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Kuhn Group News

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December 2013 - Nathan Roberts joins the group as an UG researcher.

December 2013 - Congratulations to Erum for earning her MS degree.

November 2013 - Yolanda wins the 2013 Future Leader of SHPE award.

November 2013 - Ryan, Jon, and Cheryl present research at the 2013 AICHE meeting in San Fransico. Ryan wins a poster presentation award.

October 2013 - Cheryl and Ummuhan present at the National SWE conference in Baltimore. Cheryl is the recipient of an outstanding poster presentation award.

October 2013 - Ryan and Nada present their research the the Florida Energy Summit. Congratulations to Nada for winning a prize for her poster presentation.

September 2013 - A project on improving landfill gas conversion to liquid hydrocarbon fuels is selected for funding by the William W. Hinkley Center for Solid and Hazardous Waste Management. Click here for more details.

September 2013 - Several members present at the 12th Annual Symposium of the Southeastern Catalysis Society in Asheville NC. Congratulations to Yolanda for winning a prize for her poster presentation.

September 2013 - A NSF project (award number 1335817) in collaboration with Venkat Bhethanabotla on carbon dioxide conversion begins.

September 2013 - Bryan Hare joins the group as an UG researcher.

August 2013 - Debtanu Maiti, a doctoral student co-advised by Venkat Bhethanabotla, joins our group.

August 2013 - Congratulations to Selasi for defending his dissertation and graduating. He begins at Exxon this fall.

July 2013 - The group is awarded with a NCIIA E-team grant to continue our efforts on converting landfill gas.

June 2013 - Congratulations to Yolanda for winning a Kokes travel award to attend and present at the 23rd North American Catalysis Society Meeting in Kentucky.

June 2013 -Ummuhan Cimenler, Cheryl McCane, and Ryan Kent present their research at the AICHE CF Meeting. Congratulations to Cheryl and Ryan for winning awards in the undergraduate category.

May 2013 - Jon Pickering and James Rule begin undergraduate research with our group and the Bhethanabotla group.

May 2013 - Yolanda Daza, Erum Qayyum, and Ryan Kent present their research at the Annual Florida ACS Meeting (FAME) in Innisbrook FL.

May 2013 - Congratulations to Selma Hokenek (Ph.D.) and Crystal Bennett (B.S) for graduating with their respective degrees at the spring ceremony.

April 2013 - Congratulations to Cheryl McCane. She won an award for her presentation at the regional AICHE meeting, being selected as a recipient for a AICHE CF scholarship, and being selected as the department's undergraduate researcher of the year.

April 2013 - Cheryl McCane and Ryan Kent present their research at the USF UG Research Colloquium.

March 2013 - Congratulations to Selma Hokenek for successful defending her dissertation.

March 2013 - Congratulations to Yolanda Daza for winning an award at USF's Graduate Research Symposium.

January 2013 - Nada Elsayed, a doctoral student, joins our group.

October 2012 - Sandy and Selma present at the National SWE conference in Chicago. Sandy is the recipient of an outstanding poster presentation award.

October 2012 - Several members of our group present at the COE Research Day event. Ryan Kent wins a travel grant for this poster presenation.

September 2012 - Yolanda Daza, Maria Sanchez and Ryan Kent present their research at the 11th Annual Symposium of the Southeastern Catalysis Society in Asheville, NC.

September 2012 - Selasi Blavo presents his research at the 39th Annual Technology Conference of the National Organization for the Professional Advancement of Black Chemists and Chemical Engineers (NOBCChE) in Washington D.C.

September 2012 - The group is awarded with a Florida Space Consortium grant through NASA for hydrogen obtention from Florida biomass.

August 2012 - Ummuhan Cimenler, a doctoral student, joins our group.

August 2012 - Congratulations to Sandy Pettit for earning USF's Signature Research Fellowship.

July 2012 - Congratulations to Saluta Banks, Sandy Pettit and Erum Qayyum for achieving second place at the NSF-SEAM REU poster presentation.

