EML3035: Programming Concepts for Mechanical Engineers

A one-credit hour course

Lectures & Assignments      Syllabus



Archived lectures

Week 1 January 9, 2012 and January 10, 2012

Lecture Notes


Homework Affidavit Sheet

Apps site (read about saving files)

First few chapters and Chapter 30 - Go to Blackboard>EML3035>Modules.

Multitasking gets a bad rap!


Lecture M files

Assigning Numbers to Variables and Performing Math Operations (Lift Exercise) - Week 1:

[mfile] [mfile: Cell formatted] [Published Version]


Assigning Numbers to Variables and Performing Math Operations (Kinetic Energy Exercise) - Week 1:

[mfile] [mfile: Cell formatted] [Published Version]


Assigning Numbers to Variables and Performing Math Operations (Transformer Exercise) - Week 1:

[mfile] [mfile: Cell formatted] [Published Version]


How to Define Strings and Concatenate them (Strings Exercise) - Week 1:

[mfile] [mfile: Cell formatted] [Published Version]


How to Convert a Number to a String (Strings Exercise) - Week 1:

[mfile] [mfile: Cell formatted] [Published Version]

Sample Homework (not to be submitted for grade)

Homework Assignment Sheet (not to be submitted for grade)


Print out of the published output

Practice Online Quizzes


Reading and Exercise Assignment: Chapters 1-4

Test 1 syllabus: Chapters 1-16, 30. 

Assigned HW for grade: Monthly Payment on a Car Due Mon Jan 23 (Sec 001), Tue Jan 17 (Sec 002)



Week 2 January 23, 2012 and January 17, 2012


Lecture M files

Performing Matrix Operations: Chapter 5: Week 2:

 [mfile] [mfile: Cell formatted] [Published Version]


Matrix Operations Example: Chapter 5: Week 2:

 [mfile] [mfile: Cell formatted] [Published Version]


Plotting Functions: Chapters 6-7: Week 2:

 [mfile] [mfile: Cell formatted] [Published Version]


Using Logarithmic, Trigonometric Functions and Inverse Trigonometric Functions: Chapter 8: Weeks 2:

[mfile] [mfile: Cell formatted] [Published Version]


Using Symbolic Operations using syms Command: Chapter 9: Week 2:

[mfile] [mfile: Cell formatted] [Published Version]   


Using Symbolic Operations using inline Command: Chapter 9: Week 2:

[mfile] [mfile: Cell formatted] [Published Version]   


Solving Nonlinear Equations

[mfile] [mfile: Cell formatted] [Published Version]

Practice Online Quizzes

Chapter 05 - How Do I Use Matrices?

Chapter 06 - How Do I Plot in MATLAB?

Chapter 07 - What Else Can I Do With Plots?

Chapter 08 - How Do I Use Logs and Trig Functions?

Chapter 09 - How Do I Use Symbolic Characters?

Chapter 10 - How Do I Solve a Nonlinear Equation?

Helpful Videos

Using Basic Plot Functions (5:30) 


Reading and Exercise Assignment: Chapters 4-10

Test 1 syllabus: Chapters 1-16, 30. 

Assigned HW for grade Exercises from Chapter 5-9 Due Mon Jan 30 (Sec 001), Tue Jan 24 (Sec 002)     


Note: (Please attach the affidavit below with the homework)

Homework Affidavit Sheet





Week 3 January 30, 2012 and January 24, 2012

Lecture M files

Polynomial Interpolation: Chapter 11: Week 3:

 [mfile] [mfile: Cell formatted] [Published Version]


Spline Interpolation: Chapter 11: Week 3:

 [mfile] [mfile: Cell formatted] [Published Version]


Polynomial Regression: Chapter 12: Week 3:

 [mfile] [mfile: Cell formatted] [Published Version]


Differentiating a Mathematical Expression: Chapter 13: Week 3:

 [mfile] [mfile: Cell formatted] [Published Version]


