In the News

U.S. Biomedical Engineering Society
Dr. Frisina named a Fellow in the US Biomedical Engineering Society; 1 of a total of 144 Fellows in this Society

Dr. Robert Frisina: USF Distinguished Professor
Dr. Frisina is an international leader in the sensory neuro-engineering area of multi-disciplinary research on age changes in auditory processing.

Grant for Age-Related Hearing Loss
UK charity Action on Hearing Loss announces a major investment to fund a new project to develop medicines to treat age-related hearing loss and noise-induced hearing loss...

Drug Therapy to Slow Down Progression of Age-related Hearing Loss
Researchers in the University of South Florida’s Global Center for Hearing and Speech Research (GCHSR) have discovered a novel drug therapy to slow down the progression of ARHL.

Fellow in the American Institute for Medical & Biological Engineering
Four University of South Florida professors have been elected to the 2016 College of Fellows of the American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering (AIMBE):

USF named lead site for phase 2 FDA Clinical Trial
Current laboratory bench micro and nano pumps, are much too large for clinical use. So a new generation of implantable and programmable micro pumps is critically needed to test new drugs and novel delivery regimens in vivo.