May 2012 - Congratulations to Lyndsey Baldyga, Tim Roberge, and Devin Walker for graduating with their M.S. degrees at the spring ceremony.

May 2012 - Congratulations to Erum Qayyum for becoming President, Omega Chi Epsilon, Beta Kappa Chapter

April 2012 - Congratulations to Sandy Pettit for being selected as the department's TA of the year by USF's AICHE student chapter.

April 2012 - Congratulations to Sandy Pettit for passing her proposal defense and becoming a PhD candidate.

April 2012 - Congratulations to Erum and Yolanda. They both were recognized for their Outstanding Posters at the The Raymond N. Castle Student Research Conference.

April 2012 - Congratulations to Sandy Pettit for winning the Provost's Award for Outstanding Teaching by a Graduate Assistant

April 2012 - Congratulations to Yolanda Daza for winning an Outstanding Poster Award associated with the recent ResearchOne: Fourth Annual Graduate Student Research Symposium

March 2012 - Erum Qayyum, Sandy Pettit, and Selma Hokenek present their research at the Florida Academy of Sciences Annual Meeting. Sandy won the Outstanding Graduate Student Poster Paper by the Engineering Section. Selma was recognized for honorable mention.

March 2012 - Congratulations to Lyndsey Baldyga and Tim Roberge for successful defending their theses.

February 2012 - Congratulations to Devin Walker for successful defending his thesis.

February 2012 - Congratulations to Amanda Holly (high school student at Sarasota High School) for being named named as the district representation for the INTEL International Science and Engineering Fair. Amanda was mentored by Louis Rufo (2010 grad) in Dr. John Wolan's Applied Surface Science Lab and Sandy Pettit.

November 2011 - Congratulations to Sandy Pettit for winning at the COE Research Day Poster Competition.

November 2011 - Congratulations to Selma Hokenek for passing her proposal defense and becoming a PhD candidate.

October 2011 - Selasi Blavo, Devin Walker, Lyndsey Baldyga, Erum Qayyum, Crystal Bennett, and Michael Mankbadi present research at the 2011 AICHE meeting in Minneapolis. Devin, Crystal, and Erum were recipients of a USF Engineering Alumni travel grant.

September 2011 - Congratulations to Devin Walker and Phil Saraneeyavongse for winning second place at the FESC summit poster session.

September 2011 - Congratulations to Selasi Blavo for winning second place at the poster competition at the 10th Annual Symposium of the Southeastern Catalysis Society in Asheville, NC.

August 2011 - Congratulations to Vanessa Castillo earning her M.S. degree.

August 2011 - Congratulations to Lyndsey Baldyga and Tim Roberge for being honored as a Da Vinci Engineering Award recipient for the 2011-12 academic year.

July 2011 - Congratulations to Selasi Blavo for passing his proposal defense and becoming a PhD candidate.

July 2011 - Vanessa Castillo and Erum Qayyum present their research at the Association of Environmental Engineering and Science Professors (AEESP) Education & Research Conference.

June 2011 - We host Kneath Warrington as part of the NSF SEAM REU program.

June 2011 - Congratulations to Selma Hokenek for winning a Kokes travel award to attend and present at the 22nd North American Catalysis Society Meeting in Detroit.

May 2011 - Yolanda Daza, a doctoral student, joins our group.

May 2011 - Vanessa Castillo and Selma Hokenek present their research at the 87th Annual Florida ACS Meeting (FAME) in Innisbrook FL.

May 2011 - Our group has completed the move to the IDRB.

April 2011 - Curtis Thompson and Maria Sanchez present their research at the 2011 USF Undergraduate Research Symposium.

April 2011 - Selasi Blavo presents his research at the 38th Annual Technology Conference of the National Organization for the Professional Advancement of Black Chemists and Chemical Engineers (NOBCChE) in Houston. He was a recipient of Advancing Science Travel Award.

March 2011 - Maria Sanchez presents her research at the National Conference on Undergraduate Research in Ithaca, NY.