Integrating a Mathematical Expression: Chapter 14: Week 3:

 [mfile] [mfile: Cell formatted] [Published Version]


Solving an Ordinary Differential Equation: Chapter 15: Week 3:

 [mfile] [mfile: Cell formatted] [Published Version]

Practice Online Quizzes


Week 4 February 6, 2012 and January 31, 2012

Lecture Notes


    Shrink-fit statement (.pdf)


Using the Concepts of Regression, Integration,  and Solving an Nonlinear Equation to Solve a Practical Engineering Problem: Shrink-Fit Solution: Chapter 12 - 15: Week 4:

 [mfile] [mfile: Cell formatted] [Published Version]


Extra Class Notes

    Parachute problem statement (.doc)

    Parachute problem solution (mfile)


No assigned homework for a grade

Study for test one (See syllabus for dates and rules)

      Test 1 syllabus: Chapters 1-16, 30. 

      Develop one-page handwritten (your own handwriting) help guide

      Redo Homework 1, 2 and 3 (not for grade or re-grade)

Week 5 February 13, 2012 and February 7, 2012

Competency test#1


Week 6 February 20, 2012 and February 14, 2012

Lecture Notes

Checking a Number if it is Non-negative or Negative using If-End Statement: Chapter 19: Week 6:

[mfile] [mfile: Cell formatted] [Published Version]


Checking a Number if it is Non-negative or Negative using If-Else-End Statement: Chapter 19: Week 6:

[mfile] [mfile: Cell formatted] [Published Version]


Checking a Number if it is Zero or Negative or Positive using If-End Statement: Chapter 19: Week 6:

[mfile] [mfile: Cell formatted] [Published Version]


Checking a Number if it is an Integer or Decimal Number using If-End Statement: Chapter 19: Week 6:

[mfile] [mfile: Cell formatted] [Published Version]


Checking a Number if it is an Integer or Decimal Number using If-Else-End Statement: Chapter 19: Week 6:

[mfile] [mfile: Cell formatted] [Published Version]


Calculating BMI of Person and Recommending the Target Healthy Weight to the Person: Chapter 19: Example 4: Week 6:

[mfile] [mfile: Cell formatted] [Published Version]



Reading and Exercise Assignment: Chapters 18-20

Chapter 17 is voluntary but will make you a better programmer for the HWs and tests

Test 2 syllabus: Chapters 18-25. 

Assigned Homework for Grade: Federal Tax problem: (due Feb 21 for Tuesday section; due Feb 27 for Monday section)

Week 7 February 27, 2012 and February 21, 2012

Lecture Notes

Chapter 21: Custom function to find the area & perimeter of a triangle [test mfile] [function mfile]

Chapter 21: Custom function to for the BMI calculator [test mfile] [function mfile]

Chapter 22 - Exercise 7: for-end loop to find average and standard deviation [mfile]

Print odd numbers only [mfile]

Loop applications: [mfile (to include Example 3 - Chapter 22 and extras)] 

Practice Online Quizzes

Chapter 21 - How Do I Use Functions?

Chapter 22 - How Do I Use For-End Loops?

Chapter 23 - How Do I Use While-Loops?


Reading and Exercise Assignment: Chapters 21-22

Test 2 syllabus: Chapters 18-25. 

Assigned Homework for Grade: Principal Stresses Function and Testing (due Feb 28 for Tuesday section; due March 5 for Monday section).

Week 8 March 5, 2012 and February 28, 2012

Lecture Notes

Loop structure mfile (for-end and corresponding while-end

Chapter 23 - Example 2 and Extras: mfile (while-end loop)

Continue and break statement structure [mfile]
Continue and break statement applications [mfile]

Finding (approximate) the area under a curve [test mfile] [function]

Loop with break applications: Ch 24 - Exercise 5 and Ch 25 - Exercise 2

Practice Online Quizzes

Chapter 23 - How Do I Use While-Loops?

