1) These engineering exponential model application examples.
The terms
in the model will be defined with their correct units. Please do not forget
that complete exponential expression with all its terms must have no
units associated with it. (see objectives below)
2) Two graphics; each having a family of curves; each faily
describing how
the model responds to paramter changes. (See objectives below.)
Exponential Model Project Objectives:
The objective for each team is to:
One family of curves has the numerator model parameter constant as
you adjust the values of the denominator parameter.
The other family of curves has the denomanator model parameter
constant as you adjust the values of the numerator paramter.
Select parameter values so that your two family of curve plots
clearly show what happens as the parameter is changed.
b) determine the model output value
when the exponential term
(sign included)
equals -1, -2, and -3.
c) name each of the terms that
are defined in the model example you have
Include the units assocated with each term.
d) prepare a report that includes
a summary of your exponential model work
as well
as your fluidized dryer model work.