Fall 2009
- CGN 7915 Directed Research
- CGN 6909 Independent Study
- CGN 6941 Graduate Instruction Methods
Spring 2009
- CGN 7915 Directed Research
- CGN 6909 Independent Study
Fall 2008
- CGN 7915 Directed Research
- CIS 6930 Adv. Data Structures
- EML 6263 Composite Laminated Materials
Summer 2008
- CGN 7915 Directed Research
Spring 2008
- CGN 7915 Directed Research
- CGS 5765 Introduction to Unix and C
- MAT 5932 Advanced Numerical Analysis
Fall 2007
- CGN 6933 Finite Element Method I
- CGN 7915 Directed Research
- CIS 6930 Seminar in Computer Graphics
- MAT 5932 Numerical Analysis
Spring 2007
- CAP 6736 Geometric Modeling
- CGN 6933 Advanced Solid Mechanics
- CGN 7915 Directed Research
- CIS 6930 Seminar in Computer Graphics
- EEL 6935 Biomedical Image processing
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Office location:
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of South Florida
ENC 3209
4202 E. Fowler Ave.,Tampa, FL 33620 USA
phone: (813) 9745822