsky, L.J. Qiao, Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol. 105, pp. 102902-3, 2014
Electric Field and Humidity Effects on Adsorbed Water Behavior on BaTiO3 Ferroelectric Domains Studied by SPM, D.Y. He, L.J. Qiao, M. Khodayari, A.A. Volinsky, J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 116, p. 084105-9, 2014
Phosphorus Content Effect on the Magnetoelectric Properties of the Ni-P(Ni)/PZT/Ni-P(Ni) Cylindrical Layered Composites, D.A. Pan, J. Wang, Z. Zuo, S. Zhang, B. Liu, A.A. Volinsky, L. Qiao, Materials Letters, Vol. 133, pp. 255-258, 2014
AlN Powder Synthesis by Sodium Fluoride-assisted Carbothermal Combustion, H. Wu, M. Qin, A. Chu, Q. Wan, Z. Cao, Y. Liu, X. Qu, A.A. Volinsky, Ceramics International, Vol. 40, No. 9, pp. 14447-14452, 2014
Facile Route for Synthesis of Mesoporous Cr2O3 Sheet as Anode Materials for Li-ion Batteries, Z. Cao, M. Qin, B. Jia, L. Zhang, Q. Wan, M. Wang, A.A. Volinsky, X. Qu, Electrochimica Acta, Vol. 139, pp. 76-81, 2014
Effects of Quenching and Tempering on the Microstructure and Bake Hardening Behavior of Ferrite and Dual Phase Steels, C.F. Kuang, J. Li, S.G. Zhang, J. Wang, H.F. Liu, A.A. Volinsky, Materials Science and Engineering: A, Vol. 613, pp. 178-183, 2014
Significantly Improved Dehydrogenation of Ball-milled MgH2 Doped with CoFe2O4 Nanoparticles, J. Shan, P. Li, Q. Wan, F. Zhai, J. Zhang, Z. Li, Z. Liu, A.A. Volinsky, X. Qu, J. Power Sources, Vol. 268, pp. 778-786, 2014
Effects of Hydrogen and Chloride Ions on Automobile Interstitial-Free Steel Corrosion, L.Q. Guo, D. Liang, Y. Bai, X.L. Miao, L.J. Qiao, A.A. Volinsky, Corrosion, Vol. 70(10), pp. 1024-1030, 2014
Study of the Hydrogen-induced Amorphization in the LaNi2.28 Alloy, P. Li, F. Zhai, Q. Wan, K. Zhao, Z. Li, A.A. Volinsky, X. Qu, RSC Advances, Vol. 4, pp. 27207-27212, 2014
Changes of Work Function in Different Deformation Stage for 2205 Duplex Stainless Steel by SKPFM, R.J. Wang, J.X. Li, Y.J. Su, L.J. Qiao, A.A. Volinsky, Procedia Materials Science, Vol. 3, pp. 1736-1741, 2014
Tungsten Carbide Synthesized by Low-temperature Combustion as Gas Diffusion Electrode Catalyst, P. Li, Z. Liu, L. Cui, F. Zhai, Q. Wan, Z. Li, Z.Z. Fang, A.A. Volinsky, X. Qu, International J. of Hydrogen Energy, Vol. 39, No. 21, pp. 10911-10920, 2014
Crosslinking Effect on Polydimethylsiloxane Elastic Modulus Measured by Custom-Built Compression Instrument, Z. Wang, A.A. Volinsky, N.D. Gallant, J. Appl. Polym. Sci., Vol. 131(22), pp. 41050-41054, 2014
Temperature Change Effect on BaTiO3 Single Crystal Surface Potential Around Domain Walls, D.Y. He, X.R. Xing, L.J. Qiao, A.A. Volinsky, Applied Surface Science, Vol. 31, pp. 837-841, 2014
Enhanced Hydrogen Storage Properties of LiAlH4 Catalyzed by CoFe2O4 Nanoparticles, Z. Li, F. Zhai, Q. Wan, Z. Liu, J. Shan, P. Li, A.A. Volinsky, X. Qu, RSC Advances, Vol. 4, pp. 18989-18997, 2014
Oxidation and Decarburization of High-carbon-chromium Steel Under Charcoal Protection During Spheroidizing, F.Z. Ren, J.Z. Ren, S.Z. Wei, A.A. Volinsky, Y.F. Wang, Inter. Heat Treatment and Surface Eng., Vol. 8, No. 2, pp. 76-79, 2014
Wide Magnetic Field Range of Ni-P/PZT/Ni-P Cylindrical Layered Magnetoelectric Composites, D.A. Pan, J. Wang, Z.J. Zuo, S.G. Zhang, L.J. Qiao, A.A. Volinsky, Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol. 104(12), pp. 122903-4, 2014
Water Molecules Effect on Pure Ti Passive Film Structure in Methanol Solution, Z. Qin, X. Pang, L. Qiao, M. Khodayari, A.A. Volinsky, Applied Surface Science, Vol. 303, pp. 282-289, 2014
Rare Earth Elements Recycling from Waste Phosphor by Dual Hydrochloric Acid Dissolution, H. Liu, S. Zhang, D. Pan, J. Tian, M. Yang, M. Wu, A.A. Volinsky, J. Hazardous Materials, Vol. 272, pp. 96-101, 2014
CO Impurities Effect on LaNi4.7Al0.3 Hydrogen Storage Alloy Hydrogenation/dehydrogenation Properties, Q. Wan, P. Li, Y. Li, F. Zhai, W. Zhang, L. Cui, A.A. Volinsky, X. Qu, Bulletin of Materials Science, Vol. 37(4), pp. 837-842, 2014
TiN Coating Effects on Stainless Steel Tribological Behavior Under Dry and Lubricated Conditions, L. Zhang, H. Yang, X. Pang, K. Gao, H.T. Tran, A.A. Volinsky, J. of Materials Engineering and Performance, Vol. 23(4), pp. 1263-1269, 2014
Multiplied Magnetoelectric Effect in Multi-faceted Magnetoelectric Composite, Z.J. Zuo, D.A. Pan, J. Lu, S.G. Zhang, J.J. Tian, L.J. Qiao, A.A. Volinsky, Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol. 104, p. 032906, 2014
La Doping Effect on TZM Alloy Oxidation Behavior, F. Yang, K.S. Wang, P. Hu, H.C. He, X.Q. Kang, H. Wang, R.Z. Liu, A.A. Volinsky, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Vol. 593, pp. 196-201, 2014
Stress Corrosion Cracking Under Low Stress: Continuous or Discontinuous Cracks?, L.K. Zhu, Y. Yan, J.X. Li, L.J. Qiao, A.A. Volinsky, Corrosion Science, Vol. 80, pp. 350-358, 2014
