Welcome to Reconfigurable Devices and Systems (ReDS) Laboratory

ReDS Laboratory focuses on advancing the state of the art in radio-frequency (RF) reconfigurable devices and systems with projects spaning reconfigurable filters, switches, phase shifters, antennas, and antenna arrays. We work on a wide frequency spectrum from sub-GHz to millimeter-wave frequencies and beyond. We investigate novel micro-fabrication techniques and additive manufacturing processes for design flexibility and IC integration of beam steering antenna arrays and reconfigurable RF devices.

ReDS Laboratory is affiliated with the Center for Wireless and Informations Systems (WAMI) at the University of South Florida.

Examples of Current Projects

  • Structural PAA
    Structural Phased Antenna Arrays
    Employ additive manufacturing for PPAs to fully embed control electronics within the 3D structure while taking advantage of customized material layers in number, thickness, and properties.
  • LAS-based Antenna
    Lens Antenna Subarrays (LAS)
    A novel architecture that significantly reduces hardware complexity of traditional mm-wave phased antenna arrrays while exhibiting superior energy efficiency with near-identical spectrum efficiency.
  • Microfluidic mm-wave Switch
    Reconfigurabilty with Microfluidics
    Microfluidics and novel fabrication techniques are employed to achieve reconfigurability in a wide range of RF and mm-wave devices with significantly lower loss and high power handling capability.

Department of Electrical Engineering
University of South Florida
4202 E. Fowler Avenue, Mail-Stop: ENG-030
Tampa, FL 33620, USA