Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU)

The Dean of College of Engineering at USF has started a new program "COE Research Experience for Undergraduates" (COE-REU) that provides scholarship to qualified undergraduate students interested in participating in research. This allows students to experience first-hand how basic research is done, and to contribute consequentially. Each student is assigned to a specific research project, where he/she works closely with the faculty, post-docs, and graduate students. This REU program of USF has been very successful in recruiting top-quality undergraduate students and in helping them in their decision for graduate school.

Accepted students will receive stipend based on their participation. Women and members of under-represented minorities, and those with disabilities or special needs, are particularly urged to apply. Participating students are expected to write a short report at the end of each semester.

This Program has been funded by the College of Engineering. Select stipends have been also supported by NSF Supplemental REU program and by USF’s Graduate School.

For any question regarding REU program, please contact Prof. Ashok Kumar, REU Coordinator, Mechanical Engineering Department (Tel: 813-974-3942 or "