Adhesion of Sputtered Nickel Films on Polycarbonate Substrates, X. Qian, X. Pang, K. Gao, H. Yang, A.A. Volinsky, J. of Materials Engineering and Performance, Vol. 23(3), pp. 786-790, 2014
Corrosion Resistance and Friction of Sintered NdFeB Coated with Ti/TiN Multilayers, Y. Cheng, X. Pang, K. Gao, H. Yang, A.A. Volinsky, Thin Solid Films, Vol. 550, pp. 428-434, 2014
Passive Film-induced Stress and Mechanical Properties of a-Ti in Methanol Solution, Z. Qin, X. Pang, Y. Yan, L. Qiao, H.T. Tran, A.A. Volinsky, Corrosion Science, Vol. 78, pp. 287-292, 2014
Failure Analysis of Differential Pressure Transmitter Impulse Pipe in High Sulfur Purification Device, X. Chen, Z. Zhu, Y.L. Wang, X.L. Pang, A.X. Pei, L.S. Zhang, K.W. Gao, Z.X. Wang, A.A. Volinsky, Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vols. 668-669, pp. 102-106, 2014
NbCl5 and CrCl3 Catalysts Effects on Synthesis and Hydrogen Storage Performance of Mg-Ni-NiO Composites, Q. Wan, P. Li, T. Wang, X. Qu, F. Zhai, A.A. Volinsky, P.J. Logan, Bulletin of Materials Science, Vol. 36(5), 2013
Numerical Calculation of the Electron Density at the Wigner-Seitz Radius Based on the TFD Equation, F. Ren, K. Cao, J. Ren, A.A. Volinsky, T.H. Tran, B. Tian, Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience, Vol. 11, pp. 1-4, 2014
NaAlH4 Dehydrogenation Properties Enhanced by MnFe2O4 Nanoparticles, Q. Wan, P. Li, Z. Li, K. Zhao, Z. Liu, L. Wang, F. Zhai, X. Qu, A.A. Volinsky, Journal of Power Sources, Vol. 248, pp. 388-395, 2014
Recoating Slurry Process Effects on the SiC-based Casting Foam Filter Properties, F. Ren, G. Zhai, Z. Ma, A.A. Volinsky, B. Tian, J. Ceramic Processing Research, Vol. 15, No. 2, pp. 71-75, 2014
Temperature, Moisture and Mode-mixity Effects on Copper Leadframe/EMC Interfacial Fracture Toughness, H.T. Tran, M.H. Shirangi, X. Pang, A.A. Volinsky, Int. J. of Fract., Vol. 185, pp. 115-127, 2013
Cyanide-free Silver Electroplating Process in Thiosulfate Bath and Microstructure Analysis of Ag Coatings, F.Z. Ren, L.T. Yin, S.S. Wang, A.A. Volinsky, B.H. Tian, Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, Vol. 23(12), pp. 3822-3828, 2013
Ferrite and Austenite Phase Identification in Duplex Stainless Steel Using SPM Techniques, L.Q. Guo, M.C. Lin, L.J. Qiao, A.A. Volinsky, Appl. Surf. Sci., Vol. 287, pp. 499-501, 2013
Electrochemical Explanation for Asymmetric Electrowetting Response, M. Khodayari, N.B. Crane, A.A. Volinsky, Thin Solid Films, Vol. 548, pp. 632-635, 2013
Improved Hydrogen Storage Performance of MgH2-LiAlH4 Composite by Addition of MnFe2O4, Q. Wan, P. Li, Z. Li, F. Zhai, X. Qu, A.A. Volinsky, J. of Physical Chemistry C, Vol. 117(51), pp. 26940-26947, 2013
NiFe2O4 Nanoparticles Catalytic Effects of Improving LiAlH4 Dehydrogenation Properties, P. Li, Z. Li, F. Zhai, Q. Wan, X. Li, X. Qu, A.A. Volinsky, J. of Physical Chemistry C, Vol. 117(49), pp. 25917-25925, 2013
Stainless Steel Pitting and Early-stage Stress Corrosion Cracking Under Ultra-low Elastic Load, L.K. Zhu, Y. Yan, L.J. Qiao, A.A. Volinsky, Corrosion Science, Vol. 77, pp. 360-368, 2013
Analysis of the Tube-sheet Cracking in Slurry Oil Steam Generators, L.K. Zhu, L.J. Qiao, X.Y. Li, B.Z. Xu, W. Pan, L. Wang, A.A. Volinsky, Engineering Failure Analysis, Vol. 34, pp. 379-386, 2013
Electro-mechanical Coupling of Stainless Steel Oxidation Film, M.C. Lin , G. Wang, L.Q. Guo, L. Qiao, A.A. Volinsky, Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol. 103, p. 143118, 2013
Dehydrogenation Improvement of LiAlH4 Catalyzed by Fe2O3 and Co2O3 Nanoparticles, Z. Li, P. Li, Q. Wan, F. Zhai, Z. Liu, K. Zhao, L. Wang, S. Lu, L. Zou, X. Qu, A.A. Volinsky, J. Phys. Chem., Vol. 117, pp. 18343-18352, 2013
Microstructure Effect on Hydrogen-induced Cracking in TM210 Maraging Steel, G. Wang, Y. Yan, J. Li, J. Huang, L. Qiao, A.A. Volinsky, Materials Science and Engineering: A, Vol. 586, pp. 142-148, 2013
Fracture Toughness and Adhesion of Transparent Al:ZnO Films Deposited on Glass Substrates, X. Pang, H. Ma, K. Gao, H. Yang, X. Wu, A.A. Volinsky, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, Vol. 22, pp. 3161-3167, 2013
Additive Effects on Tin Electrodepositing in Acid Sulfate Electrolytes, F. Xiao, X. Shen, F. Ren, A.A. Volinsky, International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy, and Materials, Vol. 20(5), pp. 472-478, 2013
Recycle of Valuable Products from Oily Cold Rolling Mill Sludge, B. Liu, S. Zhang, J. Tian, D. Pan, Y. Liu, A.A. Volinsky, International Journal of Minerals, Metallury, and Materials, Vol. 20(10), pp. 941-946, 2013
Environmentally-friendly Organochlorine Waste Processing and Recycling, S.A. Kurta, A.A. Volinsky, M.S. Kurta, Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol. 54, pp. 150-156, 2013
Floating Electrode Electrowetting on Hydrophobic Dielectric with an SiO2 Layer, M. Khodayari, B. Hahne, N.B. Crane, A.A. Volinsky, Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol. 102, p. 192907, 2013
