Neuro Engineering Research Group
Directed by Dr. Robert Frisina at the University of South Florida
Our research team engages in neuroengineering, focusing on the function and disorders of the auditory system. A key research and development area for Neuroengineers that study hearing loss and deafness, is the formulation of treatment strategies for preventing or curing hearing loss and deafness. Multidisciplinary approaches involve understanding which sensory cells of the inner ear – cochlea, and parts of the brain used for hearing are missing or damaged, as well as determining the neurochemical, genetic and protein expression changes that take place in cases of permanent hearing loss. As these areas become better understood, new drugs, gene therapy vectors and stem cell transplantation biotherapeutic strategies will unfold. One microsystems challenge for Neuroengineers interested in contributing to these translational research and development initiatives is the formulation of drug delivery systems to the cochlea.