March 2011 - In collaboration with the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, we performed x-ray absorption spectroscopy experiments at Argonne National Laboratory's Advanced Photon Source.

March 2011 - Professor Kuhn and his wife Betsy volunteer as guest waiters at the USF Engineering Alumni Society Bull-arney Fundraiser.

February 2011 - Congratulations to Carolina Lopez for finishing second place at the Florida-Georgia Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (FGLSAMP) 2011 engineering expo in Jacksonville, FL.

February 2011 - Our lab will be open to tour as part of the USF Engineering EXPO on Friday 2/18/2011 and Saturday 2/19/2011.

February 2011 - A colloborative effort between our group, the Wolan group, the Woodcock group, and King Abdulaziz University begins.

January 2011 - Erum Qayyum, a doctoral student, joins our group. Also, Carolina Lopez, working towards her master's thesis as part of the accelerated program, joins the group. Her work is in colloaboration with the Bhethanabotla group. Crystal Bennett, Daniel Levya, and Shelby Krebs join the group as undergraduate researchers.

January 2011 - A project in collaboration with PHMatter LLC is initiated through a NSF SBIR grant.

January 2011 - A foundation account (fund 220045) for the  Heterogeneous Catalysis & Materials Chemistry Laboratory is opened.

November 2010 - Selasi Blavo presents his research at the AICHE meeting in Salt Lake City. He was a recipient of a USF Engineering Alumni travel grant.

November 2010 - Lyndsey Baldyga and Maria Sanchez present posters on their research at the National SWE Conference in Orlando. Both won travel grants to attend the conference.

October 2010 - Mauricio Rojas presented his research at the National Conference in Cincinnati for the Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SPHE). Mauricio won a SPHE travel stipend to attend this conference.

October 2010 - Mauricio Rojas presented his research at the 2010 HENAAC Conference in Orlando. Mauricio finished third place in the technical poster competition for the Undergraduate Science/Math category.

October 2010 - The Kuhn group is well represented at the USF COE Research Day with five posters.

September 2010 - A project, led by Prof. John Wolan's group, is funded by the William W. Hinkley Center for Solid and Hazardous Waste Management.

September 2010 - Selasi Blavo and Curtis Thompson present posters at the 9th Annual Symposium of the Southeastern Catalysis Society (part of the North American Catalysis Society). Curtis was a recipient of an Undergraduate Research Travel Award from the Office of Undergraduate Research at the University of South Florida

September 2010 - A project funded by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory begins.

August 2010 - Maria Sanchez wins first place at the NSF SEAM REU poster competition.

July 2010 - Michael Mankbadi, a doctoral student, joins our group.

June 2010 - Lyndsey Baldyga, working towards her master's thesis as part of the accelerated program, joins the group.

May 2010 - Vanessa Castillo, a doctoral student, joins our group. Tim Roberge, working towards his master's thesis as part of the accelerated program, joins the group. Curtis Thompson and Maria Sanchez are REU participants for the summer.

April 2010 - In collaboration with the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, we performed x-ray absorption spectroscopy experiments at Argonne National Laboratory's Advanced Photon Source.

March 2010 - Our group receives a New Researcher Grant from USF Internal Awards Program.

February 2010 - In collaboration with the Wolan group, a seed project funded by the Florida Energy Systems Consortium begins.

January 2010 - Selasi Blavo, a doctoral student, joins our group. Mauricio Rojas and John Ammerman join the group as undergraduate researchers.

October 2009 - In collaboration with the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, we performed x-ray absorption spectroscopy experiments at Argonne National Laboratory's Advanced Photon Source.

August 2009 - Selma Hokenek, a doctoral student, joins as the first member of the group.

August 2009 - John Kuhn joins USF as an Assistant Professor in the Chemical & Biomedical Engineering Department. He joins following research as part of the Somorjai group at UC, Berkeley and the Ozkan group (HCRG) at Ohio State University.

(older news)

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