Microstructure Evolution of Al-12Si-CuNiMg Alloy Under High Temperature Low Cycle Fatigue, J. Liu, Q. Zhang, Z. Zuo, Y. Xiong, F. Ren, A.A. Volinsky, Materials Science and Engineering: A, Vol. 574, pp. 186-190, 2013
MgH2 Dehydrogenation Properties Improved by MnFe2O4 Nanoparticles, P. Li, Q. Wan, Z. Li, F. Zhai, Y. Li, L. Cui, X.Qu, A.A. Volinsky, Journal of Power Sources, Vol. 239, pp.201-206, 2013
Microstructure, Residual Stress and Fracture of Sputtered TiN Films, L. Zhang, H. Yang, X. Pang, K. Gao, A.A. Volinsky, Surface and Coatings Technology, Vol. 224, pp. 120-125, 2013
Fast Deposition of Diamond-like Carbon Films by Radio Frequency Hollow Cathode Method, X. Pang, H. Peng, H. Yang; K. Gao; X. Wu; A.A Volinsky, Thin Solid Films, Vol. 534, pp. 226-230, 2013
Bonded Composite Repair Structures Multiple Site Damage Analysis, C. Chen, H.T. Tran, A.A. Volinsky, Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology, Vol. 85(3), pp. 171-177, 2013
Effects of Laser Shock Processing on Surface Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Ultrafine-grained High Carbon Steel, Y. Xiong, T. He, Z. Guo, H. He, F. Ren, A.A. Volinsky, Materials Science and Engineering: A, Vol. 570, pp. 82-86, 2013
Stress Nature Investigation on Heteroepitaxial 3C-SiC Film on (100) Si Substrates, R. Anzalone, M. Camarda, C. Locke, J. Carballo, N. Piluso, A. La Magna, A.A. Volinsky, S.E. Saddow, F. La Via, J. Mater. Res., Vol. 28, No. 1, pp. 129-135, 2013
Delaminated Film Buckling Microchannels, A.A. Volinsky, P. Waters, Chapter 8 in Mechanical Self Assembly: Science and Applications (Xi Chen, Ed.), Springer, New York, 2013, ISBN: 978-1-4614-4561-6
Mechanical Properties and Fracture Characteristics of High Carbon Steel after Equal Channel Angular Pressing, Y. Xiong, T. He, Z. Guo, H. He, F. Ren, A.A. Volinsky, Mater. Sci. Eng A., Vol. 563, pp. 163-167, 2013
Ion Beam-mixed Ge Electrodes for High Capacity Li Rechargeable Batteries, N.G. Rudawski, B.R. Yates, M.R. Holzworth, K.S. Jones, R.G. Elliman, A.A. Volinsky, Journal of Power Sources, Vol. 223, pp. 336-340, 2013
Bidirectional Electrowetting Actuation with Voltage Polarity Dependence, N.B. Crane, P. Mishra, A.A. Volinsky, Pub. No.: WO/2011/084597, Publication Date: 14.07.2011, International Application No.: PCT/US2010/060763, International Filing Date: 16.12.2010
Anti-tumor Activity of Self-charged (Eu,Ca):WO3, Eu:CaWO4 Nanoparticles, C. Lin, C. Jiexin, W. Cong, C. Ping, D.A. Pan, A.A. Volinsky, Bulletin of Materials Science, Vol. 35(5), pp. 767-772, 2012
Stress Evaluation on Hetero-epitaxial 3C-SiC Film on (100) Si Substrates, R. Anzalone, M. Camarda, C. Locke, J. Carballo, N. Piluso, G. D'Arrigo, A. Severino, A.A. Volinsky, S.E. Saddow, F. La Via, Materials Science Forum, Vols. 717-720, pp. 521-524, 2012
Iron-based Soft Magnetic Composites with Mn-Zn Ferrite Nanoparticles Coating Obtained by Sol-gel Method, S. Wu, A. Sun, W. Xu, Q. Zhang, F. Zhai, P. Logan, A.A. Volinsky, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Vol. 324(22), pp. 3899-3905, 2012
Slag Material's Proportion Optimised by Polynomial Regression, J. Wang, A. Sun, Q. Gao, F. Zhai, S. Wu, A.A. Volinsky, Proceedings of the ICE-Construction Materials, Vol. 167(1), pp. 8-13, 2012
Nd2Fe17 Nanograins Effect on the Coercivity of HDDR NdFeB Magnets with Low Boron Content, A. Sun, S. Wu, W. Xu, J. Wang, Q. Zhang, F. Zhai, A.A. Volinsky, International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy, and Materials, Vol. 19(3), pp. 236-238, 2012
Preparation and Characterization of Lead-free Piezoelectric Ceramics, Q. Chen, J. Li, L. Zhang, Y. Bai, Y. Su, L. Qiao, A.A. Volinsky, Key Engineering Materials, Vol. 492, pp. 189-193, 2012
Rapid Annealing Effects on Microstructure, Texture, and Magnetic Properties of Non-oriented Electrical Steel, J. Wang, J. Li, X. Mi, S. Zhang, A.A. Volinsky, Metals and Materials International, Vol. 18(3), pp. 531-537, 2012
The Role of Trivalent Arsenic in Removal of Antimony and Bismuth Impurities from Copper Electrolytes, F. Xiao, J. Mao, D. Cao, X. Shen, A.A. Volinsky, Hydrometallurgy, Vol. 125-126, pp. 76-80, 2012
Failure Analysis of the Oil Transport Spiral Welded Pipe, Meng-Bin Lin, Kewei Gao, Chaur-Jeng Wang, A.A. Volinsky, Engineering Failure Analysis, Vol. 25, pp. 169-174, 2012
Nanostructured Ion Beam-modified Ge Films for High Capacity Li Ion Battery Anodes, N. Rudawski, B. Darby, B. Yates, A.A. Volinsky, K.S. Jones, Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol. 100(9), p. 083111, 2012
Microstructure of Ultra-fine-grained High Carbon Steel Prepared by Equal Channel Angular Pressing, T. He, Y. Xiong, F. Ren, Z. Guo, A.A. Volinsky, Materials Science and Engineering: A, Vol. 535, pp. 306-310, 2012
Annealing Effects on Magnetic Properties of Silicone-coated Iron-based Soft Magnetic Composites, S. Wu, A. Sun, F. Zhai, J. Wang, Q. Zhang, W. Xu, P. Logan, A.A. Volinsky, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Vol. 324(5), pp. 818-822, 2012
