April 2012

Dr Koria's review paper gets accepted in Biodrugs, Congratulations !

December 2011

Dr Koria's paper gets accepted in Nanomedicine, Congratulations !

November 2011

Raul and Yuan present their posters at the COE research day

August 2011

Kebra Tynan and Tamina Johnson join the group. Welcome !!

July 2011

Yuan Yuan Joins the group as a PhD Student. Welcome !

May 2011

Our lab moves to Kopp Engineering Building, ENG 229d

January 2011
  Our nanoparticles in wound healing work gets highlighted by several media sources, like Science Daily, Drug Discovery & Development, Azonano and several other websites.    
December 2010

Dr Koria's paper gets accepted in the Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences. Congratulaions! This paper was also highlighted in the "PNAS in this issue section" Click Here for more details.

November 2010

Raul Iglesias joins the group as a PhD student. Welcome !

August 2010

Dr Koria joins the Department of Chemical & Biomedical Engineering at University of South Florida and establishes the Protein Engineering & Dynamic Living Systems Laboratory.

Department of Chemical & Biomedical Engineering, University of South Florida, 4202 East Fowler Avenue, ENB 118, Tampa, FL 33620
  © 2010 Piyush Koria. All rights reserved.