

The BEST program enhances experiential learning for students and enables university-industry collaboration at the undergraduate level. BEST is built around a model of university-industry collaboration.

Industry contributes:

  • Project
  • Project Mentor
  • Funding

The College of Engineering contributes:

  • Product development training
  • Project coordination and support

Intellectual Property:

The BEST program is structured to allow existing and any new intellectual property (IP) to belong to the company. This is defined in an agreement letter signed by the company and USF.

Benefits to participants:

Students, industry, and faculty all benefit for BEST projects.

  • Students get a great learning experience to better prepare them for their first job.
  • Industry gets a project of direct value completed, enhanced recruiting and access to students, and a meaningful way to give back to the University.
  • Faculty build connections with industry and learn more about industry needs.

Transition to internship:

BEST project start in the August (the beginning of the fall semester) and end in May (the end of the spring semester). BEST projects, at the option of the company, may continue as paid internship in the summer.

Possible project timeline:

Fall Semester:
  • Kick-off meeting with company
  • Completion of development plan
  • Completion of project requirements
  • Completion of project design
  • Completion of a prototype
  • Mid-term presentation to company and faculty
Periodic reviews and status meetings

Spring Semester:
  • Completion of test plan
  • Completion of product testing
  • Completion of documentation
  • Final review of deliverables
  • Final delivery, installation, and presentation to company
Periodic reviews and status meetings

Summer Semester:
  • Continuation with paid internship or full-time employment at decision of company (not an integral part of BEST… could be a next step at the choice of a company).