Humidity Effect on BaTiO3 c-domain Surface Potential Inversion Induced by Electric Field, D.Y. He, L.J. Qiao, A.A. Volinsky, J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 110, p. 074104, 2011
Discontinuous Surface Cracks During Stress Corrosion Cracking of Stainless Steel Single Crystal, L.J. Qiao, K.W. Gao, A.A. Volinsky, X.Y. Li, Corrosion Science, Vol. 53, pp. 3509-3514, 2011
In situ Transmission Electron Microscopy Study of Alpha-brass Nanoligament Formation, Microstructure Evolution and Fracture, Y.I. He, Y.J. Yan, L.J. Qiao, A.A. Volinsky, Scripta Materialia, Vol. 65, pp. 444-447, 2011
Microstructure and Quality of SiC Foam Filters for Casting, F. Ren, G. Zhai, Z. Ma, X. Chen, A.A. Volinsky, Journal of Ceramic Processing Research, Vol. 12, No. 6, pp. 691-694, 2011
Microstructure and Hardness of Laser Shocked Ultra-fine-grained Aluminum, T.He, Y. Xiong, Z. Guo, L. Zhang, F. Ren, A.A. Volinsky, J. Mater. Sci. Tech., Vol. 27(9), pp. 793-796, 2011
Hydrogen Effects on Stainless Steel Passive Film Fracture Studied by Nanoindentation, Y. Yao, L.J. Qiao, A.A. Volinsky, Corrosion Science, Vol. 53, pp. 2679-2683, 2011
Electric Field and Surface Charge Effects on Ferroelectric Domain Dynamics in BaTiO3 Single Crystal, D.Y. He, L.J. Qiao, A.A. Volinsky, Y. Bai, L.Q. Guo, Phys. Rev. B, Vol 84, p. 024101, 2011
Water Pre-adsorption Effect on Room Temperature SnO2 Nanobelt Ethanol Sensitivity in Oxygen-deficient Conditions, M. Li, L.J. Qiao, W.Y. Chu, A.A. Volinsky, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, Vol. 158, pp. 340-344, 2011
Room Temperature Ferromagnetism in Sputtered Zn1-xCrxO Thin Films, X. Pang, J. Zhang, K. Gao, A.A. Volinsky, Materials Letters, Vol. 65, pp. 2728-2730, 2011
High Temperature Oxidation Behavior of Flake and Spheroidal Graphite Cast Irons, Meng-Bin Lin, Chaur-Jeng Wang, A.A. Volinsky, Oxidation of Metals, Vol. 76, pp. 161-168, 2011
Isothermal and Thermal Cycling Oxidation of Hot-dip Aluminide Coating on Flake/Spheroidal Graphite Cast Iron, Meng-Bin Lin, Chaur-Jeng Wang, A.A. Volinsky, Surface and Coatings Technology, Vol. 206(7), pp. 1595-1599, 2011
Annealing Effects on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Sputtered Multilayer Cr(1-x)AlxN Films, X. Pang, H. Yang, X. Liu, K. Gao, Y. Wang, A.A. Volinsky, A.A. Levin, Thin Solid Films, Vol. 519(18), pp. 5831-5837, 2011
AlTiN Layer Effect on Mechanical Properties of Ti-doped Diamond-like Carbon Composite Coatings, X. Pang, H. Yang, K. Gao, Y. Wang, A.A. Volinsky, Thin Solid Films, Vol. 519(16), pp. 5353-5357, 2011
Fe3O4 Magnetic Nanoparticles Synthesis from Tailings by Ultrasonic Chemical Co-precipitation, S. Wu, A. Sun, F. Zhai, J. Wang, W. Xu, Q. Zhang, A.A. Volinsky, Materials Letters, Vol. 65(12), pp. 1882-1884, 2011
Thermoporometry Study of Coagulation Bath Temperature Effect on Polyacrylonitrile Fibers Morphology, P. Sobhanipour, R. Cheraghi, A.A. Volinsky, Thermochimica Acta, Vol. 518, pp. 101-106, 2011
Local Piezoelectric Effect on Single Crystal ZnO Microbelt Transverse I-V Characteristics, M. Li, Y.J. Su, W.Y. Chu, L.J. Qiao, A.A. Volinsky, G. Kravchenko, Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol. 98(8), p. 082105, 2011
Humidity Effects on (001) BaTiO3 Single Crystal Surface Water Adsorption, D.Y. He, L.J. Qiao, A.A. Volinsky, Y. Bai, M. Wu, W.Y. Chu, Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol. 98(6), p. 062905, 2011
Mn-Zn Soft Magnetic Ferrite Nanoparticles Synthesized from Spent Alkaline Zn-Mn Batteries, P. Hu, D.A. Pan, S. Zhang, J. Tian, A.A. Volinsky, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Vol. 509(9), pp. 3991-3994, 2011
Heat Treatment Effects on Fe3O4 Nanoparticles Structure and Magnetic Properties Prepared by Carbothermal Reduction, P. Hu, S. Zhang, H. Wang, D. Pan, J. Tian, Z. Tang, A.A.Volinsky, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Vol. 509(5), pp. 2316-2319, 2011
Epoxy Resin Effect on Anisotropic Nd-Fe-B Rubber-bonded Magnets Performance, F. Zhai, A. Sun, D. Yuan, J. Wang, S. Wu, A.A. Volinsky, Z. Wang, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 509, pp. 687-690, 2011
Theoretical Explanation of Ag/Cu and Cu/Ni Nanoscale Multilayers Softening, F. Ren, S. Zhao, W. Li, B. Tian, L. Yin, A.A. Volinsky, Materials Letters, Vol. 65(1), pp. 119-121, 2011
Fuel Additives and Heat Treatment Effects on Nanocrystalline Zinc Ferrite Phase Composition, P. Hu, D. Pan, X. Wang, J. Tian, J. Wang, S. Zhang, A.A.Volinsky, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Vol. 323, pp. 569-573, 2011
MEMS Slider Friction Characterization, A.A. Volinsky, C. Lusk, Hysitron Application Note,, 2010
Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Ti/AlTiN/Ti-Diamondlike Carbon Composite Coatings on Steel, X. Pang, H. Yang, S. Shi, K. Gao, Y. Wang, A.A. Volinsky, Journal of Materials Research, Vol. 25, No. 11, pp. 2159- 2165, 2010
