Lab 6 - Assignments for Modeling Activity
 Please submit a word document ( electronically) that will include;

    (1)  For the Matlab Modeling exercise:

a) one example from each team member of the use of the
    exponential model in team member's engineering field of study.

b) the equation for that model with each of its terms defined
    as it relates to the engineering application the model is intended for.

c) the family of curves the model generates when one parameter
    is held constant and you change the other parameter.

    (2)  For the TK Solver Modeling exercise:
a) Estimates for the Mass Transfer, Heat Transfer and
    Minimal Fluidizing Velocity for the material your team
    was assigned to model.
(Always copy your final report to your own disc
    before you transmit copy to your instructor)

main menu Lab 6
Exponential model Lab 6
Fluidized Bed model Lab 6