Chapter 24 - What are the Break and Continue Statements?

Chapter 25 - How Can Loops Work For Me?


Reading and Exercise Assignment: Chapters 22-25

Test 2 syllabus: Chapters 18-25. 

Assigned Homework for Grade: Series Summation (due March 6 for Tuesday section; due March 19 for Monday section)

Study for Test 2 and build your one note sheet (8.5'' x 11'')


Week 9 March 19, 2012 and March 6, 2012

Competency test#2

Test 2 syllabus: Chapters 18-25

Know your conditional statements, writing extrinsic functions, and repetition statements

Sample competency tests


Week 10 March 26, 2012 and March 20, 2012

Lecture Notes

Use of Vector - Chapter 26    

Basic Examples (displaying grades, generating a vector, min and max)

Vector in class exercises (dot product, Young's modulus)

Generating Several Random Lotto

Nested loops - Chapter 27  

Structure mfile with a few examples

Practice Online Quizzes

Chapter 26 - How Do I Use Vectors?

Chapter 27 - How Can I Sort a Vector?


Reading and Exercise Assignment: Chapters 26-27

Test 3 syllabus: Chapters 26-29. 

Assigned homework for grade: Secant method (due March 27 for Tuesday section; due April 2 for Monday section)


Week 11 April 2, 2012 and March 27, 2012

Lecture Notes

Vector Sorting (bubble sort method) - Chapter 27  

       Refresher on Nested loops - adding two equal sized matrices

       Vector element movement techniques (using temp variable)

       Vector sorting techniques (bubble sort method)

Special Matrix Operations - Chapter 28  

       Finding the trace of a matrix

       Is an input matrix an identity matrix?

Practice Online Quizzes

Chapter 27 - How Can I Sort a Vector?

Chapter 28 - What are Some Special Types of Matrices?


Reading and Exercise Assignment: Chapters 27-28

Test 3 syllabus: Chapters 26-29. 

Assigned Homework for Grade: Tridiagonal Matrix: (due April 9 for Monday section; due April 3 for Tuesday section)

Week 12 April 9, 2012 and April 3, 2012

Lecture Notes

Chapter 29 - Reading and writing to an external file

  Reading an external file - Example 1

       input file (txt)

       basic MATLAB program (mfile)     

  Reading an external file - Example 2

       input file (txt)

       for-end loop program (mfile)  

  Reading an external file - Example 3

       input file (txt)

       while-end loop program (mfile)  

  Example of reading an external file - Crushing of a soda can

     Finite element analysis PowerPoint

  Find the value of the maximum Von-Mises stress       

       input file (txt)

       while-end loop program (mfile)

  Find the maximum energy stored in the can with the corresponding time     

       input file (txt)

       while-end loop program (mfile)


Reading and Exercise Assignment: Chapters 29

Test 3 syllabus: Chapters 26-29. 

Assigned Homework for Grade: NONE

Week 14 April 16, 2012 and April 10, 2012



Is a matrix strictly diagonally dominant?  (mfile)

Is a matrix diagonally dominant? (mfile)

Exercise 3 - Find the maximum and minimum elements in a matrix. (mfile)

Exercise 4 - Diagonal and upper triangular operation. (mfile)

Exercise 6 - Find the norm of a matrix. (mfile)


Test 3 syllabus: Chapters 26-29. 

Final Exam: Chapters 1-30 (see online syllabus for format, time and date).

Assigned Homework for Grade: NONE

Week 13 April 17, 2012



Review of over file reading and writing


Test 3 syllabus: Chapters 26-29. 

Final Exam: Chapters 1-30 (see online syllabus for format, time and date).

Assigned Homework for Grade: NONE


Week 15 April 23, 2012  and April 24, 2012

Competency test#3

Test 3 syllabus: Chapters 26-29. 

Week 16 Final Exam Week

Final Exam: Chapters 1-30 (see online syllabus for format, time and date - not same as class time and day).