Fracture of Colloidal Single Crystal Films Fabricated by Controlled Vertical Drying Deposition, C. He, L. Ding, W. Yuren, A.A. Volinsky , D. Li, J. Heng, Phys. Rev. E, Vol. 82, No. 3, p. 031602, 2010
Nanomechanical Properties of TiO2 Granular Thin Films, H. Yaghoubi, N. Taghavinia, E.K. Alamdari, A.A. Volinsky, ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 2 (9), pp. 2629-2636, 2010
Growth Rate Effect on 3C-SiC Film Residual Stress on (100) Si Substrates, R. Anzalone, C. Locke, J. Carballo, N. Piluso, A. Severino, G. D'Arrigo, A.A. Volinsky, F. La Via, S.E. Saddow, Materials Science Forum, Vol. 645-6648, pp. 143-146, 2010
Carbothermal Reduction Method for Fe3O4 Powder Synthesis, H. Wang, P. Hu, D. Pan, J. Tian, S. Zhang, A.A Volinsky, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 502 (2), pp. 338-340, 2010
Inductance-capacitance Resonance Effect in the Magnetoelectric Composites Characterization System, D.A. Pan, X.F. Wang, J.J. Tian, S.G. Zhang, A.A. Volinsky, L.J. Qiao, Applied Physics A, Vol. 100, No. 4, pp. 1069-1072, 2010
Demonstration of Continuous Electrowetting Actuation, C.M. Lynch, M. Khodayari, A.A. Volinsky, N.B. Crane, Proceedings of IMECE: ASME 2010 Vancouver, Canada, Nov. 12-18, Vol. 10: Micro and Nano Systems, paper 40060, pp. 837-841, 2010
Current-Voltage Characteristics of Lead Zirconate Titanate/Nickel Bilayered Hollow Cylindrical Magnetoelectric Composites, D.A. Pan., S.G. Zhang, J.J. Tian, J.S. Sun, A.A. Volinsky, L.J. Qiao, Chinese Physics B 19 (2), p. 027201, 2010
Bidirectional Electrowetting Actuation with Voltage Polarity Dependence, N. Crane, A.A. Volinsky, P. Mishra, A. Rajgadkar, M. Khodayari, Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol. 96, pp. 104103-3, 2010
Characterization of Electrowetting Processes Through Force Measurements, N. Crane, P. Mishra, A.A. Volinsky, Review of Scientific Instruments, Vol. 81, pp. 043902-7, 2010
Application of the Inverse Wavelet Transform on Electrochemical Current Signals to Demonstrate the Essence of High-frequency Variations, M. Khodayari, S.R. Allahkaram, A.A. Volinsky, Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials, Vol. 57, Issue 2, pp. 65-69, 2010
Resonant Modes and Magnetoelectric Performance of PZT/Ni Cylindrical Layered Composites, D.A. Pan, S.G. Zhang, J.J. Tian, J.S. Sun, A.A. Volinsky, L.J. Qiao, Applied Physics A, Vol. 98, No. 2, pp. 449-454, 2010
Heat Treatment Effects on Microstructure and Magnetic Properties of Mn-Zn Ferrite Powders, P. Hu, H. Yang, D.A. Pan, H. Wang, J. Tian, S. Zhang, X. Wang, A.A. Volinsky, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Vol. 322(1), pp. 173-177, 2010
3C-SiC Films on Si for MEMS Applications: Mechanical Properties, C. Locke, G. Kravchenko, P. Waters, J. Deva Reddy, K. Du, A.A. Volinsky, C.L. Frewin, S.E. Saddow, Materials Science Forum, Vols. 615 - 617, pp. 633-636, 2009
Geometry Effects on Magnetoelectric Performance of Layered Ni/PZT Composites, D.A. Pan, J.J. Tian, S.G. Zhang, J.S. Sun, A.A. Volinsky, L.J. Qiao, Mater. Sci. Eng. B, Vol. 163(2), pp. 114-119, 2009
Measurements for Mechanical Reliability of Thin Films, D.T. Read and A.A. Volinsky, NATO Science for Peace and Security Series C: Environmental Security, Security and Reliability of Damaged Structures and Defective Materials, (G. Pluvinage, A. Sedmak, editors), Springer Netherlands, pp. 337-358, 2009
Compliant MEMS Device Actuation and Fracture, A.A. Volinsky, D. Ke, C. Lusk, 12th International Congress on Fracture Proceedings, Ottawa, Canada, 2009
Investigation of Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Multi-layer Cr/Cr2O3 Coatings, X. Pang, K. Gao, F. Luo, Y. Emirov, A.A. Levin, A.A. Volinsky, Thin Solid Films, Vol. 517, pp. 1922-1927, 2009
Simple Model of the Magnetoelectric Effect in Layered Cylindrical Composites, D.A. Pan, S.G. Zhang, A.A. Volinsky, L.J. Qiao, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys., Vol. 41, No. 20, 205008, 2008
Temperature Effect on Pump Oil and Alkanes Evaporation, N.A. Waldstein, A.A. Volinsky, Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. Vol. 1151E, SS3.4, 2008
Electro-deposition Current Density Effect on Ni/PZT Layered Magnetoelectric Composites Performance, D.A. Pan, S.G. Zhang, A.A. Volinsky, L.J. Qiao, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys., Vol. 41, No. 19, 195004, 2008
Shape and Size Effects on Layered Ni/PZT/Ni Composites Magnetoelectric Performance, D.A. Pan, S.G. Zhang, A.A. Volinsky, L.J. Qiao, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys., Vol. 41, No. 17, 172003, 2008
Residual Stress in CVD-grown 3C-SiC Films on Si Substrates, A.A. Volinsky, G. Kravchenko, P. Waters, J. Deva Reddy, C. Locke, C. Frewin, S.E. Saddow, Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. Vol. 1069, D3.5, 2008
Concentric Ring Pattern Formation in Heated Chromium-gold Thin Films on Silicon, J.S. Randhawa, A. Bernfeld, M. Keung, A.A. Volinsky, D.H. Gracias, Appl. Phys Lett., Vol. 92, p. 211907, 2008
Elastic Anisotropy Effect on Indentation-induced Thin Film Interfacial Delamination, B. Yang, A.A. Volinsky, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Vol. 75, No. 10 pp. 3121-3130, 2008
Water Effects on Adhesion and Wear Resistance of Chromium Oxide Coatings, X. Pang, A.A. Volinsky, K. Gao, NACE International Corrosion 2008 Conference Proceedings, Paper 08490, March 16-20, New Orleans, LA, 2008
Annealing Effects on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Chromium Oxide Coatings, X. Pang, F. Luo, H. Yang, Y. Wang, K. Gao, A.A. Volinsky, Thin Solid Films, Vol. 516, pp. 4685-4689, 2008
Giant Magnetoelectric Effect in Ni-PZT Composite Cylindrical Structure, D.A. Pan, Y. Bai, A.A. Volinsky, W.Y. Chu, L.J. Qiao, Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol. 92(5), p. 052904, 2008
Mechanical Properties of Evaporated Gold Films. Hard Substrate Effect Correction, K. Du, X. Pang, C. Chen, A.A. Volinsky, Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. Vol. 1086E, U8.41, 2008
Moisture Effects on Gold Nanowear, M. Pendergast, A.A. Volinsky, X. Pang, R. Shields, Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. Vol. 1085E, T5.10, 2008
Adhesion and Friction of Chromium Oxide Coatings in Air and in Water, X. Pang, A.A. Volinsky, K. Gao, NACE International Corrosion 2008 Conference Proceedings, Paper 01555, March 16-20, New Orleans, LA, 2008
Tip-induced Calcite Single Crystal Nanowear, R. Gunda, A.A. Volinsky, Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. Vol. 1049, AA5.15, 2008
Pattern Formation During Nanowear of Gold Films, M.E. Pendergast, X. Pang, A.A. Volinsky, Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. Vol. 1059E, KK10.3, 2008
Mechanical Properties of Single and Polycrystalline SiC Thin Films, J. Deva Reddy, A.A. Volinsky, C. Frewin, C. Locke, S.E. Saddow, Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. Vol. 1049, AA3.6, 2008
Electrowetting Forces in an Electrowetting-Driven Oscillator, N.B. Crane, A.A. Volinsky, V. Ramadoss, M. Nellis, P. Mishra, X. Pang, Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. Vol. 1052, DD8.1, 2008
Compliant MEMS Motion Characterization by Nanoindentation, J.G. Choueifati, C. Lusk, X. Pang, A.A. Volinsky, Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. Vol. 1052, DD6.24, 2008
Thin Films for Microelectronics and Photonics: Physics, Mechanics, Characterization, and Reliability,D.T. Read and A.A. Volinsky, Chapter 4 in Micro- and Opto-Electronic Materials and Structures: Physics, Mechanics, Design, Reliability, Packaging, Volume 1 Materials Physics / Materials Mechanics, edited by Ephraim Suhir, Ephraim, Y.C. Lee, and C.P. Wong, Springer, New York, pp. 135-180, January, 2007
Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Chromium Oxide Coatings, X. Pang, A.A. Volinsky, K. Gao, Journal of Materials Research, Vol. 22, No. 12, pp. 3531- 3537, 2007
Interfacial Microstructure of Chromium Oxide Coatings, X. Pang, K. Gao, H. Yang, L. Qiao, Y. Wang, A.A. Volinsky, Advanced Engineering Materials, Vol. 9, No. 7, pp. 594-599, 2007
Nanoripples Formation in Single Crystals, M.E. Pendergast, R. Gunda, A.A. Volinsky, Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. Vol. 1021E, HH5.9, 2007
Stress and Moisture Effects on Thin Film Buckling Delamination, P. Waters, A.A. Volinsky, Experimental Mechanics, Vol. 47, No. 1, 2006
Mechanical Aspects of Anti-Corrosive Coatings Performance Tests, A.A. Volinsky, NACE International Corrosion 2006 Conference Proceedings, Paper 06041, March 12-16, San Diego, CA, 2005
Adhesion Test for Environmentally Assisted Fracture in Thin Films, A.A. Volinsky and P. Waters, Tri-Service Conference on Corrosion, November 14-18, 2005, Orlando, FL Proceedings Paper 06T104, 2005
Application of the Standard Porosimetry Method for Nanomaterials, Y.M. Volfkovich, A.V. Sakars and A.A. Volinsky, International Journal of Nanotechnology, Vol. 2, No. 3, pp. 292-302, 2005
Moisture Effects on Copper Thin Film Adhesion, P.J. Waters, A.A. Volinsky, Proceedings of IMECE: ASME 2005 Nov. 5-11, 2005
Stress-Induced Periodic Fracture Patterns in Thin Films, A.A. Volinsky, N.R. Moody, D.C. Meyer, 11th International Congress on Fracture Proceedings, Turin, Italy, 2005
Micro-fluidics Applications of Telephone Cord Delamination Blisters, A.A. Volinsky, P. Waters, G. Wright, Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. Vol. 855E, W3.16, 2004
Sub-Critical Telephone Cord Delamination Propagation, A.A. Volinsky, P. Waters, J.D. Kiely, E. Johns, Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. Vol. 854E, U9.5, 2004
Irradiated Single Crystals for High Temperature Measurements in Space Applications, A.A. Volinsky, V. Timoshenko, V. Nikolaenko, V. Morozov, Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. Vol. 851, NN1.4, 2004
Foreword: Microelectronic Engineering Special Issue: Characterization and Mechanical Reliability of Advanced Electronic Materials at Nanoscale, A.A. Volinsky, H. Johnson, S. Ganti, P. Sharma, Microelectronic Engineering, Vol. 75, pp. 1-2, 2004
FIB Failure Analysis of Memory Arrays, A.A. Volinsky, L. Rice, W. Qin, N.D. Theodore, Microelectronic Engineering, Vol. 71/1, pp. 3-11, 2004
Gate Oxide Metrology and Silicon Piezooptics, S. Zollner, R. Liu, A.A. Volinsky, B.-Y. Nguyen, C.S. Cook, Thin Solid Films 455-456, pp. 261-265, 2004
Irradiated Cubic Single Crystal SiC as a High Temperature Sensor, A.A. Volinsky, L. Ginzbursky, Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. Vol. 792, R5.3 2003
Fracture Patterns in Thin Films and Multilayers, A.A. Volinsky, D.C. Meyer, T. Leisegang, P. Paufler, Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. Vol. 795, U3.8 2003
Application of FIB/SEM and TEM to Single Bit Failure Analysis in SRAM Arrays, W. Qin, A.A. Volinsky, L. Rice, L. Johnston, N.D. Theodore, Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. Vol. 782, A5.77 2003
Oxide Reduction in Advanced Metal Stacks for Microelectronic Applications, W. Qin, A.A. Volinsky, D. Werho, N. D. Theodore, Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. Vol. 786, E6.33 2003
Optical and Dielectric Properties of Eu- and Y-Polytantalate Thin Films, V. Vasilyev, A. Drehman, H. Dauplaise, L. Bouthillette, M. Roland, A.A. Volinsky, S. Zollner, W. Qin, Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. Vol. 786, E6.33 2003
Tensile Crack Patterns in Mo/Si Multilayers on Si Substrates Under High-temperature Bending, D.C. Meyer, T. Leisegang, A.A. Levin, P. Paufler, A.A. Volinsky, Appl. Phys. A 78, pp. 303-305, 2004
Spontaneous oxide reduction in metal stacks, W. Qin, A.A. Volinsky, N.D. Theodore, Thin Solid Films 473, pp. 236-240, 2005
Nanoindentation of Au and Pt/Cu Thin Films at Elevated Temperatures, A.A. Volinsky, N.R. Moody, W.W. Gerberich, Journal of Materials Research, Vol. 18, No. 9, pp. 2650-2657, 2004
Mechanical Reliability and Characterization of Modern Microelectronic Interconnect Structures, A.A. Volinsky, Nano-Engineering World Forum Proceedings, Marlborough MA, 2003
Plasticity Effects on Interfacial Fracture of Thin Gold Films, N.R. Moody, D.P. Adams, M. Cordill, D.F. Bahr, A.A. Volinsky, Symposium on Thin Films, ICM-9, 9th International Conference on the Mechanical Behavior of Materials Proceedings, Geneva Switzerland, 2003
Effects of Near-Tip Rotation on Pre-Buckle Crack Growth of Compressed Beams Bonded to a Rigid Substrate, Q.D. Yang, A.A. Volinsky, International Journal of Solids and Structures 41, pp. 2711-2729, 2004
Nanoindentation Methods in Interfacial Fracture Testing, Chapter 13 in Comprehensive Structural Integrity (I. Milne, R.O. Ritchie, B. Karihaloo, Editors-in-Chief), Volume 8: Interfacial and Nanoscale Failure (W.W. Gerberich, W. Yang, editors), A.A. Volinsky, D.F. Bahr, M.D. Kriese, N.R. Moody, W.W. Gerberich, Elsevier 2003
Characterization Techniques for Evaluating Strained Si CMOS Materials, Q. Xie, R. Liu, X. Wang, M. Canonico, E. Duda, S. Lu, C. Cook, A.A. Volinsky, S. Zollner, S. G. Thomas, T. White, A. Barr, M. Sadaka, B. Nguyen, AIP Conference Proceedings Vol 683(1) pp. 223-227 2003
"Incompressible" Pore Effect on the Mechanical Behavior of Low-K Dielectric Films, A.A. Volinsky, M.B. Palacio, W.W. Gerberich, Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. Vol. 750, Y9.9.1, 2003
Experiments with In-situ Thin Film Phone Cord Delamination Propagation, A.A. Volinsky, Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. Vol. 749, W10.7, 2003
Nanoindentation Techniques for Assessing Mechanical Reliability at Nanoscale, A.A. Volinsky and W.W. Gerberich, Microelectronic Engineering, Vol. 69/2-4, pp. 519-527, 2003
Effects of Diffusion on Interfacial Fracture of Gold-chromium Hybrid Microcircuit Film, N.R. Moody, D.P. Adams, D. Medlin, T. Headley, N. Yang, A.A. Volinsky, International Journal of Fracture, Vol. 119, No. 4, pp. 407-419, 2003
Mechanical Properties and Fracture Toughness of Organo-silicate Glass (OSG) Low-k Dielectric Thin Films for Microelectronic Application, J.B. Vella, I.S. Adhihetty, K. Junker, and A.A. Volinsky, International Journal of Fracture, Vol. 119, No. 4, pp. 487-499, 2003
Length Scales for the Fracture of Nanostructures, W.W. Gerberich, J.M. Jungk, M. Li, A.A Volinsky, J.W. Hoehn, K.Yoder, International Journal of Fracture, Vol. 119, No. 4, pp. 387-405, 2003
Fiducial Mark and CTOA Estimates of Thin Film Adhesion, A.A. Volinsky, N.R. Moody, W.W. Gerberich, International Journal of Fracture, Vol. 119, No. 4, pp. 431-439, 2003
Nanoindentation of Silicate Low-K Dielectric Thin Films, J.B. Vella, A.A. Volinsky, I.S. Adhihetty, W.W. Gerberich, Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. Vol. 716, B12.12, 2002
Residual Stress and Microstructure of Electroplated Cu Film on Different Barrier Layers, A.A. Volinsky, M. Hauschildt, J.B. Vella, N.V. Edwards, R. Gregory, WW. Gerberich, Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. Vol. 695, pp. 27-32, 2002
Fracture Toughness, Adhesion And Mechanical Properties of Low-K Dielectric Thin Films Measured by Nanoindentation, A.A. Volinsky, J.B. Vella, W.W. Gerberich, Thin Solid Films 429/1-2 pp. 201-210, 2002
Fiducial Mark and Nanocrack Zone Formation During Thin Film Delamination, A.A. Volinsky, N.R. Moody, M.L. Kottke, W.W. Gerberich, Philosophical Magazine A, Vol. 82, No. 17/18, pp. 3383-3391, 2002
Fiducial Marks as Measures of Thin Film Crack Arrest Toughness, A.A. Volinsky, M.L. Kottke, N.R. Moody, I.S. Adhihetty, W.W. Gerberich, 10th International Congress on Fracture, Honolulu, HI, 2001
Crack Arrest Toughness Assessment Through Thin Film Fiducial Marks, A.A. Volinsky, M.L. Kottke, N.R. Moody, W.W. Gerberich, Engineering Fracture Mechanics Vol. 69 No. 13, pp. 1511-1515, 2002
Mechanical Properties, Adhesion, and Fracture Toughness of Low-K Dielectric Thin Films for Microelectronic Applications, I.S. Adhihetty, J.B. Vella, A.A. Volinsky, C. Goldberg, W.W. Gerberich, 10th International Congress on Fracture Proceedings (ICF10), Honolulu, HI, 2001
Effects of Diffusion on Interfacial Fracture of Multilayer Hybrid Microcircuit Film, N.R. Moody, D. P. Adams, D. Medlin, A.A. Volinsky, N. Yang, W.W. Gerberich, 10th International Congress on Fracture, Honolulu, HI, 2001
Interfacial Toughness Measurements for Thin Films on Substrates, A.A. Volinsky, N.R. Moody, W.W. Gerberich, Acta Mater. Vol. 50/3, pp. 441-466, 2002
One of the most
cited recent papers in the field of Materials Science determined by
ISI in February 2004
Substrate Effects on Indentation Plastic Zone Development in Thin Soft Films, D.E. Kramer, A.A. Volinsky, N.R. Moody, W.W. Gerberich, Journal of Materials Research, Vol. 16, No. 11, pp. 3150-3157, 2001
Finite Element Analysis of the Precracked Line Scratch Test, A.A. Volinsky, L. Mercado, V. Sarihan, W.W. Gerberich, Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. Vol. 657, pp. EE591-EE596, 2000
Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Electroplated Cu Thin Films, A.A. Volinsky, J. Vella, I.S. Adhihetty, V. Sarihan, L. Mercado, B.H. Yeung, W.W. Gerberich, Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. Vol. 649, Q5.3, 2000
Adhesion Quantification of Post-CMP Copper to Amorphous SiN Passivation by Nanoindentation, J.B. Vella, A.A. Volinsky, I.S. Adhihetty, S.M. Smith Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. Vol. 649, pp. Q6.1.1-Q6.1.6, 2000
The Role of Geometry and Plasticity in Thin, Ductile Film Adhesion, A.A. Volinsky, Ph.D. Thesis, University of Minnesota, 2000
Indentation-induced Debonding of Ductile Films, A.A. Volinsky, W.M. Clift, N.R. Moody, W.W. Gerberich, Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. Vol. 586, p 255-260, 2000
A Brittle to Ductile Transition (BDT) in Adhered Thin Films, W.W. Gerberich, A.A. Volinsky, N.I. Tymiak, N.R. Moody, Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. Vol. 594, p 351-364, 2000
Effects on Interfacial Fracture of Gold-Chromium Films in Hybrid Microcircuits, N.R. Moody, D. Adams, A.A. Volinsky, M. Kriese, W.W. Gerberich, Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. Vol. 586, p 195-206, 2000
Superlayer Residual Stress Effect on the Indentation Adhesion Measurements, A.A. Volinsky, N.R. Moody, W.W. Gerberich, Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. Vol. 594, p 383-388, 2000
The Role of Plasticity in Bi-material Fracture With Ductile Interlayers, N.I. Tymiak, A.A. Volinsky, M.D. Kriese, S.A. Downs and W.W. Gerberich, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A; Vol. 31A; No. 3A; pp 863-872A, 2000
Acoustic Emission Analysis of Fracture Events in Cu Films with W Overlayer, A.A. Volinsky, W.W. Gerberich, Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. Vol. 563, p 275-284, 1999
Macroscopic Modeling of Fine Lines Adhesion Tests, A.A. Volinsky, J.C. Nelson, W.W. Gerberich, Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. Vol. 563, p 297-302, 1999
Environmental Effects on Cu/SiO2 and Cu/Ti/SiO2 Thin Film Adhesion, N.I. Tymiak, M. Li, A.A. Volinsky, Y. Katz, W.W. Gerberich, Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. Vol.563, p 269-274, 1999
Nanoindentation-induced Defect-Interface Interactions: Phenomena, Methods and Limitations, W.W. Gerberich, D. Kramer, N. Tymiak, A.A. Volinsky, D.F. Bahr, and M. Kriese, Acta Mater. 47(15), p. 4115-23, 1999
Quantitative Modeling and Measurement of Copper Thin Film Adhesion, A.A. Volinsky, N.I. Tymiak, M.D. Kriese, W.W. Gerberich, J.W. Hutchinson, Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. Vol. 539, pp. 277-290, 1999